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Dynamic low
Strongly ascending air causing low pressure due to motion
Instrument measuring pressure; fluid rises in high pressure and less in low pressure
Lines of equal pressure on a map
Pressure gradient force
Wind blows from high to low pressure across isobars
Coriolis force
Force from Earth's rotation deflecting winds right in the northern hemisphere and left in the southern hemisphere
Geostrophic winds
Airflow parallel to isobars due to pressure gradient and Coriolis forces
Slows wind near the surface; decreases with height
High pressure systems with descending air (good weather)
Low pressure systems with ascending air (clouds and bad weather)
Intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ)
Warm air rising in the tropics creating a convergence zone
Subtropical high (STH) Pressure System
Band of high air pressure at 25-30 N and S latitude with calm winds and clear skies
Major wind system in midlatitudes deflected by Coriolis
Jet stream
High-speed air river in the upper atmosphere
Polar easterlies
Winds flowing away from polar highs turning due to Coriolis
Seasonal wind reversal phenomenon
Katabatic winds
Extreme mountain breeze
Thermohaline Circulation
Slow-moving ocean current driven by water density differences
Distinct circulatory systems in the ocean
ENSO (El Nino Southern Oscillation)
Tropical Pacific atmospheric-oceanic feature causing climate anomalies
Atmospheric Pressure
Force exerted by gas molecules on every surface the gas touches
Factors influencing air pressure
Density and temperature affect pressure; higher density and warmer temperature increase pressure
Ideal Gas Law
Relates pressure (P), temperature (T), and density (p) with the gas constant (R)
Dynamic high
Strongly descending air causing high pressure due to motion
Thermal high
Very cold surface conditions causing high pressure due to temperature
Thermal low
Very warm surface conditions causing low pressure due to temperature