Edexcel IGCSE Chemistry
Soluble acid + soluble base → soluble salt + water
fill a pipette with a known volume of acid and transfer to a conical flask
fill burette and record initial volume
add indicator to conical flask
add from burette to conical flask
watch for colour change
record final volume
repeat until you have concordant results
repeat with concordant volume without indicator
evaporate off water
volumetric pipette
conical flask
indicator (methyl orange, phenolphthalein, bromomethyl blue)
soluble acid + soluble base → insoluble salt
mix two solutions in a beaker
place a piece of folded filter paper into a funnel and filter the mixture to separate
liquid into conical flask
precipitate remains in filter paper
wash residual reactant/residue with distilled water
leave to dry in an oven
filter paper
conical flask
drying oven
soluble acid + insoluble base (excess) → soluble
add an excess of base to the acid
warm and wait for the reaction to finish
filter excess from solution
evaporate off the water