increase the number of motor units (recruitment)
increase the rate of firing of individual motor units (rate coding)
bag - based on shape (bag 1: dynamic ; bag 2: static)
chain: static
type Ia (primary) - length and velocity -innervate bag 1, bag 2 and chain
type II (secondary) - length -innervate bag 2 and chain
Ib sole function is to inhibit
feedback to spinal cord via Ib afferent
Ib inhibitory interneuron (disynaptic connection to motor neuron)
autogenic inhibition: inhibits agonist motor neuron which decreases force output)
inhibit the agonist motor neurons
protective mechanism
monitor and modulate force control
semicircular canals
widest in axon diameter to least 1.proprioceptions [muscle spindles] 2. touch 3. pain, temperature