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sample testing analytic
Before use, each thermometer must be checked against a reference thermometer from the
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
A common practice in clinical microbiology is to test all thermometers at
-20C, 2, 8, 37 and 56C
it must be established as an additional control measure
preventive maintenance
performed on equipment generally involves tasks such as oiling and cleaning, replacing filters, and recalibrating instruments
preventive maintenance
Records must be maintained for
2 years
The criteria for media quality control are established by the
Clinical and laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI)
are always tested by the manufacturer. The laboratory must obtain a statement of QC from the manufacturer for all media that the laboratory will not retest
commercial media
Plates should be free of moisture before use but should never show signs of drying around the edges
Plates should be free of contaminants
Petri dishes should not be cracked or broken
Blood-based plates should not show signs of hemolysis, and any other plate that deviates from the normal color should not be used
should be tested on each day of use with both positive and negative controls
should be performed and documented on all staining procedures at least daily
quality control
the ability of an individual to perform a task accurately and effectively
personnel competency
samples are given to laboratory scientists as unknowns for the purpose of identifying them
proficiency testing
All tests performed on patients must be subjected to proficiency testing
twice a year
These programs may teach theory or new techniques, present case studies, or simply provide training on new instrumentation
continuing education
When QC testing appears to have failed, it is usually the
stock culture rather than the test itself that has failed
All rules and procedures for QC should be available to employees at the workstation in written form in a
QC manual
must be reviewed, signed at least annually, and revised as needed by a supervisor
QC manual