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close packing of spheres
without directional covalent bonds electronically neutral metal atoms will pack as efficiently as possible in space
hard, non-deformable spheres of identical radii form close packed layers
the second layer will form identically to the first but sitting in the centre of triangles of the first layer
types- hexagonal close packing + cubic close packing (fcc)
hexagonal close packing (HCP)
third layer sits directly over the first layer
spheres occupy 74% of the total volume
“ABA” layer repeat
two parallelograms at heights 1 + 2 with a sphere at ½ height in the centre of the triangle on one side
coordination number = 12
unit cell
the smallest parallel-sided volume element of a crystal structure (Atom arrangement)
cubic close packing (CCP)
also called FCC
third layer sits over holes in first layer
74% of total volume taken up by spheres
“ABC” or “ABCA” layer repeat
coordination number = 12
body centred cubic (BCC)
not a close packed arrangement
spheres occupy 68% of total volume
spheres arranged in layers based on square rows not triangles
second layer sits so a sphere is directly over a gap in the first and pushed the spheres slightly apart
third layer sits directly over first
coordination number = 8
what are the two types of solids?
crystalline solids
amorphous solids
crystalline solids
atoms/ions/molecules are in an orderly array called a lattice
a regular arrangement of atoms
eg. NaCl, diamond, metals. CuSO4.5H2O
amorphous solids
atoms/ions/molecules lie in a random jumble
their structures are similar in character to liquids
eg. charcoal, rubber and glass (amorphous SiO2)
what are the 5 structures of crystalline solids
atomic crystalline solids
molecular crystalline solids
ionic crystalline solids
metallic crystalline solids
network covalent crystalline solids
atomic crystalline solids
individual atoms held together by dispersion forces
noble gasses are the only example - eg. Argon crystallises in CCP structure
physical properties : low mpt + bpt - reflect the very weak forces among atoms
molecular crystalline solids
held together by intermolecular forces (dispersion, dipole-dipole, H-bonds)
lattice points are occupied by individual molecules
eg. methane crystallises in FCC structure w c of molecules centres on each lattice point
ionic crystalline solids
participate in ionic bonding - electrons transferred between atoms to form cations and anions
solid/ordered lattice is held together by electrostatic forces between ions
eg. NaCl, ZnS etc
metallic crystalline solids
metals conduct electricity freely via motion of electrons
consider metals as a sea of electrons surrounding an array of cations held together by electrostatic interactions between electrons and cations
interactions are maximised when cations are close packed
network covalent crystalline solids
atoms joined by strong covalent bonds which extend throughout the solid forming a network
hard, rigid materials
eg. diamond + graphite
examples of metals with an HCP structure
examples of metals with an CCP structure
examples of metals with an BCC structure
delocalised electrons lead to non-directional bonding
what properties result?
delocalised electrons are mobile
what properties result?
electrical conductivity
thermal conductivity
a blend of metals (or a metal and another element) that is prepared by mixing the molten components and then cooling
the elements have ben mixed at an atomic level
a general term for elements mixed at the atomic level is a solid solution
solid solution
elements mixed at the atomic level
up to 40% Zn in copper
Zn increases strength - Zn atoms are larger forming a distortion in FCC structure making it more difficult to deform/less malleable
sterling silver
7.5% Cu in Ag
increases strength
forms a distortion in CCP structure making it more difficult to deform/less malleable
stainless steel
Fe with 13-18% Cr, 8-12% Ni and traces of C
Cr - a sacrificial metal - oxidises preferentially over Fe
Ni - increasing strength by distortion of structure
C - improves strength a lot but in a different way - C is very small so sits w/i spaces in packing arrangement
what are the two types of alloys?
substitutional alloys
atoms of solute metal randomly occupy sites in solvent metal lattice
metal radii must be similar - w/i 15%
solute metal must tolerate the coordination environment of the host lattice
the electropositive characteristics of the two metals must be similar otherwise charge is transferred and the formation of a compound that is no longer metallic is likely
interstitial alloys
some of the holes (interstices) between the metals are occupied by another element
there is 26% of space available even in a close packed structure
crystal structure
a name given to the unit cell and the particular arrangement of atoms within it
structure type
a defined arrangement of atoms for example the NaCl structure type is found in many different AX atoms combinations and all have the same atomic arrangement
a unit cell explanation
smallest imaginary volume element with all opposite sides parallel to each other that by replication and translation can produce the entire 3D array of atoms in a structure
defined by 3D vectors (a, b, c) and the angles (alpha, beta, Y) between them
atom counting rules
corner - 1/8 of atom is contributing to unit cell
edge - ¼ of atom is contributing to unit cell
face - ½ of atom is contributing to unit cell
centre - all of atom is contributing to unit cell
cubic crystal systems
alpha=beta=Y=90 degrees
hexagonal crystal systems
a=b does not equal c
alpha = beta = 90 degrees
Y = 120 degrees
unit cells may have translational symmetry that applies to all atoms within it known as centring - the centring automatically generates new positions linked by the symmetry of the unit cell
centring or a primitive cell (symbol P)
has no centring
points only on corners
centring on a body-centred cell (symbol I)
atoms shifted by ½ in all directions in the cell)
½ , ½ , ½ translation
centring on a face-centred cell (symbol F)
atoms shifted by ½ along a and b AND ½ along a and c AND ½ along b and c
½ , 0, ½ translation