Texas Government Exam 1

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The word politics simply refers to __________. A. the relationship between the people and their government B. how people view their government C. the process of forming relationships based on shared interests D. the actions of politicians

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The word politics simply refers to __________. A. the relationship between the people and their government B. how people view their government C. the process of forming relationships based on shared interests D. the actions of politicians

the process of forming relationships based on shared interests

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In describing the art of government, former U.S. president Calvin Coolidge said that politics is not a product, but a _______. A. production B. process C. service D. sales pitch


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When speaking about government, someone is really speaking about __________. A. economics B. politics C. sociology D. public institutions

public institutions

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What determines which group of people will get to implement their policies and spend taxpayer dollars to carry out their goals? A. power in government B. party membership c. national trends in politics D. judicial precedent

power in government

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Which of the following groups was first to settle Texas? A. French B. Mexicans C. Native Americans D. Spanish

Native Americans

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What drew Anglos to settle Texas? A. reception of the native Hispanic population B.Texas's sandy beaches C. Texas's temperate climate D. plentiful open land

plentiful open land

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From which country did Texas win its independence? A. Great Britain B. Spain C. France D. Mexico


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What did Edmund J. Davis choose over keeping his citizens happy during the Reconstruction era? A. a close relationship with Mexico B. support for slavery C. personal enrichment D. Texas's re-admittance to the United States

Texas's re-admittance to the United States

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How did Texas avoid significant damage from the 2008 economic recession that rocked the U.S. stock market and housing markets in several other states? A. a diverse economy B. comparatively high regulation of its real estate market C. lack of available space D. high taxes

a diverse economy

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Which of the following is something Texas has that draws industry to the state? A. cheap space B. a moderate level of taxes C. a strong unionized workforce D. a strong regulatory environment

cheap space

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Why was the 1901 discovery of massive oil deposits particularly good timing for Texas? A. The automobile and oil- and diesel-powered locomotive had just been invented. B. The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) had disbanded C. Petroleum prices were at an all-time high. D. There was a significant shortage of fossil fuels in the Middle East at that time.

The automobile and oil- and diesel-powered locomotive had just been invented.

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Jess told her friend that during her last trip to Texas, she experienced winds that brought the temperature down almost 40 degrees in 10 minutes. She said that the locals described these events as "Blue Northers." What region of Texas was she most likely visiting? A. piney woods B. coastal plains and Gulf lowlands C. basin and range D. western highlands

western highlands

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Carla Sanchez was traveling from south Texas when rocky plateaus and cliffs of the Balcones Escarpment came into view. What area of Texas is Carla approaching? A. coastal plains and Gulf lowlands B. basin and range C. western highlands D. piney woods

western highlands

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Where in Texas are the Davis Mountains located? A. basin and range B. western highlands C. coastal plains and Gulf lowlands D. piney woods

basin and range

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Where in Texas can one find rice paddies? A. western highlands B. basin and range C. coastal plains and Gulf lowlands D. piney woods

coastal plains and Gulf lowlands

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Younger people who move into Texas are __________ groups that came in the past. A. more diverse than B. more homogenous C. about the same in age as D. older

more diverse than

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Which part of Texas has the highest poverty rates? A. North Texas B. Central Texas C. South Texas D. West Texas

South Texas

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What expected shift in demographics will provide an important tax base for taking care of the growing segment of aging Texans, now living longer due to medical advances? A. a growth in early retirees from the "Rust Belt" B. a population growth of minors age 18 and under C. a population growth of adults age 18 to 64 D. an influx of immigrants from Western Europe

a population growth of adults age 18 to 64

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Which of the following is considered reflective of Texas conservative values? A. concern for the needs of the community B. resistance to change C. support for ethics changes for government officials D. trust in government

resistance to change

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After hearing that the Texas legislature was considering decriminalizing marijuana, Amira told her husband: "That just isn't right. Texans have always prided themselves on being upstanding people and changing our laws to allow drugs doesn't preserve those values." Which political culture is most closely reflected in her statement? A. traditionalistic B. moralistic C. individualistic D. social democratic


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The U.S. Constitution provides for a structure of government that __________. A. is best viewed as allowing the national government to do whatever it wants B. is best viewed as allowing state governments to do whatever they want C. grants state and national governments delineated authority D. does not allow the national and state governments to share in funding programs

grants state and national governments delineated authority

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How did the COVID-19 pandemic highlight some of the inherent inefficiencies of federalism? A. The federal government's complete discretion over mask bans led to public disunity. B. Both federal and state governments failed to adequately prepare for distributing vaccines. C. State governments all agreed to circumvent CDC regulations regarding public events. D. Initial miscommunication caused the federal government to overproduce vaccines.

Both federal and state governments failed to adequately prepare for distributing vaccines.

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After escaping from a Texas state prison, John is found a few miles north in nearby Lawton, Oklahoma. Which section of the U.S. Constitution mandates that Oklahoma return fugitives? A. Article I B. Article II C. Article IV D. Article III

Article IV

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Steven has strong feelings about the need for more governing power to reside at the state level. How can Steven realize this goal? A. sue the governor for capitulating to federal authority B. work to pass a constitutional amendment that grants the states more authority C. run for Congress so he can then pass legislation to change the U.S. Constitution D. advocate for laws at the state level that will void federal laws

work to pass a constitutional amendment that grants the states more authority

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The national government can control the states by __________. A. suspending state elections B. providing or withholding money C. threatening military law if the states do not comply with congressional laws D. forcing the members of a state's congressional delegation to vacate their offices

providing or withholding money

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The struggle between the national and state governments over which has the authority to do something is ultimately decided by the __________. A. president B. attorney general of Texas C. U.S. Congress D. U.S Supreme Court

U.S Supreme Court

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Under the delineated authority that states possess under the federal system, state constitutions tend to contain many legislative provisions, each creating a __________ government. A. somewhat powerful B. highly restrictive C. very powerful D. somewhat restrictive

highly restrictive

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Which of the following best characterizes how frequently the Texas constitution has been amended compared with other states? A. It is one of the least amended constitutions among all U.S. states. B. It is the most amended state constitution in the U.S. C. It is in the top 5 most amended constitutions among the states. D. It is approximately in the middle compared to other states.

It is in the top 5 most amended constitutions among the states.

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Why would it be extremely difficult to legalize casino gambling in Texas? A. It would have to be changed by a constitutional amendment. B. Securing a two-thirds vote in the Texas house would be nearly impossible. C. It would be unlikely to survive the judicial review process in the Texas Supreme Court. D. There is no mechanism for its legalization currently available within government infrastructure.

It would have to be changed by a constitutional amendment.

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Which Texas constitution was amended to include precepts of Jacksonian democracy? A. 1836 constitution B. 1861 constitution C. 1845 constitution D. Coahuila y Tejas

1845 constitution

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Which of the following groups attended the constitutional convention of 1875 looking to establish a cheap and weak government? A. Texas Grange B. Democratic Party leaders C. representatives from other southern states D. radical Republicans

Texas Grange

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What was the most significant change to the powers of the governor from the 1869 constitution to the 1876 constitution? A. The governor was denied the ability to call special sessions of the legislature. B. The governor's powers to appoint a cabinet were dramatically increased under the 1876 Constitution. C. The governor was given the power to appoint judges to the Texas supreme court. D. The governor's powers to appoint a cabinet were taken away.

The governor's powers to appoint a cabinet were taken away.

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The Texas Bill of Rights provides __________ than the U.S. Bill of Rights. A. significantly more rights B. significantly fewer rights C. about the same amount of rights D. just a couple more rights

significantly more rights

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To amend the Texas constitution, the Texas legislature proposes __________. A. an amendment with three-fifths vote, the Texas Supreme Court rules on it, and then the people of Texas must vote for it B. an amendment with a two-thirds vote of both chambers and the people of Texas must vote for it C. a bill with a simple majority and then the governor must sign it D. an amendment with a two-thirds vote and the governor must sign it

an amendment with a two-thirds vote of both chambers and the people of Texas must vote for it

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A 1972 amendment to the Texas Bill of Rights added additional safeguards not provided by its federal counterpart. Which of the following did it ban? A. religious teachings in Texas public schools B. discrimination based on disability C. sex-based discrimination D. laws that restrict rights based on sexual orientation

sex-based discrimination

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As of 2020, approximately how often has the Texas constitution been amended? A. just over 500 times B. more than 750 times C. fewer than 30 times D. between 50 and 75 times

just over 500 times

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The best opportunity for Texas to have adopted a new constitution was in ___________. A. 1972 after the Sharpstown political scandal B. 1963 after the assignations of President Kennedy C. 1946 after World War II D. 1968 with the election of President Nixon

1972 after the Sharpstown political scandal

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Why did alumni from Texas A&M University oppose the major constitutional reforms proposed in 1975? A. There was concern it would allow curricular reforms regarding the teaching of evolution. B. They would have had to share financial resources with a larger number of universities. C. They would have had to reorganize under shared administration with the University of Texas. D. Their conservative base rejected a further separation of church and state.

They would have had to share financial resources with a larger number of universities.

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According to the textbook authors, why is there hesitancy among state leaders to revise the Texas constitution? A. A new constitution would have to be approved by the U.S. Congress. B. It is not really needed, as the state operates at a high level of efficiency. C. Changes to the constitution are too easily made. D. Certain groups now in power could potentially lose that power with a revision.

Certain groups now in power could potentially lose that power with a revision.

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Which statement is the best description of the current Texas constitution? A. The Texas constitution is a concise document similar in length and powers of government established by the U.S. Constitution. B. The Texas constitution is viewed as well constructed. C. The Texas constitution is well tailored to the values of modern Texans. D. The Texas constitution is viewed as not well suited for today's society.

The Texas constitution is viewed as not well suited for today's society.

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Which committee is the only one exempted from the rules governing membership appointments? A. Transportation B. Appropriations C. Ways and Means D. Public Education


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George is 25 years old and wants to become a legislator. Under the Texas constitution, __________. A. George can run for the house based on his age and must have lived in his district for one year B. George can run for either the house or senate based on his age and must have lived in the districts for these positions for 1 year C. George can run for the house based on his age and must have lived in his district for five years D. George can run for the senate based on his age and must have lived in his district for five years

George can run for the house based on his age and must have lived in his district for one year

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If a governor does not sign or veto a bill within 10 days of receiving it, the bill __________. A. dies B. will die if the bill was received within the last 10 days of the session and if it is not signed during the 20 days after the end of the session C. will become law if the 10 days fall within the session or will become law after an additional 20 days if the bill was received by the governor within the last 10 days of the session D. goes back to the committee of the chamber that sponsored the bill after an additional 20 days

will become law if the 10 days fall within the session or will become law after an additional 20 days if the bill was received by the governor within the last 10 days of the session

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The Legislative Budget Board is co-chaired by the lieutenant governor and __________. A. the president pro tempore of the senate B. a person established by members of the senate C. the speaker of the house D. the governor

the speaker of the house

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Why is the committee system a key logistical piece of the legislative process? A. It provides a system to navigate the thousands of proposed bills each legislative session. B. It allows the governor's office an opportunity to have representatives in each policy domain. C. Committees can create special legislative sessions when the calendar becomes too congested. D. It allows smaller laws to be passed and sent to the governor without needing the entire body.

It provides a system to navigate the thousands of proposed bills each legislative session.

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Assume that the legislature is not going to have enough time to pass an important bill before the end of a session. Which of the following is one way of ensuring that a bill does get passed? A. The two chambers pass a resolution to extend the session. B. The presiding officers of the house and senate order a special session to pass the bill. C. The committees that oversee the bill in both chambers pass the bill over the summer break and send the bill to the governor to be signed. D. The governor calls the legislature into special session with instructions to pass the bill.

The governor calls the legislature into special session with instructions to pass the bill.

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The __________ is/are responsible for working out the differences in a bill. A. interim committee B. speaker, lieutenant governor, and governor C. conference committee D. speaker and lieutenant governor

conference committee

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How would the state of Texas ratify a proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution? A. The governor would call a special session to deal with it. B. The Texas legislature would pass a concurrent resolution. C. The Texas legislature would pass a concurrent resolution and send it to the governor for his or her signature. D. The Texas legislature would pass a joint resolution.

The Texas legislature would pass a joint resolution.

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If the governor of Texas decides to run for the United States presidency, who fills the vacated seat? A. the comptroller of public accounts B. no one; a special election is called C. the speaker of the house D. the lieutenant governor

the lieutenant governor

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The lieutenant governor's salary is __________. A. the same as that of a member of the legislature B. dependent on how many days he or she attends the legislative session C. more than that of the speaker of the house D. set at the beginning of the legislative session

the same as that of a member of the legislature

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After a Census, Republicans are the majority party of both houses of the Texas legislature. To ensure that they keep their majority status after the next election cycle, they should __________. A. make sure to weaken the voting power of Hispanics and African Americans, as those groups tend to vote Democrat B. first, do partisan gerrymandering to give their party an advantage in all districts, and, second, protect their incumbents C. create as many noncontiguous partisan districts as possible to increase the voting strength of Republican voters D. gerrymander district lines without consideration of race or political advantage, which is the legal standard they must follow

first, do partisan gerrymandering to give their party an advantage in all districts, and, second, protect their incumbents

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How many times may the governor call a special session? A. 3 times per term B. 5 times per term C. 7 times per term D. as often as necessary

as often as necessary

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Which statement best describes the salary of a Texas legislator? A. Legislators earn a salary of $6,000 per year. B. Legislators earn a salary of $72,000 per year. C. Legislators earn a salary of $7,200 per year. D. Legislators earn a salary of $42,500 per year.

Legislators earn a salary of $7,200 per year.

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The role of a __________ is to revise the differences between house and senate versions of a bill. A. standing committee B. conference committee C. interim committee D. special committee

conference committee

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How is the speaker of the house chosen? A. The governor consults party leaders throughout the state and nominates a speaker with senate approval. B. The speaker is chosen in same way as the lieutenant governor is, through a statewide vote. C. The house and senate pass a concurrent resolution that determines the speaker. D. The members of the house choose the speaker.

The members of the house choose the speaker.

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Which statement best explains why so few bills are passed during a legislative session? A. The legislature meets on a biannual basis, and this works to reduce motivation to pass bills. B. The governor tends to veto almost 80 percent of the bills that the legislature passes. C. Senate and house members serve terms of the same length-4 years-and this reduces motivation to pass bills. D. The legislative sessions are limited in time.

The legislative sessions are limited in time.

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Which statement best describes who can serve as a member of the legislature? A. Most people that serve in the legislature rely on the legislative salary. B. Many members of the legislature are well off and don't need the legislative salary or work for a business that will continue to pay their salary while they are away on state business. C. A "common person" can serve in the legislature because the per diem is so high during legislative sessions that it amounts to a high annual income. D. The legislature is considered a great place for a career because the salary is so high.

Many members of the legislature are well off and don't need the legislative salary or work for a business that will continue to pay their salary while they are away on state business.

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How are members of house committees determined? A. The speaker has the power to appoint all members of committees. B. The majority party determines membership of committees. C. Membership on committees is determined by seniority and the speaker. D. All members of committees are determined by seniority.

Membership on committees is determined by seniority and the speaker.

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To kill a controversial bill that liberalizes gun regulations, several Democratic legislators line up to speak against a bill, one after the other, determined to delay by using their entire lot of time. What is this process called? A. train delays B. tagging C. chubbing D. pigeonholing


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As of 2019, which of the following statements best characterizes committee chairs in the Texas Legislature? A. Democrats have a strong presence in house chair positions but less so in the senate. B. Contrary to their relative strength, Democrats hold most committee chairs in both houses. C. There are no Democratic chairs in the house but many Democratic committee chairs in the senate. D. Democrats do not hold a committee chair position in either house.

Democrats have a strong presence in house chair positions but less so in the senate.

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Which statement best describes the salary of the governor? A. The Texas governor's salary is a little below the national average. B. The Texas governor is one of the highest paid governors in the nation. C. The governor's salary is the same as that of the lieutenant governor. D. The Texas governor's salary is a little above the national average.

The Texas governor is one of the highest paid governors in the nation.

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The powers of the Texas governor are __________. A. weak compared to the powers of other state governors B. about the same as those of most state governors C. extensive compared to the powers of a third of other state governors D. about the same as those of 80 percent of all state governors

weak compared to the powers of other state governors

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The primary role of the executive branch of Texas government is to __________. A. say what the law is B. make laws C. carry out laws D. interpret the law

carry out laws

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The power of the governor to institute martial law in response to insurrection or natural disaster is based on the governor's constitutional __________ power. A. message B. law enforcement C. military D. legislative


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During economic hard times, governors have found it necessary to transfer or withhold funds from an agency. Whose approval must a governor obtain before this can happen? A. the speaker of the house B. the Legislative Budget Board C. the lieutenant governor D. both the lieutenant governor and the speaker of the house

the Legislative Budget Board

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Why have Texas governors rarely invoked their clemency power in death penalty cases? A. It only provides a week-long reprieve to confirm paperwork signatures. B. Capital punishment cases receive little media attention. C. Texas has very few death penalty cases compared to other states. D. Politicians running for re-election in Texas cannot afford to appear soft on crime.

Politicians running for re-election in Texas cannot afford to appear soft on crime.

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When did the Republican Party take control of both Texas's governorship and its legislature for the first time since Reconstruction? A. 1978 B. 2010 C. 1994 D. 2002


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Which governor was the first to establish an online presence? A. Ann Richards B. Greg Abbott C. Rick Perry D. George W. Bush

Rick Perry

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The framers of the Texas constitution envisioned that the governor would__________. A. work closely with legislative leaders B. be involved in the day-to-day operations of the office C. not be involved in the day-to-day operations of the office D. grow the power of the office over time

not be involved in the day-to-day operations of the office

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Which of the following reflects the informal power of the governor? A. appointing someone to a commission B. calling the legislature into special session C. vetoing a bill D. building on the perception of the governor as the state leader

building on the perception of the governor as the state leader

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Executive power is the power to __________. A. say what the laws are B. make state laws C. interpret the state's laws D. carry out the laws of the state

carry out the laws of the state

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In Texas, __________ top executive officials are elected independently of the governor. A. 5 B. 10 C. 31 D. 15


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Most candidates for attorney general run for office promising to be tough on crime. Why does that misrepresent the true nature of the office? A. All criminal prosecution is handled at the federal or county levels. B. The office has historically been soft on crime. C. The Texas public has no interest in criminal prosecution. D. The state's chief litigant has little to do with criminal prosecutions.

The state's chief litigant has little to do with criminal prosecutions.

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The Consumer Protection Division is housed in the __________. A. secretary of state's office B. attorney general's office C. General Land Office D. office of the comptroller of public accounts

attorney general's office

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The budget cycle for Texas covers a _________-year cycle. A. one B. four C. two D. five


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Which of the following elected executives is responsible for the Permanent School Fund in Texas? A. commissioner of the General Land Office B. comptroller of public accounts C. attorney general D. secretary of state

commissioner of the General Land Office

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After the 2021 power crisis, the Texas National Guard was deployed to perform welfare checks and assist citizens to get to heating centers. Who oversees their duties? A. the adjutant general B. the attorney general C. the Department of Homeland Security D. the Texas governor

the adjutant general

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Most functions of Texas government are overseen by __________. A. elected executives B. the governor C. boards and commissions D. the Texas legislature

boards and commissions

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The __________ oversees all higher education in the state. A. Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board B. Legislative Budget Board C. Texas A&M Board of Regents D. University of Texas Board of Regents

Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board

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How does the legislature ensure that an agency is still needed? A. The legislature waits for the governor to send a request to eliminate an agency. B. The legislature waits for the agency heads to request the elimination of their agency. C. The legislature does an analysis of the cost of keeping an agency open versus the benefits to society. D. The Sunset Advisory Commission, whose members are appointed by the lieutenant governor and the speaker of the house, conducts a research and review process on that agency.

The Sunset Advisory Commission, whose members are appointed by the lieutenant governor and the speaker of the house, conducts a research and review process on that agency.

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How was the Texas court system established? A. by the U.S. Constitution B. by constitutional amendment in 1891 C. by the 1876 Texas constitution D. by the 1869 Texas constitution

by constitutional amendment in 1891

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Which statement best describes the authority of courts in Texas? A. All Texas courts can hear all levels of criminal cases. B. A court's authority to hear a case is its jurisdiction. C. All Texas courts can hear all levels of civil cases. D. All Texas courts can hear either criminal or civil cases.

A court's authority to hear a case is its jurisdiction.

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Gregg claims to have been wronged and is bringing a lawsuit. He will be the __________ in that suit. A. adjunct B. defendant C. plaintiff D. prosecutor


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If you are being sued for causing an injury, you are considered the __________ in the lawsuit. A. plaintiff B. defendant C. adjunct D. prosecutor


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Frank is being sued for an injury he caused in an auto crash. What is the injured party's burden of proof in this suit? A. beyond a reasonable doubt B. capital C. prohibitive D. a preponderance of evidence

a preponderance of evidence

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The legal standard of guilt, beyond a reasonable doubt, is used __________. A. in civil cases only B. only in cases in which the remedy is more than $2 million C. in criminal cases only D. in both criminal and civil cases

in criminal cases only

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What types of cases are initiated by a prosecutor? A. civil B. both civil and criminal C. divorce D. criminal


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Andrew was assaulted by a man during a late-night encounter in a bar. He wants the assailant to be criminally prosecuted and to still be able to sue for damages to cover his hospital bills. Is this possible under Texas law? A. Yes, some events can be the cause for both civil and criminal actions. B. No, relevant statute requires either a civil or criminal charge. C. No, only the state of Texas or the individual may pursue legal proceedings. D. Yes, there is a specific clause for assault cases in the Texas criminal code.

Yes, some events can be the cause for both civil and criminal actions.

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What are the two kinds of county courts in Texas? A. constitutional county courts and county courts at law B. district courts and courts of criminal appeals C. misdemeanor courts and felony courts D. primary and secondary jurisdiction courts

constitutional county courts and county courts at law

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Which of the following courts requires judges to be licensed attorneys? A. justice courts B. municipal courts C. constitutional county courts D. county courts at law

county courts at law

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How are most criminal cases resolved in the district courts? A. bench trial B. jury trial and conviction C. remanded D. plea bargaining

plea bargaining

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The Texas court of criminal appeals __________. A. has appellate jurisdiction over criminal cases B. can hear appeals for divorces C. has appellate jurisdiction over civil cases D. has appellate jurisdiction over civil and criminal cases

has appellate jurisdiction over criminal cases

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The Texas supreme court __________. A. has appellate jurisdiction over civil cases B. can hear death penalty appeals C. has appellate jurisdiction over civil and criminal cases D. can try any type of felony case

has appellate jurisdiction over civil cases

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The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals is set to hear a capital murder case in which the death penalty is a possible outcome. It is required to meet en banc, which means _____ justices will be present to hear the case. A. 5 B. 3 C. 9 D. 7


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The Tenth Court of Appeals decides that the case they are reviewing excluded admissible evidence, a major error in conducting the trial, but they do not want to render their own verdict. Which action are they most likely to take? A. uphold the decision B. reverse the decision C. abstain from any decision D. remand the decision

remand the decision

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__________ is the philosophy that the courts are to be engaged in public policymaking. A. Judicial activism B. Precedent C. Judicial restraint D. Original intent

Judicial activism

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Which statement best describes how judges in Texas are chosen? A. Trial court judges are appointed, and appellate level judges are elected. B. Although municipal court judges can be appointed, all other judges are elected. C. Texas supreme court justices are elected in nonpartisan races and all other judges are appointed. D. Trial court judges are elected, and appellate level judges are appointed.

Although municipal court judges can be appointed, all other judges are elected.

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Why did Texas originally decide on a system to elect rather than appoint most of its judges? A. basic distrust of government B. a desire to pattern itself after the United States C. laissez faire politics D. a requirement by the U.S. Supreme Court

basic distrust of government

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Which of the following reforms was passed in Texas and placed in the 2020 elections? A. Judges will be appointed by the appropriate legislative bodies. B. Judges are to be elected in nonpartisan races. C. Straight-ticket voting was eliminated so voters will be forced to choose candidates over party affiliations. D. Judges are to be appointed by the governor and approved by a two-thirds vote of the senate.

Straight-ticket voting was eliminated so voters will be forced to choose candidates over party affiliations.

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Chris suggests reforming the judicial system by providing a list of qualified judges to the governor, who selects individuals from the list to serve 4-year terms. Which reform measure, used in several states, does this method pattern itself after? A. the New Hampshire Plan B. the Rio Grande Valley method C. the Patrick Compromise D. the Missouri Plan

the Missouri Plan

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