Chapter #10 Muscle Tissue

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Skeletal Muscle

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Skeletal Muscle

This tissue is packaged into skeletal muscles, organs that are attached to bones and skin.

Skeletal muscle fibers are the longest of all muscles and have striations (stripes)
Also called voluntary muscle: can be consciously controlled
Contract rapidly; tire easily; powerful
Keywords for skeletal muscle: skeletal, striated, and voluntary

<p><span>This tissue is packaged into skeletal muscles, organs that are attached to bones and skin. </span></p><p><span> Skeletal muscle fibers are the longest of all muscles and have striations (stripes)</span><br><span>Also called voluntary muscle: can be consciously controlled</span><br><span>Contract rapidly; tire easily; powerful</span><br><span>Keywords for skeletal muscle: skeletal, striated, and voluntary</span></p>
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Cardiac Muscle

This tissue is found only in heart

Makes up bulk of heart walls


Involuntary: cannot be controlled consciously

Contracts at steady rate due to heart’s own pacemaker, but nervous system can increase rate

Key words for cardiac muscle: cardiac, striated, and involuntary

<p>This tissue is found only in heart</p><p>Makes up bulk of heart walls</p><p>Striated</p><p>Involuntary: cannot be controlled consciously</p><p>Contracts at steady rate due to heart’s own pacemaker, but nervous system can increase rate</p><p>Key words for cardiac muscle: cardiac, striated, and involuntary</p>
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Smooth Muscle

This tissue is found in walls of hollow organs

Examples: stomach, urinary bladder, and airways

Not striated

Involuntary: cannot be controlled consciously

Key words for smooth muscle: visceral, nonstriated and involuntary

<p>This tissue is found in walls of hollow organs</p><p>Examples: stomach, urinary bladder, and airways</p><p>Not striated</p><p>Involuntary: cannot be controlled consciously</p><p>Key words for smooth muscle: visceral, nonstriated and involuntary</p>
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Muscle Tissue Comparisons

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Skeletal Muscle ( Explained)

Skeletal muscle is an organ made up of different tissues with three features: nerve and blood supply, connective tissue sheaths, and attachments

Each muscle receives a nerve, artery, and veins

Consciously controlled skeletal muscle has nerves supplying every fiber to control activity

Contracting muscle fibers require huge amounts of oxygen and nutrients

Also need waste products removed quickly

Each skeletal muscle, as well as each muscle fiber, is covered in connective tissue

Support cells and reinforce whole muscle

Sheaths from external to internal:

Epimysium »Perimysium»Endomysium

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dense irregular connective tissue surrounding the entire muscle; may blend with fascia

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fibrous connective tissue surrounding fascicles (groups of muscle fibers)

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fine areolar connective tissue surrounding each muscle fiber

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muscle fiber plasma membrane

<p>muscle fiber plasma membrane</p>
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: muscle fiber cytoplasm

<p>: muscle fiber cytoplasm</p>
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Myofibrils are densely packed, rodlike elements
Single muscle fiber can contain 1000s
Accounts for ~80% of muscle cell volume

Myofibril features Striations, Sarcomeres, Myofilaments, Molecular composition of myofilaments

<p><span>Myofibrils are densely packed, rodlike elements</span><br><span>Single muscle fiber can contain 1000s</span><br><span>Accounts for ~80% of muscle cell volume</span><br><br><span>Myofibril features Striations, Sarcomeres, Myofilaments, Molecular composition of myofilaments</span></p>
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Smallest contractile unit (functional unit) of muscle fiber

A bands: dark regions

H zone: lighter region in middle of dark A band

M line: line of protein (myomesin) that bisects H zone vertically

I bands: lighter regions

Z disc (line): coin-shaped sheet of proteins on midline of light I band

Contains A band with half of an I band at each end

Consists of area between Z discs

<p>Smallest contractile unit (functional unit) of muscle fiber</p><p>A bands: dark regions</p><p>H zone: lighter region in middle of dark A band</p><p>M line: line of protein (myomesin) that bisects H zone vertically</p><p>I bands: lighter regions</p><p>Z disc (line): coin-shaped sheet of proteins on midline of light I band</p><p>Contains A band with half of an I band at each end</p><p>Consists of area between Z discs</p>
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: stripes formed from repeating series of dark and light bands along length of each myofibril

<p>: stripes formed from repeating series of dark and light bands along length of each myofibril</p>
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Actin myofilaments

: thin filaments Extend across I band and partway in A band and Anchored to Z discs

<p>: thin filaments Extend across I band and partway in A band and Anchored to Z discs</p>
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Myosin myofilaments

: thick filaments Extend length of A band Connected at M line

<p>: thick filaments Extend length of A band Connected at M line</p>
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Thick filaments

: composed of protein myosin that contains two heavy and four light polypeptide chains
Heavy chains intertwine to form myosin tail
Light chains form myosin globular head

Myosins are offset from each other, resulting in staggered array of heads at different points along thick filament

<p>: composed of protein myosin that contains two heavy and four light polypeptide chains<br>Heavy chains intertwine to form myosin tail<br>Light chains form myosin globular head</p><p><span>Myosins are offset from each other, resulting in staggered array of heads at different points along thick filament</span></p>
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Thin filaments

: composed of fibrous protein actin
Actin is polypeptide made up of kidney-shaped G actin (globular) subunits
G actin subunits bears active sites for myosin head attachment during contraction
G actin subunits link together to form long, fibrous F actin (filamentous)
Two F actin strands twist together to form a thin filament
Tropomyosin and troponin: regulatory proteins bound to actin

<p>: composed of fibrous protein actin<br>Actin is polypeptide made up of kidney-shaped G actin (globular) subunits<br>G actin subunits bears active sites for myosin head attachment during contraction<br>G actin subunits link together to form long, fibrous F actin (filamentous)<br>Two F actin strands twist together to form a thin filament<br>Tropomyosin and troponin: regulatory proteins bound to actin</p>
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<p><span>Sarcoplasmic reticulum</span></p>

Sarcoplasmic reticulum

: network of smooth endoplasmic reticulum tubules surrounding each myofibril and Most run longitudinally

<p>: network of smooth endoplasmic reticulum tubules surrounding each myofibril and Most run longitudinally</p>
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Sacroplasmic Reticulum (Explained)

Terminal cisterns form perpendicular cross channels at the A–I band junction

SR functions in regulation of intracellular Ca2+ levels and Stores and releases Ca2+

SR cistern membranes also have integral membrane proteins that protrude into intermembrane space

SR integral proteins control opening of calcium channels in SR cisterns

When an electrical impulse passes by, T tubule proteins change shape, causing SR proteins to change shape, causing release of calcium into cytoplasm

<p>Terminal cisterns form perpendicular cross channels at the A–I band junction</p><p>SR functions in regulation of intracellular Ca2+ levels and Stores and releases Ca2+</p><p>SR cistern membranes also have integral membrane proteins that protrude into intermembrane space</p><p>SR integral proteins control opening of calcium channels in SR cisterns</p><p>When an electrical impulse passes by, T tubule proteins change shape, causing SR proteins to change shape, causing release of calcium into cytoplasm</p>
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: area formed from terminal cistern of one sarcomere, T tubule, and terminal cistern of neighboring sarcomere

Triad relationships T tubule contains integral membrane proteins that protrude into intermembrane space (space between tubule and muscle fiber sarcolemma)

<p>: area formed from terminal cistern of one sarcomere, T tubule, and terminal cistern of neighboring sarcomere </p><p>Triad relationships T tubule contains integral membrane proteins that protrude into intermembrane space (space between tubule and muscle fiber sarcolemma)</p>
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T tubules

Tube formed by protrusion of sarcolemma deep into cell interior

Increase muscle fiber’s surface area greatly

Lumen continuous with extracellular space

Allow electrical nerve transmissions to reach deep into interior of each muscle fiber

Tubules penetrate cell’s interior at each A–I band junction between terminal cisterns

Tubule proteins act as voltage sensors that change shape in response to an electrical current

<p>Tube formed by protrusion of sarcolemma deep into cell interior</p><p>Increase muscle fiber’s surface area greatly</p><p>Lumen continuous with extracellular space</p><p>Allow electrical nerve transmissions to reach deep into interior of each muscle fiber</p><p>Tubules penetrate cell’s interior at each A–I band junction between terminal cisterns</p><p>Tubule proteins act as voltage sensors that change shape in response to an electrical current</p>
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Excitable cells

are capable of changing resting membrane potential voltages

Neurons and muscle cells are excitable cells capable of action potentials

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: the activation of cross bridges to generate force

Shortening occurs when tension generated by cross bridges on thin filaments exceeds forces opposing shortening

Contraction ends when cross bridges become inactive

<p>: the activation of cross bridges to generate force</p><p><span>Shortening occurs when tension generated by cross bridges on thin filaments exceeds forces opposing shortening</span></p><p><span>Contraction ends when cross bridges become inactive</span><br></p>
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<p>Extension/Relaxed State of Muscle</p>

Extension/Relaxed State of Muscle

In the relaxed state, thin and thick filaments overlap only slightly at ends of A band

Sliding filament model of contraction states that during contraction, thin filaments slide past thick filaments, causing actin and myosin to overlap more

Neither thick nor thin filaments change length, just overlap more

<p>In the relaxed state, thin and thick filaments overlap only slightly at ends of A band</p><p>Sliding filament model of contraction states that during contraction, thin filaments slide past thick filaments, causing actin and myosin to overlap more</p><p>Neither thick nor thin filaments change length, just overlap more</p>
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Muscle Fiber Stimulation

When nervous system stimulates muscle fiber, myosin heads are allowed to bind to actin, forming cross bridges, which cause sliding (contraction) process to begin

Cross bridge attachments form and break several times, each time pulling thin filaments a little closer toward center of sarcome in a ratcheting action

Causes shortening of muscle fiber

Z discs are pulled toward M line I bands shorten Z discs become closer H zones disappear and A bands move closer to each other

<p>When nervous system stimulates muscle fiber, myosin heads are allowed to bind to actin, forming cross bridges, which cause sliding (contraction) process to begin</p><p>Cross bridge attachments form and break several times, each time pulling thin filaments a little closer toward center of sarcome in a ratcheting action</p><p>Causes shortening of muscle fiber</p><p>Z discs are pulled toward M line I bands shorten Z discs become closer H zones disappear and A bands move closer to each other</p>
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Ion Channels

Play a major role in changing of membrane potentials

Two classes of ion channels:

Chemically gated ion channels – opened by chemical messengers such as neurotransmitters
Example: ACh receptors on muscle cells

Voltage-gated ion channels – open or close in response to voltage changes in membrane potential

<p><br><span>Play a major role in changing of membrane potentials</span><br><br><span>Two classes of ion channels:</span><br><br><span>Chemically gated ion channels – opened by chemical messengers such as neurotransmitters</span><br><span>Example: ACh receptors on muscle cells</span><br><br><span>Voltage-gated ion channels – open or close in response to voltage changes in membrane potential</span></p>
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Chemically gated ion channels

– opened by chemical messengers such as neurotransmitters
Example: ACh receptors on muscle cells

<p>– opened by chemical messengers such as neurotransmitters<br>Example: ACh receptors on muscle cells</p>
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Voltage-gated ion channels

– open or close in response to voltage changes in membrane potential

<p> – open or close in response to voltage changes in membrane potential</p>
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Anatomy of Motor Neurons and Neuromuscular Junction

Skeletal muscles are stimulated by somatic motor neurons

Axons (long, threadlike extensions of motor neurons) travel from central nervous system to skeletal muscle

Each axon divides into many branches as it enters muscle

Axon branches end on muscle fiber, forming neuromuscular junction or motor end plate

Each muscle fiber has one neuromuscular junction with one motor neuron

<p>Skeletal muscles are stimulated by somatic motor neurons</p><p>Axons (long, threadlike extensions of motor neurons) travel from central nervous system to skeletal muscle</p><p>Each axon divides into many branches as it enters muscle</p><p>Axon branches end on muscle fiber, forming neuromuscular junction or motor end plate</p><p>Each muscle fiber has one neuromuscular junction with one motor neuron</p>
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Axon Terminal

Axon terminal (end of axon) and muscle fiber are separated by gel-filled space called synaptic cleft

Stored within axon terminals are membrane-bound synaptic vesicles

Synaptic vesicles contain neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh)

Infoldings of sarcolemma, called junctional folds, contain millions of ACh receptors

NMJ consists of axon terminals, synaptic cleft, and junctional folds

<p>Axon terminal (end of axon) and muscle fiber are separated by gel-filled space called synaptic cleft</p><p>Stored within axon terminals are membrane-bound synaptic vesicles</p><p>Synaptic vesicles contain neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh)</p><p>Infoldings of sarcolemma, called junctional folds, contain millions of ACh receptors</p><p>NMJ consists of axon terminals, synaptic cleft, and junctional folds</p>
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Action potential

is caused by changes in electrical charges

Resting sarcolemma is polarized, meaning a voltage exists across membrane

Inside of cell is negative compared to outside

<p> is caused by changes in electrical charges</p><p>Resting sarcolemma is polarized, meaning a voltage exists across membrane</p><p>Inside of cell is negative compared to outside</p>
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Neuromuscular Junction of Skeletal Muscle Fiber

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<p>Neuromuscular Junction of Skeletal Muscle Fiber ( Explained)</p>

Neuromuscular Junction of Skeletal Muscle Fiber ( Explained)

Occurs in three steps

End plate potential

ACh released from motor neuron binds to ACh receptors on sarcolemma

Causes chemically gated ion channels (ligands) on sarcolemma to open

Na+ diffuses into muscle fiber Some K+ diffuses outward, but not much

Because Na+ diffuses in, interior of sarcolemma becomes less negative (more positive)

Results in local depolarization called end plate potential

Depolarization: generation and propagation of an action potential (AP)

If end plate potential causes enough change in membrane voltage to reach critical level called threshold, voltage-gated Na+ channels in membrane will open

Large influx of Na+ through channels into cell triggers AP that is unstoppable and will lead to muscle fiber contraction

AP spreads across sarcolemma from one voltage-gated Na+ channel to next one in adjacent areas, causing that area to depolarize

Repolarization: restoration of resting conditions

Na+ voltage-gated channels close, and voltage-gated K+ channels open

K+ efflux out of cell rapidly brings cell back to initial resting membrane voltage

Refractory period: muscle fiber cannot be stimulated for a specific amount of time, until repolarization is complete

Ionic conditions of resting state are restored by Na+-K+ pump

Na+ that came into cell is pumped back out, and K+ that flowed outside is pumped back into cell

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Refractory period: muscle fiber cannot be stimulated for a specific amount of time, until repolarization is complete

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Depolarization: generation and propagation of an action potential (AP)

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