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What began WWII?
Invasion of Poland
What happened in the invasion of Poland?
Poland is taken over by German and Soviet Union. Great Britain stepped in to help Poland.
What is the result of Germany’s assault on Western Europe?
Paris falls to the Nazis, French and British troops evacuated from Dunkirk to Great Britain.
Who were the Vichy?
French supporters of Nazis in France
What was the Battle of Britain (The Blitz)?
Germany bombed everything in Great Britain and hoped they would submit to Nazi pressure.
What did citizens do to stay safe during “The Blitz”?
Everyone lived underground at night while German bombing took place.
What new technology turned the tide in favor of Great Britain during “The Blitz”?
What was Operation Mincemeat?
Invasion of Sicily; Britain took an unclaimed body from the morgue and created a whole identity for him. Plan was to take this john doe, put him in briefcase with important, top-secret information about British plans. Dumped in sea and sent to Spain. German spy did background check and found no holes. Germans bought it. Those documents said we were planning to invade Greece and Sardinia. We instead invade Sicily.
What happened when Allied troops liberated Rome?
Benito Mussolini and his mistress go on the run. They are captured by Italian forces near the city of Milan and executed.
When was D-Day (Operation Overload)?
June 6, 1944
Who was involved in the attack on German forces during D-Day?
United States, Great Britain, and Canada
What beaches were invaded by GB and Canada on D-Day?
Sword, Juno, and Gold
What beaches were invaded by the US on D-Day?
Omaha and Utah
What city did we attempt to use to dupe Germany on D-Day?
City of Dover
What was the largest naval invasion of the War?
Operation Fortitude
What was the Ghost Army?
Theatrical performance; Everything was fake and set up; Hitler saw this and sent all his troops to Calais to defend the fake invasion.
What happened to Rommel?
Rommel knew the Ghost army was fake and there is no way we are going to Dover. Hitler didn’t listen to him. Rommel is charged for “planning to assassinate Hitler.” Rommel kills himself so he is not executed and humiliated
What almost ruined our Ghost Army plan?
A crossword puzzle. Canadian schoolteacher had students help him make these. Utah, Overlord, Omaha, Mulberry, Neptune are all words found in crosswords.
Why was D-Day pushed back?
June 5th was supposed to be D-Day, but there too many big waves in the sea. Weather was just as bad on June 6th, but we couldn’t wait.
What happened after D-Day?
Allied forces took back Paris September 1944. Vichy French members are rounded up and many of them were executed. The Vichy women had their head shaved bald. December 1944, Allied forces advanced across the border of France, into Germany.
Battle of the Buldge
Final German offensive of WWII.
Malmedy Massacre
We discover 84 US POWs executed by German soldiers in retreat. This motivated US soldiers to end the war, to save the other POWs.
Yalta Conference
The big three- Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin; Leaders make plans for the end of the war in Europe. Coordinated bombings of German positions and Berlin.
“The Pinch”
Allied forces close in on Germany, Berlin, and Hitler in the final months of war in Europe.
Ilse Koch
Witch of Buchenwald; Loved tattoos; had concentration camp victims line up as she picked men with tattoos; they were killed and tattoos were cut off; often turned into leather for lamps.
Discovered record evidence at the labor camps. All victims had a number tattooed on them and their heads were shaved. Discovered piles of shoes, teeth, hair, and eyeglasses. Gas chambers. Dead victims believed to be burned in attempt to rid of evidence.
Joseph Mengele
“Angel of Death”. Targeted children and twins. Studied them. Nazis were very interested in twins. Wanted more twins to increase human race faster. At end of war, he escapes Europe to Argentina. Changed his name to Wolfgang Gerhard. Lived until 1979.
Eva and Miriam Kor
Studied by Joseph Mengele. Taken to Auschwitz. Survived the death camps.
What tragedy struck America on April 12, 1945?
President Roosevelt suddenly dies from random aneurysm.
What happened to Adolf Hitler
Hid in an underground bunker with his girlfriend Eve Bruan. They get married in bunker and kill themselves the next day. Remains burned by German soldiers in garden outside bunker.
What were the benefits of protecting some Nazi’s after the war?
More advanced technology. Information about Soviet Union because that’s who we fight next.
What is VE Day?
Victory in Europe. USA celebrating Germany surrendering on May 8th, 1945.
What did US citizens do to help during the war
Ration books, reusing and recycling, cancelled Indy 500, carpooling, victory gardens
Rosie the Riveter
Norman Rockwell-Campaign director, women started working in factories to produce weapons used in war. Women were trained how to use tools. “The Hidden Army”.
Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps
WAACS, unit of women in the military. Not paid but could move up in rank.
Women Airforce Service Pilots
WASP, women who test flew all our planes, women were also making the planes, 38 women died in service in WASPs.
Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service
WAVES, served on military ships, Navy
War Bonds
Citizens investing their money into war bonds
What was the Executive Order 9066
Signed by Franklin D. Roosevelt on Feb 19, 1942. Relocating Japanese and putting them in camps. Racial Bias.
What was the Justification for Executive Oder 9066?
Concerns about Jap spies, and Japanese support inside the US. Protection for Japanese from American seeking revenge.
Impact of the Japanese Interment Camps
Their belongings in storage were looted. Their property had been sold. Their businesses and shops were occupied by others. Many were not welcomed in their communities.
Many of the Japanese held had to start all over.
Fred Koreatsu
Japanese man who refused to go to Interment camp violating executive order 9066. Reprehended. Claimed his 14th and 5th amendment rights were violated. Reached Supreme Court.
What did Albert Einstein warn Roosevelt about in 1939.
Germans were creating the atomic bomb.
The Manhattan Project
US creation of the atomic bomb
Leslie Groves
L.T. General, Army Core of Engineers
J. Robert Oppenheimer
Top scientist on the Manhattan project
Where was the atomic bomb created?
Manhattan, New York City; Columbia University
Where was the research lab for atomic bomb moved to?
Los Alamos, New Mexico
Trinity Test Site
Alamogordo, New Mexico
Name of US test bomb
Names of 2 war-ready bombs built by US
Little Boy and Fat Man
The Potsdam Conference
Leaders plan for post-war Germany. Write up the terms of surrender for Japan. Soviets announce their plan to join the fight against Japan.
What other options did Truman consider other than dropping bombs on Japan?
Invade Japan; Wait for Soviets and together force Japan to surrender; Surround island and cut off supplies until they surrender; Show a test of the bomb to scare them into surrendering; Offer a treaty and end the war.
What ship brought the 2 atomic bombs to Tinian island?
USS Indianapolis
What happened to the USS Indianapolis?
Sunk by Japanese torpedo in the Pacific.
Atomic bomb in Hiroshima
Little boy loaded onto Enola Gay- Flown by Pilot, Paul Tibbets
Atomic bomb in Nagasaki
Three days later; Fat Man loaded onto carrier- Flown by Pilot Sweeny
VJ Day
Victory against Japan; August 15, 1945
Charges brought against the Japanese and Nazis
Crimes against peace and waging war; War Crimes; Crimes against humanity; Conspiracy to commit any of the forgoing crimes.
Tokyo War Crimes Trial
Japanese military leaders are tried for war crimes; executed
Nuremberg Trials
Multiple charges including Crimes Against Humanity; Not all Nazi officers were convicted in violation of Geneva convention.
What happened on the USS Missouri on September 2, 1945?
Japanese Officials sign the unconditional terms of surrender.