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they stay together
When you use both object pronouns, they do what?, and the direct object pronoun usually goes first.
Te lo puedo prestar (Puedo prestártelo)
I can lend it to you
Él me lo presta
He lends it to me
Te lo prestamos
We lend it to you
Se lo presto a mis amigos
I lend it to my friends
a different number or gender
That indirect object se can be combined with direct object pronouns that show what?
the end of the infinitive or the present participle
Sometimes the pronouns can go on where? just like when you're using a single object pronoun. When you add two objects at the end, put a written accent mark above the vowel of the infinite to maintain the original stress.
first followed by the direct object pronoun.
When both an indirect and a direct object pronoun appear in the same sentence, the Indirect object pronoun comes where?
El almuerzo? Te lo sirvo ahora mismo.
lunch? I'll serve it to you (you) right now
El trofeo? No nos lo dieron
The trophy? They didn't give it to us.
Before a conjugated verb and After an infinitive or present participle
The placement of double object pronouns in relation to the verb is the same as for single object pronouns. The pronouns come where? 1
Before the conjugated verb that precedes them, Before a negative command, and After an affirmative command
The placement of double object pronouns in relation to the verb is the same as for single object pronouns. The pronouns come where? 2
El libro? Me lo dio.
The book? He gave it to me.
La carta? Acaban de mandármela. Están mandándomela hoy.
The letter? They just sent it to me. They're sending it to me today.
Las cartas? Me las acaban de mandar. Me las están mandando hoy.
The cards? They have just been sent to me. They are being sent to me today.
La comida? No me la traiga ahora
The food? Don't bring it to me now
Las bebidas? Tráigamelas, por favor
Drinks? Bring them to me, please
always changes to se
When both the indirect and direct object pronouns begin with the letter I, the indirect object pronoun does what?
Se me olividó la tarea
I forgot the homework
Se te olvidaron las llaves
you forgot the keys
Se lo di
I gave it to him
Se la presté a mi hermano
I lent it to my brother
Se nos acabó el azúcar
We ran out of sugar
Se les dijo la verdad
they were told the truth
but rather
La fuera invasora
invading force
Ha llegado a ser
has become
En grande
in a big way
La manzana
(city) block
El escenario
Right on!