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Who is Socrates? Who wrote about him?
Athenian philosopher who was executed by the democracy in 399 BC, Plato wrote about him, 3 main sources: Plato, Xenophon and Aristophanes
Who are the sophists? What did they believe?
They are relativists: they don’t believe in objective truth, for a fee they could teach you “wisdom”
What is Socratic irony?
Taking the word of an expert and showing that they are ignorant through conversation. Socrates appears to be naive, but he ends up teaching the expert about their own ignorance
What do the early dialogues of Plato focus on?
Ti esti dialogues: they focus on “what is” questions without resolution. They ask questions about the definitions of things
What was the Peloponnesian war? Who won?
Massive war between Sparta and Athens (and their allies respectively), Sparta won
What was the Periclean democracy? What was the thirty?
Ancient direct democracy led by Pericles. It was destroyed by the Spartans who set up the thirty, which was an oligarchical tyranny. The thirty was overthrown by the supporters of Pericles, and the democracy was restored
What is the court of the king archon?
Investigate and prosecute religious crimes
Who is euthyphro? What's his profession?
Euthyphro is a prophet (someone who can know the future and knows the will of the gods) and a literary fiction of Plato
What are the 2 charges against Socrates?
Corrupting the youth and impiety (as a reverence of the gods/disrespect of god)
Why is euthyphro at the law court?
Prosecuting his father for murder of Euthyphro's servant
Who is Meletus?
One of Socrates’ main accusers, he represents the poets, Socrates confronts him directly in the apology
What are the 5 definitions of piety and why don’t they work according to Socrates?
Prosecuting his father for murder. It’s an example not a definition
What is dear to the gods is pious and what is not isn’t. The gods disagree about what is right and wrong
What is dear to all the gods. Is piety loved by the gods because it’s pious , or is it pious because it’s loved by the gods
Part of justice that is care for the gods. If the gods are perfect why do they need us to care about them?
Knowing how to pray and sacrifice. This definition repeats all of the problems of the others. It’s just more examples and it doesn’t tell us why the gods need us to pray and sacrifice to them
What happens at the end of the Euthyphro dialogue?
At the end of the Euthyphro dialogue, Socrates proves that Euthyphro lacks knowledge of piety and therefore shouldn’t be prosecuting his father, he also insists that Euthyphro tells him what piety actually is and to stop hiding his true knowledge from him, but Euthyphro says “perhaps some other time” and runs away
At the beginning of the apology, which person does Socrates say he fears the most?
Aristophanes, wrote a play called the clouds
Why does Socrates say he’s not a sophist?
he doesn’t charge money, isn’t interested in natural science and is committed to truth, not interested in just making the weaker argument seem stronger to get ahead
Which god does the oracle of Delphi represent?
What does the oracle tell chaerephon?
No man is wiser than socrates
How does Socrates refute Meletus’ charges?
a). Corruption: He asks Meletus who improves the youth if Socrates corrupts the youth. He gets Meletus to say everyone improves the youth except Socrates. Does he deliberately corrupt the youth or accidentally corrupt the youth? Meletus says that he deliberately is wicked. Socrates says that’s impossible for no one deliberately does what they think is wrong. No one knowingly does wrong.
B). Impiety: Socrates asks Meletus if he thinks he’s an atheist. Meletus says yes, and that Socrates even believes that the sun and the moon are rocks. Socrates says he’s on trial and not Anaxgoras. Socrates also says he has a daemon, which is a spirit. Spirits are the children of gods, and the thus Socrates believes in gods.
Why does Socrates compare himself to a gadfly and the city of Athens to a horse?
Socrates compares himself to an annoying insect who acts like Athen’s conscience. It wants Athens to stop being lazy, like a big lazy horse and to giddy up and pursue wisdom
What is the verdict? What are Socrates’ suggestions for his punishment (name all three)?
Free room and board
Kill him now
Let his rich friends pay a fine of 30 mina
What is the ultimate sentence of the court? What is the method of execution?
Death via hemlock
Why does socrates say we shouldn’t fear death? Name the 2 reasons
To fear death is to assume knowledge we don’t have. We don’t know for sure what happens when we die or either death is eternal sleep or there’s an afterlife for virtuous people like socrates and there’s no reason to be scared about that
Who is the dog of egypt?
Ti esti
What is (courage, piety, friendship, justice, virtue, etc.)
Early Plato dialogues
ti esti
Socrates trial and death (the apology)
Aesthetics and philosophy of language
Middle Plato dialogues
justice (the republic)
Late Plato dialogues
legal constitution
Good or benevolent spirit
How does Diogenes laertius describe Socrates’ charge of impiety
Not just for “not worshipping the gods whom the state worships, but introducing new and unfamiliar religious practices”
How many people voted guilty for Socrates
Who wants to help Socrates escape his punishment in the apology
When does euthyphro start?
Where Plato’s theaetetus leaves off, Socrates is keeping his appointment at the porch of the king archon
What does archon basileus mean?
The king’s magistrate, the office was responsible for overseeing religious matters in athens
Where is Socrates usually found?
The Lyceum (outdoor gymnasium)
What does euthyphro say Socrates is?
The heart off the city, meletus will not only be harming Socrates but the heart of the city as well
Where did Euthyphro’s servant kill another servant?
On the island of Naxos
what does socrates compare euthyphro’s answers to?
Daedalus’s statues that could move themselves
Does socrates speak the same language as the lawyers?
No, this is his first time in court so he asks the jurors to listen to what he has to say without interruption and to focus on whether what he says is just or not
What are the 2 sets of accusers according to socrates?
Those who accuse him now and those who accuses him when the jurors were still children
Who were the primary accusers of socrates?
Meletus (representing the poets), Anytus (representing the politicians), and Lycon (representing the orators)
Where is the sophistic version of socrates found?
Aristophanes’ “The clouds”
What sophists does Socrates mention?
Georgias, prodicus, and hippias, he also mentions a story about how callias’s sons were educated by events the sophist since their dad paid him to educate them
What kind of wisdom does Socrates claim to have?
“A human wisdom perhaps”
What did socrates swear to Anubis for?
That those with the highest reputations for knowledge were inferior to those thought ignorant
What does socrates interpret the oracle’s statement as?
“Human wisdom is worth little or nothing”
What did socrates compare his risk of death to?
He compared it to Achilles, since Achilles didn’t fear death when he fought Hector in the Trojan War, even when his goddess mother told him he would surely die
What is worse than death?
What is the most “blameworthy ignorance”?
To be afraid of what we don’t know (like with death)
What does socrates first suggest as his reward?
Free meals at the Prytaneum