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Catch share system
After determining total fish available for harvest, it divides it up equally.
Maximum sustainable yield
Half the carrying capacity gives us the amount of fish to take in total.
Precautionary Principle
If fishery is struggling, close it off and stop all impact just in case there is a serious problem.
Wetlands Banks
For every acre taken away, create or restore at least as much.
Fisherman, residents, and government working together to care for a fishery.
Tragedy of the commons
Fisheries ultimately are hard to manage as so many different group have access and need without a way to make laws to stop them directly.
Marine stewardship council
Certifies which fish are sustainable with “fish forever” label.
Mitigation banking
Investors restoration projects that projects that people can then buy to enable them to fill in other protected areas.
Comprehensive Everglades restoration Plan
Created many reservoirs and underground water storage areas and canal system.
Wild and Scenic rivers system
Doubled the length of rivers via 2009 law.
Fishery regulation
set low catch limits for fishing
Use nets and devices that allow turtles to escape.
Establishing marine protected areas (sanctuaries)
Economic approaches
Reduce or eliminate the 10billion/year government subsidies for fishing.
Improve pollution control and loation for fish farms.
Nonnative invasions
filter or “clean/kill” ballast water
Consumer information
Label fish in market as sustainable or problematic
boiling salt water in your kitchen
Desalination - local option
large plants removing salt from water
desalination - big scale option
well in backyard, cistern
water supply - local option
dam in a river for reservoir next to treatment facility
water supply - big scale option
rain barrels, roof/cistern
rain catchment - local option
rain catchment - big scale option
Reservoir collecting stormwater for use.
drip irrigation/timers
irrigation - local option
center pivot irrigation
irrigation - big scale option
water purification tablets/life-straw
water treatment - local
water treatment facility
water treatment - big scale option
community cleanup days
stream/river care - local
project for restoration of banks of rivers
stream/river care - big scale
septic tanks, composting/incinerating toilets
sewage - local
wastewater treatment facilities
sewage - big scale
having a driveway with pebbles instead cement, plant vegetation
runoff management - local
storm water drains, zoning for impervious surfaces, buffer zones.
runoff management - big scale
restaurant donating leftover, refrigerator plan, buy smaller ammounts, buy local.
food waste - local
community gardens used daily, genetic engineering.
food waste - big scale
owning a front loading washings machine
appliances - local
subsidizing low flow urinals, two flow toilets, automatic turnoff faucets
appliances - big scale
potted plants on your balcony of 10 story condo
green roof - local
grass covering google headquarters
green roof - big scale
not leaving the water running when brushing your teeth, shorter showers, low flow showerheads
water conservation - local
limiting the number of days home can water law, dry farming, improved irrigation, using waste water for irrigation.
water conservation - big scale