Med Imaging: Lungs Pt 2

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Definition: thickening of the walls of the bronchi due to inflammation or infection. Can be diffuse or focal

Cause: chronic or severe infection damaging the bronchial cartilage (irreversible)

Common Pathogens: Klebsiella, S Aureus, Mycobacterium TB, Mycoplasma pneumo, nonTB mycobacteria, measles, pertussis, influenza, RSV, HSV, adenovirus

Associated Conditions: cystic fibrosis, allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis

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<p>Bronchiectasis CXR</p>

Bronchiectasis CXR

often normal or shows nonspecific findings. Later signs include tram-tracking and honeycomb infiltrates in the medial aspects of lower lobes

<p>often normal or shows nonspecific findings. Later signs include tram-tracking and honeycomb infiltrates in the medial aspects of lower lobes</p><p></p>
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<p>Bronchiectasis CT Scan</p>

Bronchiectasis CT Scan

preferred method, clearly shows bronchiectasis

<p>preferred method, clearly shows bronchiectasis</p><p></p>
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Blebs and Bullae

Definition: lung tissue w/ air space but no alveoli (non-functioning)

Bleb: < 1 cm in diameter

Bullae: > 1 cm, often much larger

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<p>Blebs and Bullae: CXR</p>

Blebs and Bullae: CXR

difficult to see, may appear as absence of pulmonary markings

<p>difficult to see, may appear as absence of pulmonary markings</p>
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Blebs and Bullae: CT Scan

easily seen

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Definition: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, a clinical dx

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<p>COPD/Emphysema: CXR</p>

COPD/Emphysema: CXR

not indicated unless symptoms exacerbate. Normal in early stages, signs of hyperinflation in advanced stages

Signs: flattening of hemidiaphragms, blunting of costophrenic angles, inc AP diameter, presence of bullae or large air cavities

<p>not indicated unless symptoms exacerbate. Normal in early stages, signs of hyperinflation in advanced stages</p><p><u>Signs</u>: flattening of hemidiaphragms, blunting of costophrenic angles, inc AP diameter, presence of bullae or large air cavities </p>
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Definition: complete or partial collapse of the lung or a lobe

Cause: no air reaching the alveoli due to obstruction, compression, fibrosis, or loss of surface tension

Types: liner (discoid or plate-like) - often seen post-op

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<p>Atelectasis: CXR</p>

Atelectasis: CXR

confirms atelectasis, differentiates from air-space opacification

<p>confirms atelectasis, differentiates from air-space opacification</p>
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Atelectasis: CT Scan

may be needed to determine the cause

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<p>Asthma: CXR</p>

Asthma: CXR

usually not indicated in acute exacerbations. Long-standing may show interstitial patterns due to scarring or mild bronchiectasis

<p>usually not indicated in acute exacerbations. Long-standing may show interstitial patterns due to scarring or mild bronchiectasis</p>
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air in the pleural space causing lung collapse. Seen as an area of no vascularity and a thin white line on CXR

<p>air in the pleural space causing lung collapse. Seen as an area of no vascularity and a thin white line on CXR</p>
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Pleural Effusion

fluid in the pleural space. Causes include CHF, pneumonia, pancreatitis, cirrhosis, malignancy

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<p>Pleural Effusion: CXR</p>

Pleural Effusion: CXR

upright shows costophrenic angle blunting, lateral decubitus shows fluid along the lateral chest wall

<p>upright shows costophrenic angle blunting, lateral decubitus shows fluid along the lateral chest wall</p>
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Pleural Effusion: CT Scan

indicated for suspect loculated effusion or empyema

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Pus in the pleural space. Appears elliptical and can be loculated. Best visualized w/ CT scan

<p>Pus in the pleural space. Appears elliptical and can be loculated. Best visualized w/ CT scan</p>
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<p>Pleural Calcifications &amp; Masses</p>

Pleural Calcifications & Masses

result from old calcified empyema or asbestosis. Mesothelioma may appear as a focal pleural mass

<p>result from old calcified empyema or asbestosis. Mesothelioma may appear as a focal pleural mass</p>
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<p>Diaphragmatic Rupture</p>

Diaphragmatic Rupture

Cause: usually due to trauma, more common on the left side

Imaging: loops of bowel in the lower chest cavity, best seen on CXR

<p><u>Cause</u>: usually due to trauma, more common on the left side</p><p><u>Imaging</u>: loops of bowel in the lower chest cavity, best seen on CXR</p>
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Coughing up blood. CXR indicated if true hemoptysis

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Chest pain or Dyspnea

CXR indicated if exam is abnormal or pt is over 40 or at risk for CVD

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CXR not needed for routine follow-up but may be useful in new onset w/ tobacco use Hx or symptomatic cases

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CXR indicated for Dx and progression. Shows progressive changes from normal to pulmonary edema

<p>CXR indicated for Dx and progression. Shows progressive changes from normal to pulmonary edema</p>
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Mediastinal Lesions

Definition: lesions in the mediastinum, can be focal or diffuse, anterior, middle, posterior

Imaging: CT scan or MRI w/ contrast is always indicated. MRI preferred for neurogenic lesions

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Definition: inflammation of the epiglottis

Causes: infectious (H influenza type B, group A B-hemolytic Strep, TB) or inflammatory (sarcoidosis)

<p><u>Definition</u>: inflammation of the epiglottis</p><p><u>Causes</u>: infectious (H influenza type B, group A B-hemolytic Strep, TB) or inflammatory (sarcoidosis)</p>
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Anterior lesions

Thymoma, thyroid lesions, teratoma, T-cell lymphomas, lymphadenopathy

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Middle lesions

Thoracic aortic aneurysms, hematomas, neoplasms, lymphadenopathy, esophageal lesions, diaphragmatic hernias

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Posterior lesions

Neurogenic lesions, hiatal hernias, descending aortic aneurysm, neoplasms, hematomas

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