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Economic theory emphasizing trade and accumulation of wealth.
Agricultural Advances
Improvements in farming techniques boosting food production.
Steam Power
Key development driving industrial machinery and transport.
Napoleonic Wars
Conflicts reshaping European political boundaries and power.
Economic Self-Sufficiency
Goal inspired by revolutionary ideas in Latin America.
Trade Networks
Established by missionaries to connect Europe and Asia.
Mediterranean Basin
Region surrounding the Mediterranean Sea, significant for trade.
Philosophical Inquiry
Critical examination of fundamental questions and beliefs.
Columbian Exchange
Transfer of goods and diseases between Americas and Europe.
Slave Trade
Commercial trade of enslaved Africans to the Americas.
Cultural Diffusion
Spread of cultural beliefs and social activities.
Johannes Kepler
Scientist known for laws of planetary motion.
Isaac Newton
Formulated laws of motion and universal gravitation.
Scientific Method
Systematic observation, measurement, and experiment.
Mansa Musa
Mali emperor known for pilgrimage to Mecca.
Industrial Revolution
Period of major industrialization in the 18th-19th centuries.
Political doctrine of absolute power in monarchy.
Demographic Impact
Effects of population changes due to external factors.
Religious Warfare
Conflicts driven by religious differences, notably between Protestants and Catholics.
Economic Rights
Rights related to economic activities and property ownership.
Haitian Revolution
Successful slave revolt leading to Haiti's independence.
French Revolution
Revolution against monarchy leading to establishment of republic.
Trans-Sahara Trade
Trade routes across the Sahara connecting Africa to Europe.
Factory System
Method of manufacturing using machinery and labor.
Pilgrimage to Mecca
Religious journey to Islam's holiest city.
Louis XVI
French king during the French Revolution.
Natural Reproduction
Population growth through natural birth rates.
Economic Flexibility
Ability of an economy to adapt to changes.
The Enlightenment
Intellectual movement emphasizing reason and individualism.
Religious movement leading to Protestantism's rise.
Scientific Revolution
Period of advancements in scientific thought and method.
Colombian Exchange
Transfer of goods, ideas, and diseases between continents.
Worker Satisfaction
Diminished due to repetitive and dangerous jobs.
Social Class Differences
Industrial Revolution did not reduce these disparities.
Labor Force
Women and children were preferred for their size.
Charles Dickens
Author highlighting industrial conditions in literature.
Great Britain
Origin of the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century.
The Great Fear
Period of panic during the French Revolution.
Tennis Court Oath
Pledge by Third Estate to draft a constitution.
Invisible Hand
Adam Smith's concept of self-regulating economic forces.
Catholic Reformation
Movement to reform the Catholic Church and counter Protestantism.
Silk Road
Ancient trade route connecting Europe and Asia.
Urban Areas
Developed due to industrialization and population growth.
Political Equality
Concept promoted by the French Revolution's ideals.
American Revolution
Colonial revolt influenced by Enlightenment and French ideas.
Congress of Vienna
Meeting to restore European stability post-Napoleon.
Economic system based on private ownership and free markets.
Social-Democratic Governments
Modern systems balancing capitalism with social welfare.
Movement from rural areas to urban centers during industrialization.
Exploitation of Slaves
Increasing abuse led to the Haitian Revolution's cause.
The act of attacking ships for theft.
Printing Press
Invention that revolutionized the spread of information.
Cultural and commercial center in the Mali Empire.
Toussaint Louverture
Leader of the Haitian Revolution against slavery.
Stamp Act
1765 tax on printed materials in American colonies.
Sugar Act
First revenue-raising measure by Britain in colonies.
Intellectual movement emphasizing reason and individualism.
Age of Discovery
Period of exploration and discovery of new lands.
Political entities characterized by defined territories.
Cultural Center
Place where culture and arts are promoted.
Religious Authorities
Figures or institutions with influence over religious matters.
Divine Right of Kings
Political doctrine asserting monarchs' authority from God.
Rights of Individuals
Fundamental freedoms and protections for individuals.
Place where goods and services are exchanged.
Royal Power
Authority held by monarchs or royal families.
The right of people to govern themselves.
Taxation Without Representation
Imposing taxes on citizens without their consent.
Concept of unity and solidarity among people.
Mayan Civilization
Ancient Mesoamerican culture known for astronomy.
Aztec Civilization
Mesoamerican empire known for its capital Tenochtitlan.
Social Structure
Hierarchical organization within a civilization.
Marco Polo
Explorer whose travels inspired European exploration.
Protestant Reformation
Movement to reform the Catholic Church, initiated by Martin Luther.