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as economic system in which private owners(rather than state) control industries and collect profits
a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publically owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities.
Collective bargaining
the negotiation of wages and other working conditions by a labour union on behalf of a group of employees
General Strike
a protest in which workers in all or most industries walk off the job
a general increase in prices and a decrease in the value of money
Labour union
a group of workers that forms to protect its members’ right and to seek better pay, benefits and conditions
acting or speaking in a way that moves people to rebel against the government
Winnipeg General Strike of 1919
Event that occurred in Canada where 30,000 workers went on strike for better wages and working conditions. Lasted for six weeks until it was ended by force.
Spanish flu of 1918-1919
Deadly influenza pandemic that affected millions worldwide from 1918-1919. It killed around 50 million people.
The Famous five
a group of five Canadians women who fought for women to be considered legal persons.
The Marriage and Divorce Act of 1925
An act that allowed couples to divorce for reasons like adultery, cruelty, or desertion. Women could also petition for divorce. The act removed the idea of 'marital unity', which gave husbands control over property and finances. It led to more progressive family law reforms.
The persons case
A landmark legal case in Canada. Women were declared "persons" under the law. Led to women's increased participation in politics.
Indian Act amendments (1920)
They made it illegal for Indigenous peoples to raise money for land claims, banned traditional ceremonies, and forced Indigenous children into residential schools.
Duncan Campbell Scott
oversaw the creation and operation of residential schools
Black Tuesday (October 29,1929)
the day that the stock market crashed and values of stocks depreciated, causing people to sell them; one of the causes of the great depression
Easy money
money made by getting loans and pending them on stocks to make more money
stock market
a place where bonds and stocks or shares of corporate capital are bought and sold
the illegal sale of alcoholic beverages
The period from 1920 to 1933 when the production, transportation, and sale of alcohol was illegal
homeless people who roam in search of work, shelter, and food
social credit
a British economic theory that held that a depressed economy was the result of people not having spending money
relief camp
working camps for transients, created to keep them off the streets and to give them food and work for wages.
union nationale
a Quebec political party, headed by Maurice Duplessis, that hled power in the province for most years from 1936 to 1959
a french term (let it be) for the policy of strictly limiting government control and direction of trade, business or industry
William Lyon Mackenzie King
Liberal, Canada’s longest-serving Prime Minister. He is known for his ‘five-cent speech’ in the 1930 election
R.B. Bennett
Conservative, Prime Minister during 1930-1935, the worst years of the GD
Franklin D. Roosevelt (FRD)
The 32nd president of the US. Served for 12 years and inspired Bennett with his New Deal
a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.
Bank of Canada
created during the GD to prevent economic downfall. Controls interest rate, inflation, and currency.
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)
broadcasting company created during 1936
a radical member of the Russian socialist party that took power in the Russian Revolution of 1917, but came to mean any revolutionary socialist