What event did Palmerstone use as pretext for the bombing of Canton in 1856?
Chinese seizure of a British-registered cargo ship, The Arrow
What gave rise to the idea of the ‘Anzac spirit’?
1915 Gallipoli Campaign
How many Indians served in WW1?
1.5 million
When was Gandhi’s non-cooperation movement?
Between 1914-1947 which imperial bodies operated newspapers throughout the empire, which were centrally beholden to the British government at Imperial Press Conferences?
Empire Press Union and the Imperial Relations Trust
When was George VI coronated?
What was shown in newsreels in cinemas across the empire in 1937?
George VI’s coronation
When was the Empire Marketing Board set up following the efforts of Leo Amery?
Which position did Leo Amery hold between 1924-1929?
Secretary of State for the Colonies and Dominions
Whose governments represented empire as a ‘national family’ between 1914-1947?
Asquith and Bonar Law
Which imperial policy idea developed in the inter-war years?
During the Second World War, which British Ministry of Information films celebrated the contribution of the colonies to the war?
49th Parallel and West Indies Calling
Which song mocked British imperialism?
Noel Coward’s Man Dogs and English Men 1931
When was the Wembley Exhibition?
How many people visited the Wembley Exhibition 1924?
2.2 million
When was the BBC set up?
Who produced 49th Parallel and West Indies Calling?
The British Ministry of Information
When did Gandhi visit London, visiting cotton mills and giving talks at unis and schools?
What forced China to open its markets to British merchants and legalise the opium trade?
Treaty of Tientsin 1858
What contributed to the significant Whig majority in the 1857 election?
Second Opium War
When was the Government of India Act passed by Palmerstone’s Whig government?
When was Palmerstone the Whig PM?
What was Palmerstone’s attitude to Britain and its empire?
Highly nationalistic
What did Palmerstone accuse Liberal politicians William Gladstone and Richard Cobden of after they attacked him on moral grounds for the bombing of Canton during the Second Opium War?
‘An anti-English feeling’
In the 1850s, what did Britain’s strong position and the previous loss of its American colonies create?
Reluctance for formal expansion
How did Benjamin Disraeli attempt to appeal to the newly enfranchised working class following the Reform Act 1867?
Support for the empire
How many people could vote following the Reform Act 1867?
2.5 million
When was Disraeli’s Crystal Palace speech on the need for the maintenance of the empire, in which he argued it would allow Britain to ‘command the respect of the rest of the world’?
When did Disraeli’s proclaim Queen Victoria the Empress of India?
What did Disraeli criticise Gladstone for?
His ‘do nothing’ foreign policy
What was Disraeli partially motivated by?
‘The Eastern Question’
When did Disraeli negotiate the Congress of Berlin, following Russian victories against the Ottoman Empire, obtaining terms favourable to Britain and unfavourable to Russia?
Who did Disraeli maintain financial and monetary support for? (‘the sick man of Europe’)
The Ottoman Empire
When did Disraeli authorise the purchase of Khedive Isma’il Pasha’s shares in the Suez Canal for £4 million?
What was the rivalry between Britain and Russia over influence in Central Asia known as?
The ‘Great Game’
When was a Russian envoy to Kabul accepted?
Against Disraeli’s wishes, who sent an ultimatum to Afghanistan demanding the Russians be sent away?
Lord Lytton
What was the financial cost of the Second Anglo-Afghan War (1878-1880)?
£20 million
Which British backed Afghan ruler proved difficult to control, and committed atrocities including the Hazara Genocide which were reported on by the British media?
Abdur Rahman Khan
The perceived failures of the Second Anglo-Afghan War (1878-1880) and the Anglo-Zulu War (1879) undermined Disraeli’s popularity, contributing to the Conservative defeat at the polls in which year?
In 1879, who (the governor of Cape Colony) made impossible demands on Cetewayo, the king of the Zulu Kingdom, effectively declaring war?
Sir Bartle Frere
Who opposed the annexation of the Zulu Kingdom, causing Frere to not send word to Westminster detailing what he had done until his ultimatum was about to expire?
The Colonial Office
What did Disraeli write the day after reluctantly backing Frere?
‘The terrible disaster has shaken me to the centre’
How many British casualties were there in the Anglo Zulu War 1879?
Over 1000
When did William Gladstone come out of retirement to criticise Disraeli, specifically on foreign policy?
Gladstone denounced Disraeli’s support for whom, after news of atrocities during their suppression of the Bulgarian April Uprising?
The Ottoman Empire
In 1979, what did Gladstone call the ongoing Anglo Zulu War?
‘A great dishonour’
What did Gladstone publicly oppose?
‘The colonial lobby’
Whose death was Gladstone blamed for, leading to the Conservative victory of 1885?
General Gordon
Who sent Gladstone a telegram of rebuke that found its way into the press, after the death of General Gordon in 1885 in Khartoum?
Queen Victoria
When did Gladstone order the bombardment of Alexandria following the deaths of Europeans during Arabi Pasha’s revolt despite initially supporting ‘Egypt for Egyptians’?
Who rejected the ‘extremes’ of Disraeli on the right and Gladstone on the left?
Lord Salisbury
What policy left Britain in a precarious position in the 1880s in comparison to other powers?
‘Splendid isolation’
What act did Salisbury pass, securing an extra £20 million for the Royal Navy and establishing the ‘two power standard’?
Naval Defence Act 1889
What treaty with Germany did Salisbury facilitate, giving Germany East Africa in return for German recognition of British authority in Zanzibar?
Heligoland-Zanzibar 1890
When did Salisbury deliver an ultimatum to Portugal, under pressure from Rhodes and several missionary associations, demanding the withdrawal of Portuguese forces from British claimed territory along the Zambezi?
Following Kruger’s ultimatum, Salisbury agreed to lead Britain into which war out of a sense of duty and to preserve the Empire’s prestige
Second Anglo Boer War 1899-1902
What did Salisbury tell Victoria, following British entry into the Boer War?
‘We have no army capable of meeting even a second-class Continental Power'
What was Salisbury publicly critical of?
When was the Anthropological Society of London founded to provide pseudo-scientific ‘evidence’ for white supremacy?
Who coined the term ‘survival of the fittest’ to develop the notion of a hierarchy of races in 1864? (Darwin’s cousin)
Herbert Spencer
In the 1850s and 60s, who came to have mystic status as a Protestant missionary martyr, a working class ‘rags to riches’ inspiration, a scientific investigator and explorer and an advocate of British expansion into Africa?
David Livingstone
In the 1850s and 60s scandalous stories of which explorer and Orientalist fired up the public imagination of empire?
Richard Burton
In the 1850s and 60s, which explorer and physicist sent back specimens to British museums?
John Kirk
When was the International Exhibition?
When was an entire Nubian village put ‘on display’ at Alexandria Palace?
What popular song celebrated imperial conquest?
‘War song’ 1877
What did Edward Elgar wish to capture with his music?
‘The nobility of empire’
Who wrote ‘Imperial March’ 1897 for Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee?
Edward Elgar
What did Edward Elgar compose for the 1911 Delhi Durbar?
‘The crown of India’
When did Howard Handley Spicer set up a Boys’ Empire League?
When did children's book author May Frances Ames’ publish ‘An ABC for Baby Patriots' which included racist illustrations of tiger hunts in India, ‘naughty’ Africans in chains, and patriotic displays of military power to excite the next generation of imperialists?
When did a United Kingdom Tea Company advert depicted Britannia pouring herself a cup of tea in an exotic location, with racial caricatures of Chinese and Indian men carrying boxes of tea to her?
What allowed literacy to develop amongst the working class?
Educations Acts of 1880-1893
When was the Daily Mail established by Sir Alfred Harmsworth?
When was the Daily Mirror established by Sir Alfred Harmsworth?
Who purchased the Observer in 1905 and The Times and The Sunday Times in 1908?
Sir Alfred Harmsworth
Who did Sir Alfred Harmsworth wish to reach?
Both ‘the classes and the masses’
How many copies did the Daily Mail sell a day?
1 million
What did the Pall Mall Gazette describe following Arabi Pasha’s revolt in 1882?
The ‘Moslem mob’
Which book describes the story of a lost, white African civilisation surrounded by ‘barbarity’?
She by H. Rider Harrard 1887
What Rudyard Kipling poem encourages the reader to take up the enterprise of empire?
The White Man’s Burden 1899
When did Joseph Chamberlain become Colonial Secretary?
Whose writings inspired Chamberlain?
JR Seeley
What did Chamberlain say about the empire?
‘The British race is the greatest of the governing races that the world has ever seen’
Chamberlain supported the construction of the controversial Uganda Railway from 1896 as a part of Britain’s what?
‘Manifest destiny’
What did the Uganda Railway become known as?
The ‘Lunatic Express’
When was Alfred Milner High Commisioner for southern Africa?
When did a widely reported scandal involving the mistreatment of Chinese labourers damage Milner’s reputation?
Why did Milner work to bring British settlers into southern Africa
To ‘anglicise the area’
Which Liberal politician supported empire as a a means to ‘educate’ and improve the colonies rather than as an (explicit) means of exerting and maintaining British global supremacy?
HH Asquith
Which Liberal politician showed skepticism towards empire?
Henry Campbell-Bannerman
Which opponent of empire was involved in relief programs during the Great Indian Famine of 1876-1878?
Author William Digby
Explicit challenges to imperialism largely came from which group, including the children’s author Walter Crane and the lawyer and historian Frederic Harrison, who did not gain much mainstream support?
What event muted public support for empire?
The Boer War (1899-1902)
Who exposed the British use of concentration camps during the the Boer War (1899-1902), leading to a government inquiry?
Emily Hobhouse
Which liberal economist and critic of empire rose to prominence during the Anglo Boer War 1899-1902?
JA Hobson
In an Imperial War and the Working Class (1976), which historian raises doubts about working class support for empire?
Richard Price
When did Britain abandon the two power standard, settling for a 60% margin over Germany?