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Authentication, authorization and accounting
AAA Server
Server providing authentication, authorization and accounting services
Access Control Entry (ACE)
One line in an access control list (ACL)
access interface
A LAN network design term that refers to a switch interface connected to end-user devices
access layer
In a Campus LAN design, the switches that connect directly to end-point devices
access link (WAN)
A physical link between a service provider and its customer
access rate
The speed at which bits are sent over an access link
In security, the recording of access attempts
Application Centric Infrastructure
Access Control List
Active Directory
A popular set of identity and directory services from Microsoft, used in part to authenticate users
administrative distance
In Cisco routers, a means for one router to choose between multiple routes to reach the same subnet when those routes are learned by different routing protocols.
Generally, an additional software process or component running in a computing device for some specific purpose
agent-based architecture
An architecture that uses a software agent inside the device being managed
agentless architecture
An architecture that does not need a software agent
amplification attack
A reflection attack that leverages a service on the reflector to generate and reflect huge volumes of reply traffic to the victim
A popular configuration management application
Ansible inventory
Device host names along with information about each device
Ansible playbook
Files with actions and logic about what Ansible should do
Preventing a man in the middle from copying and later replaying the packets sent by a legitimate user, for the purpose of appearing to be a legitimate user
Software that monitors files transferred by any means, to look for content that can be used to place a virus into the computer
Application Policy Infrastructure Controller
Application Policy Infrastructure Controller -Enterprise Module
Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI)
Cisco's data center SDN solution
Application Policy Infrastructure Controller - Enterprise Module (APIC-EM)
The software that plays the role of controller in an enterprise network of Cisco devices
application programming interface (API)
A software mechanism that enables software components to communicate with each other
application signature
With Network Based Application Recognition (NBAR), the definition of a combination of matchable fields that identify as characteristics of a specific application
Application Visibility and Control (AVC)
A firewall device with advance features (IPS, malware detection, VPN termination, etc.)
application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC)
An integrated circuit (chip) designed for a specific purpose of application.
Access Rate
Address Resolution Protocol. An internet protocol used to map an IP address to a MAC address
A configuration feature on Cisco LAN switches that define MAC and IP that will be filtered
ARP Reply
An ARP message used to supply information about an ARP request. A device providing its MAC address in reply to a request
ARP Request
An ARP message used to request information from another host located on the same subnet or broadcast domain
ARP Table
A list of IP addresses of neighbors on the same VLAN, along with their MAC addresses
A Cisco ASA firewall software image that runs as a virtual machine rather than on hardware
Application Specific Integrated Circuit
In security, the verification of the identity of a person, device or process
Authoritative DNS server
The DNS server with the record that lists the address that corresponds to a domain name (A Record) for that domain
In security, the determination of the rights allowed for a particular user or device
autonomous system (AS)
An internetwork that is managed by one organization
autonomous system number (ASN)
A number used by BGP to identify a routing domain, often a single enterprise or organization.
In Cisco switches and routers, an IOS feature that configures a variety of QoS features with useful settings as defined by design guides
The speed at which bits can be sent and received over a link
bandwidth profile
In MetroEthernet, a contractual definition of the amount of traffic that the customer can send into the service and receive out of the service
A term that refers to the choice to add new configuration to hardware and software that are already in use, rather than adding new hardware and software specifically for a new project
brute-force attack
An attack where a malicious user runs software that tries every possible combination of letters, numbers and special characters to guess a user's password
buffer overflow attack
An attack meant to exploit a vulnerability in processing inbound traffic such that the target system's buffers overflow, the target system can end up crashing or inadvertently running malicious code injected by the attacker
cable internet
An internet access technology that uses a cable TV (CATV), normally used for video, to send and receive data
For resources that might be repeatedly requested over time, an attribute that means that the requesting host can keep in storage (cache) a copy of the resource for a specified amount of time
carrier Ethernet
A WAN service that uses Ethernet links as the access link between the customer and the service provider
Cisco Discrovery Protocol. A media- and protocol-independent device-discovery protocol that runs on most Cisco-manufactured equipment, including routers, access servers, and switches. Using CDP, a device can advertise its existence to other devices and receive information about other devices on the same LAN or on the remote side of a WAN
CDP neighbor
A device on the other end of some communications cable that is advertising CDP updates
central office (CO)
A term used by telcos to refer to a building that holds switching equipment, into which the telco's cable plant runs so that the telco has cabling from each home and business into the building
centralized control plane
An approach to architecting network protocols and products that places the control plane functions into a centralized function rather than distributing the function across the networking device
A popular configuration management application, which uses a server and a pull model with in-device agents
Chef client
Any device whose configuration is being managed by Chef
Chef Cookbook
A set of recipes about the same kinds of work, grouped together for easier management and sharing
Cisco Access Control Server (ACS)
A legacy Cisco product that acts as a AAA Server
Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client
Cisco software product used as client software on user devices to create a VPN
Cisco Open SDN Controller (OSC)
A former commercial SDN controller from Cisco that is based on the OpenDaylight controller
Cisco Prime
Graphical User Interface (GUI) software that utilizes SNMP and can be used to manage your Cisco network devices. The term Cisco Prime is an umbrella term that encompasses many different individual software products
Cisco Prime Infrastructure
The name of Cisco's long-time enterprise network management application
Cisco Talos Intelligence Group
A part of Cisco Systems company that works to perform security research on an ongoing basis, in part to supply up-to-date data, like virus signatures, that Cisco security products can frequently download
Cisco VPN Client
See Cisco Anyconnect Secure Mobility Client
Class of Service (CoS)
The informal term for the 3-bit field in the 802.1Q header intended for marking and classifying Ethernet frames for the purpose of applying QoS actions. Another term for Priority Code Point (PCP)
The process of examining various fields in networking messages in an effort to identify which messages fit into certain predetermined groups (classes)
classless addressing
A concept in IPv4 addressing that defines a subnetted IP address as having two parts: a prefix (or subnet) and a host
client VPN
A VPN for which one endpoint is a user device, like a phone, tablet, or PC. Also called a remote access VPN
clock rate
The speed at which a serial link encodes bits on the transmission medium
clock source
On serial links, the device to which the other devices on the link adjust their speed when using synchronous links. With NTP, the external device or NTP server on which a device bases its time
The process of supplying a signal over a cable, either on a separate pin on a serial cable or as part of the signal transitions in the transmitted signal, so that the receiving device can keep synchronization with the sending device
Clos network
A term for network topology that represents an ideal for a switch fabric and named after Charles Clos, who formalized the definition. Also called a spine-leaf network
cloud service catalog
A listing of the services available in a cloud computing service
Cloud Services Router (CSR)
A Csico router software image that runs as a virtual machine rather than on Cisco hardware, intended to be used as a consumer-controlled router in a cloud service or in other virtualized environments
code integrity
A software security term that refers to how likely that the software (code) being used is the software supplied by the vendor, unchanged, with no viruses or other changes made to the software
collapsed core design
A campus LAN design in which the design does not use a separate set of core switches in addition to the distribution switches- in effect collapsing the core into the distribution switches
confidentiality (privacy)
Preventing anyone in the middle of the Internet from being able to read the data
configuration drift
A phenomenon that begins with the idea that devices with similar roles can and should have a similar standard configuration, so when one device's configuration is changed, the configuration is considered to have moved away (drifted) from the standard configuration for a device in that role
configuration enforcement
Another term for configuration monitoring
configuration management
A component of network management focused on creating, changing, removing and monitoring device configuration
configuration management tool
A class of application that manages data about configurations
configuration monitoring
With configuration management tools like Ansible, Puppet and Chef, a process of comparing over time a device's on-device configuration (running-config) versus the text file showing the ideal device configuration
configuration provisioning
With configuration management tools like Ansible, Puppet and Chef, the process of configuring a device to match the configuration as held in the configuration management tool
configuration template
With configuration management tools like Ansible, Puppet and Chef, a file with variables, for the purpose of having the tool substitute different variable values to create the configuration for a device
congestion window
With TCP, a calculation each TCP receiver does that limits the window it grants to the receiver by shrinking the window in response to the loss of TCP segments
connection establishment
The process by which a connection-oriented protocol creates a connection
control plane
Functions in networking devices and controllers that directly control how devices perform data plane forwarding, but excluding the data plane processes that work to forward each message in the network
controller-based networking
A style of building computer networks that use a controller that centralizes some features and provides application programming interfaces (APIs) that allow for software interactions between appllications and the controller (northbound APIs) and between the controller and the network devices (southbound APIs)
In computer architecture, an individual processing unit that can execute instructions of a CPU; modern server processors typically have multiple cores, each capable of concurrent execution of instructions
core design
A campus LAN design that connects each access switch to distribution switches, and distribution switches into core switches, to provide multiple paths between all LAN devices
In software development, an acronym that refers to the four most common actions taken by a program: Create, Read, Update and Delete
customer edge (CE)
A term used by service providers, both generally and also specifically in MPLS VPN networks, to refer to the customer device that connects to the SP's network and therefore sits a the edge of the SP's network
customer premises equipment (CPE)
A telco term that refers to equipment on site at the telco customer site (the enterprise's site) that connects to a WAN service provider by the telco
data integrity
Verifying that the packet was not changed as the packet transited the network
data model
A set of variables and their structures, like lists and dictionaries
date modeling language
Another term for data serialization language
data plane
Function in networking devices that are part of the process of receiving a message, processing the message, and forwarding the message
data serialization language
A language that includes syntax and rules that provides a means to describe the variables inside applications in a text format
declarative policy model
A term that describes the approach in an intent-based network in which the engineer chooses settings that describe the intended network behavior (the declared policy) but does not command the network with specific configuration commands for each protocol (as would be the case with an imperative policy model)