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Spanish American War
War fought between US and Spain, primarily took place in Cuba, after Spain's loss, they ceded Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines to the US. War was started because the USS Maine exploded in Havana Harbour. Cuba became an independent nation.
Yellow Journalism
A type of journalism that favored sensationalism over facts. In the late 19th century, there were headlines about Spain and the USS Maine.
Taft’s Dollar Diplomacy
Taft sought to invest in countries overseas, believing it would help the US and economies internationally leading to stability.
Wilson's Moral Diplomacy
The idea that the US should support nations and cultures with similar moralities and cultures. This could result in analogous nations growing and other nations being damaged. Replaced Taft’s Dollar diplomacy. Wilson believed in American exceptionalism and that democracy should be spread to other countries.
Anti-imperialist league
Wanted to prevent the US from engaging in pointless conflicts after the Spanish American war, did not want the US to annex the philippines. They thought it went against American ideals of consent of the governed and liberty.
Teller and Platt amendments
The ______________ amendment was modified by the ______________________ amendment. The ________ amendment declared the US had no interest in political control in Cuba. It permitted extensive US involvement in Cuban domestic and international affairs. The _____ amendment stated the conditions for the end of the Spanish American war and the withdrawal of troops from Cuba.
Open Door Policy
The proposition that no one nation should control all the trade in China. Also called for powers to respect China’s territorial integrity.
White man's burden
A justification for imperialism. It states that the western world is responsible for teaching civilization to “uncivilized” nations.
Roosevelt Corollary/Big Stick Diplomacy
Roosevelt believed that the US had to have a strong military, but should negotiate peacefully. The military should only be there to show the power of the US so people will listen.
_________ were journalists who exposed exploitation and corruption.
________- was a muckraker who exposed the American meat industry for unsanitary practices and worker exploitation. He wrote his book “The Jungle”
16th amendment
Congress can collect income taxes
17th amendment
Voters can directly vote for US Senators
18th amendment
19th amendment
Women can vote
Progressive Amendments
16-19th ammendments
Bully pulpit
A ______ ______(like the presidency) is a position that allows you to speak out and be listened to. The term was coined by Roosevelt.
Teddy Roosevelt/Trust Buster
__________ ______ was known as a “______ ________”. He was against large trusts and wall street and seeked to restrict them.
Tuskegee institute/Booker T washington
_____ _______, led by ________ __________ was a college to teach black students how to thrive.
Web Dubois/Talented Tenth/NAACP
________ _______ was the first black man to have a doctorate. He thought that African Americans would get rights through educated black men called the _________ _________. He created the __________.
Meat inspection act/Food and Drug Act
______ ______ ___Required strict cleanliness for meat packers. The ____ ____ ____ ___ did not allow misbranded food to be sold.
Sinking of the Lusitania
The _______ was a British ship sunk by german submarines, leading the US to cut ties with Germany
Committee of public information
Created by wilson to get the general american public to support the war effort
Espionage and Sedition acts
Made it a crime to convey information that intended to interfere with war efforts
Fourteen points speech
Peace terms for the US by Wilson