History A: War and British Society c.790 to c.2010

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Viking Raids

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Viking Raids

Beginning with the raid on Lindisfarne in 793, Viking incursions into England were characterized by brutality and effectiveness, evolving into more organized and widespread attacks.

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The area of England, particularly in the north and east, that fell under Viking control following the Great Heathen Army's invasion in 865, resulting in a blend of Viking and Anglo-Saxon cultures.

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Alfred the Great's Reign

King of Wessex (871-899) who successfully defended against Viking invasions, established fortified towns (burhs), and reorganized the military, laying the foundation for a unified English kingdom.

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Battle of Hastings

Decisive battle in 1066 where William the Conqueror's Norman invasion defeated King Harold II, marking the end of Anglo-Saxon rule in England.

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Norman Conquest

After the Battle of Hastings, William the Conqueror consolidated power by building castles across England, enforcing Norman rule and introducing a hierarchical feudal system.

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Hundred Years' War

Series of conflicts (1337-1453) between England and France over the French throne, featuring battles like Agincourt (1415) and influencing military tactics and weaponry.

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Wars of the Roses

Dynastic conflict (1455-1487) between the houses of Lancaster and York, culminating in the rise of the Tudor dynasty after the Battle of Bosworth (1485).

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Black Death

Pandemic in 1348-1350 leading to a significant population decrease, labor shortages, and challenges to the feudal system as serfs demanded better conditions.

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Peasant's Revolt

Social uprising in 1381 due to unrest and taxation, challenging the established order but swiftly suppressed.

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English Civil War

Conflict (c.1642-c.1660) between King Charles I and Parliament, resulting in his execution, the Commonwealth under Oliver Cromwell, and a shift in power to Parliament.

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World War I

Global conflict (1914-1918) involving major battles like the Somme and Passchendaele, introducing trench warfare, tanks, and chemical weapons.

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Loss of a Generation

Impact of World War I resulting in the deaths of millions, causing a profound sense of loss and disillusionment across society.

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Role of Women

During World War I, women took on traditional male roles in factories, farms, and as nurses, contributing to the suffrage movement and women gaining the right to vote in 1918.

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Decline of the British Empire

War weakened Britain's global influence, fueling independence movements.

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Treaty of Versailles (1919)

Imposed harsh penalties on Germany, contributing to extremism and WWII.

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Post-war Debt

Massive debts post-war led to economic challenges in the 1920s.

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Great Depression (1929-1939)

Global downturn strained Britain's economy, causing high unemployment.

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Dunkirk (1940)

Significant WWII battle involving the evacuation of Allied troops.

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Battle of Britain (1940)

Crucial WWII air battle between the Royal Air Force and Luftwaffe.

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D-Day (1944)

Allied invasion of Normandy, leading to the liberation of Western Europe.

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The Blitz

German bombing campaigns on British cities during WWII.

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Introduced due to wartime shortages, fostering national unity.

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Post-war Labour Government

Led by Clement Attlee, introduced social reforms post-WWII.

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Cold War Onset

Tensions between Soviet Union and Western Allies post-WWII.

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Massive post-war rebuilding efforts, aided by the Marshall Plan.

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End of Empire

Accelerated decolonization process post-WWII, starting with India.

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Berlin Airlift (1948-1949)

Allied effort to supply West Berlin during the Cold War blockade.

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Korean War (1950-1953)

Conflict between North and South Korea, involving global powers.

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Nuclear Fear

Widespread fear of nuclear war during the Cold War era.

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NATO and Alliances

Britain's role as a founding member of NATO against the Soviet Union.

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Defense Spending

Maintaining military capability led to high defense spending.

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Falklands War (1982)

Conflict between Britain and Argentina over the Falkland Islands.

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Gulf War (1990-1991)

US-led coalition liberation of Kuwait, showcasing British military role.

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Iraq War (2003)

Controversial invasion impacting British foreign policy and Middle East relations.

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Thatcher's Policies

Economic reforms and strong stance post-Falklands War.

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Post-Cold War Realignment

Adaptation of British foreign policy to new global order post-Cold War.

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