group of people who live in a community and share the same culture or live in same territory
characteristic of girls, boys, women and men that are socially constructed
masculine, physically strong, hard working and headof the family
feminine, emotionally strong, well dressed, sensitive, conservative
biological sex or physical sex , the term generally pertains to your identity depending on your sexual anatomy or genitals ( vagina for female; pennies and testicle for male)
Gender Identity
Personal sense of one’s own gender
Deeply-held inner feelings of whether you’re female, male or neither
Typically, males are comfortable identifying as a man and females as women. However there are some cases wherein a person’s biological sex does not align with one’s gender identity and this experience are referred to as Transgender ( undergo surgery to align their physical characteristics to their gender identity)
Sexual Orientation or Sexuality
Having romantic or sexual attraction to persons of the opposite sex or gender, the same sex or gender
Inccludes lesbian, gay, straight (heterosexual), bisexual and asexual
Gender Studies
a field of study concerned about how reproductive roles are interpreted and negotiated in the society through gender
Social Research
the process of investigating social realities
Research Approach
the orientation in understanding social realities. This can be qualitative ( interpretive), quantitative ( deductive), or both
Ethics in research
considerations in conducting a research to make sure the participants are ensured and doesn’t bring harm to people involved
Gender role or Sex role
sets of culturally defined behaviors such as masculinity and feminity
Divine Feminine
Higher regards for women, women were equally treated with men
known as (hermaphroditism) has two genitals of mamle and female
Undergoes surgery to align their physical characteristics to their gender identity
Men and Women have equitable power and roles
Aristotle and Plato viewed women as the inferior sex and only a property of men
Women has high status the concept of divine feminine. Herodotus, observed Egyptian women enjoyed their social status than Greek women
Confucius has written rules that dictate how women should conduct themselves andwomen should obey their father, and when married she should obey her husband.
Written Documents: (China)
“Three obedience’s and four virtues”
“ Precepts of women”
Greek word “Patriarkhes” means the rule of the father. Hold power in the political and the private spheres.
Patrilineal Society
follows patriarchal society, only men can inherit property and the family name
Friedrich Engles
Argued that patriarchy came when people started having private property
Gendered Biases
were very strict, heavily enforced, and often violent such as:
Gender pay gap
Underrepresentation in executive position
Rape on women
Women on how they behave
Unrealistic depictions of women in fiction
Women Empowerment
feminist movement, promoting women's sense of self-worth
the advocacy of women's rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes
Simone de Beauvoir
wrote a book titled “the Second Sex” in 1949
Le Mouvement de Liberation des Femmes or The Women’s Liberation Movement
formed in Europe and they sought their rights. Later, they also won women’s right to decide on their own bodies and sexualities
Silent points that Feminism demands equality:
Women suffrage
Equality in politics and society
Reproductive rights
Domestic violence
Sexual harassment and sexual violence
Right to divorce their husband, decisions on her pregnancy, equal employment, equitable wages