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an agglomeration of interconnected large cities that act as one urban region; Tokyo to Osaka
the use of vacant land and property for construction development
de facto segregation
unintentional segregation by race or ethnicity
environmental injustice
people of color are more likely to live in polluted areas or areas with poor drainage that are likely to flood
government fragmentation
urban sprawl causes edge cities and multiple governments in the same MSA
rapidly growing suburb that grows faster than the core city
gravity model
shows the pull of a city based on functions; popxgdp/distance
explains the spatial pattern of settlements relative to their size and functions
Housing Density
low, medium and high explains land-use
laws that determine or prohibit land-use patterns in cities
mixed land-use
blends residential, commercial, retail, and cultural; gold standard of urban planning; reduces carbon footprint with healthier and more productive cities
New Urbanism
European-style cities with mixed land-use and walkability
renewal of older low-income parts of a city; prices out low income residents
mixed land-use development designed around public transit
realtors breaking up ethnically homogeneous neighborhoods
city development that ensures everyone has equatable infrastructure access
growth pole
an industry that attract supporting industires creating economic growth and an agglomeration economy