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St. Luke page, Gospels of St. Augustine
Rome, 6th century
The Lindisfarne Gospels
Northern England, 8th century
Dagulf Psalter
Aachen Germany, 795 (8th century/700s), Charlamagne?
Ezra page, Codex Amiatinus
Northumbria, 8th century, Bede?
St. John from the Ebbo Gospels
France, 9th century, Ebbo?
St Matthew from the Ebbo Gospels
France, 9th century
Trier Gospels, Tetramorph
Echternach Luxembourg, 720 (700s/8th century}
Gellone Sacramentary, Crucifixion
France, 790 (8th century/700s)
Interior, Palace Chapel
Aachen Germany, 8th-9th century
Marriage agreement of Otto II and Theophanu
Germany, 972 (900s/10th century)
Hrabanus Maurus, De laudibus sanctae crucis
Gernamny, 9th century
Utrecht Psalter, Illustration to Psalm 1
France , 9th century
The Jelling Stone
Denmark , 965-985 (900s/ 10th century)
Gero Cross
Germany, 970 (900s 10th century)
Susanna Crystal
France, 869, for king lothair (800s, 9th century)
Coronation Gospels
Aachen Germany, 795 (8th century, 700s)
Lindau Gospel front cover (with crucifixion)
Royal Abbey of St. Denis (Paris, France), 880 (9th century)
The Kaaba
Mecca, 631–32 C.E. (600s/ 7th cntury)
Dome of the Rock
Jerusalem, 685,692 (600s/ 7th century)
Great Mosque of Damascus
Damascus Syria ,708-715 (700s/ 8th century), al-Walid II?
Great Mosque of Cordoba
Spain, 8th century (700s)
Cover looks like jweled moldy cheese
Gospel Book of Otto III
Germany, 1000
Cross of Lothair
Germany, 1000
Bronze Doors of Hildesheim
Germany, 1015, commissioned by Bishop Bernward