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the ability to learn from experience, solve problems, and use knowledge to adapt to new situations.
General intelligence
the idea that your overall intelligence is a compilation of different specific abilities.
Emotional intelligence
the ability to perceive, understand, manage, and use emotions.
Mental age
a person's mental ability expressed as the age at which an average person reaches the same ability.
Chronological age
real / biological age.
Intelligence quotient (IQ)
test that measures the test taker's score then compares it to the scores of others the same age.
Achievement test
created to test what you have learned (ex: in a certain subject).
Aptitude test
measurement of your abilities and predicts how easily you'd be able to pick up on new tasks.
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS)
the most widely used intelligence test; provides scores for verbal comprehension, perceptual organization, working memory, and processing speed.
tests must be given a test run first. every test taker must receive the same instructions, amnt of time, & similar environments as other test takers.
the test will yield the same resulting scores if given multiple times.
Test-retest reliability
method of giving the test multiple times.
Split-half reliability
when the test is split in half and given to the same group of students to see if results remain the same.
the ability of a test to measure what it is intended to measure.
Predictive validity
when the results of the test accurately predict how the test taker will do on future tests.
Construct validity
test is constructed in a way that yields accurate results.
Down syndrome
having an extra copy of chromosome 21 (intellectual disability)
Stereotype threat
when ur worried and believe that you're being judged based on a negative stereotype rather than ur own effort.
Stereotype lift
when ur competing against someone with a negative stereotype against them, you acc do better bc it gives u confidence that they'll do bad.
Self-fulfilling prophecy
how we rise/fall to the expectations of ourselves and others.
Savant syndrome
when a person has diminished cognitive abilities but is a genius in one specific area.
Crystalized intelligence
knowledge that you have accumulated/gained throughout your life.
Fluid intelligence
allows us to think quickly on the spot and come up with creative answers in a short amnt of time (ex: in a job interview).
refusal to quit when things get hard.
Growth mindset
when you acc believe that you can learn new things even if it takes you longer or requires more effort than others.
Fixed mindset
believing that if ur bad at certain things, ur abilities cannot change and you will never be good at them.
Flynn effect
The rise in average IQ scores that has occurred over the generations of the human race (we are getting more intelligent).