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Acetylcholine (ACh)
autonomic movement Enables muscle action, learning, and memory With Alzheimer's disease, ACh-producing neurons deteriorate.
Addiction- Influences movement, learning, attention, and emotion Oversupply linked to schizophrenia. Undersupply linked to tremors and decreased mobility in Parkinson's disease
Serotonin- selective seretonin reuptake inhibitors
SSRIS: Affects mood, hunger, sleep, and arousal Undersupply linked to depression. Some drugs that raise serotonin levels are used to treat depression.
Norepinephrine sympattetic nerous system (SNS
Helps control alertness and arousal PEP Undersupply can depress mood. oversupply = anxiety
GABA (gamma-aminobutync acid)
A major inhibitory neurotransmitter (CALM )Undersupply linked to seizures, tremors. and insomnia.
A major excitatory neurotransmitter; involved in memory Oversupply can overstimulate the brain, producing migraines or seizures.
(pain control), Neurotransmitters that influence the perception of pain or pleasure Oversupply with opioid drugs can suppress the body's natural _______ supply
Substance P
pain signaling, oversupply = chronic pain