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Name of the study
Throne et. al (2002
32 female undergraduate students were selected for the study via opportunity sampling. Half of the participants were contraceptive pill users. The participants came to the laboratory on two separate occasions based on the menstrual cycle phase. During both visits to the lab, participants were asked to rate the attractiveness of male faces. A counter-balanced, repeated measures design was used, where the experimental condition involved exposing the females to male axillary secretions believed by the researchers to be pheromones.
To investigate the role of pheromones on female ratings of male attractiveness
There was a significant positive correlation between exposure to male axillary secretions and ratings of attractiveness. There was no effect of menstrual cycle or contraceptive use on ratings of attractiveness.
Exposure to natural male axillary pheromones can significantly enhance female perceptions of various aspects of male attractiveness.
Difference between hormones
Unlike hormones, pheromones are not released into the bloodstream. They are released outside the body to communicate with other individuals
Humans vs. Animals
In some animals species, a femal releases pheromones to attract the attention of any males near by to be their mate
In humans pheromones are found and produced in the apocrine glands found in the armpits of both males and females
they are chemical messengers that are emitted into the environment from the body, where they can then activate specific physiological or behavioural responses in other individuals of the same species.
Who discovered them
were identified via animal research in 1959 by Karlson and Luscher.
Effect of pheromones
Pheromones have physical or emotional effects on other members of the same species. In animals, pheromones can carry all sorts of messages. For example, they can warn others of nearby predators
Debate on pheromones
There is a debate when it comes to pheromones, some researchers argue that they don’t exist and there is not enough experience conducted to prove their existence. On the other hand, some researchers believe they exist but in humans they don’t have a big effect compared to some animal species