AP HuG unit 2

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what is ecumene

when you would rather live here instead of over there

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describe the physical factors of climate, landforms and water bodies

climate is the weather pattern overtime, landforms is where we can survive like growing crops and access to natural resources, water bodies is water for themselves and for plants

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define the human factors of culture, economics, history, and political

culture- people tend to live within their cultural groups, economics- tend to live where they can make money, history- people may be forced to flee due to wars, political- people tend to live where there is freedom

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define distribution

spatial spread of people in a place

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define density

number of people in a space

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define arithmetic (crude) density

number of people per square mile or per square kilometer, to calculate take the population of an area and divide by surface area

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define physiological density

number of people per unit or arable (farmable) land, to calculate take total population of an area and divide by amount of arable land

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define agricultural density

number of farmers per unit of arable land, to calculate take total number of farmers and divide by amount of arable land

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what is demography

study of a population

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population distribution has 3 impacts, what are they

social, economic, political

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what is carrying capacity

the relationship between a population size and the amount of resources

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describe a below carrying capacity area

there is an abundant amount of resources for the population

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describe an at carrying capacity area

resources and population are even, good amount of resources for ppoulation

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describe a over carrying capacity area

the amount of resources is scarce for the population

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define sex ratios, how they are calculated, the ratios, and the standard

number of males per 100 females in a population calculated by

of male births/# female births(100)

ratio < 100 more female births than male, ratio=100 births are even ratio>100 more male than female, the standard biological level is 105:100 more men, sex ratios ten to be higher at younger ages

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what do population pyramids show

a snapshot of the demographics of a particular country or region,

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population pyramids- if the base is wide and a narrow head...

population is growing rapidly

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population pyramid- if it has a narrow base but bigger than the rest...

population is growing slowly

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population pyramid- if middle is greatest portion...

population growth is slowing

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population pyramid- if narrow trophy shaped pyramid with large top cohorts...

population might be declining

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the increasing or decreasing of a population depends on what 3 factors

how many babies are born, how many people die, how many people move in or out

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what is the CBR--> crude birth rate

number of live births in an area for every 1000 people alive--> # of live births/1000 ppl

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what is the TFR--> total fertility rate

average number of children a woman may have--> average # of babies/per woman

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what is mortality and how can it be measured

mortality is deaths, can be measured with IMR and CDR

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what is IMR--> infant mortality rate

how many babies under 1 die each year compared to live births--> deaths of infants under 1/1000 births

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what is CDR--> crude death rate

total number of deaths in 1 year per 1000 ppl--> #of deaths/1000 ppl

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what is the RNI/NRI--> rate of natural increase/natural increase rate

percentage by which population grows in a year--> CBR-CDR=NRI "natural" only counting deaths and births not migration or emigration least developed area will tend to have higher NIR

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what are social factors for population

healthcare and education--> improving medicine can reduce the causes of death, improvements in woman's education leads to reduction of TFR

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what are cultural factors for population

society shifts about woman's roles in politics and workforce changes demographic and having less children

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what are political factors for population

pro or anti natalist encouraging or discouraging citizens to producing children, government can produce gifts or punishments depending on what they believe in

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what are environmental factors for population

industrial revolution producing wealth improving safety of communities, using machines to receive food, children are not as important like helping keep a farm--> people have less children

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describe stage 1 of the demographic model

low growth- high CBR (no access to contraceptives) and high CDR (no sanitation high IMR) low NIR

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describe stage 2 of the demographic model

high growth- high CBR (industrial revolution innovations) falling CDR (increased sanitation) high NIR (Afghanistan, Pakistan, Niger, Yemen)

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describe stage 3 of the demographic model

moderate growth- falling CBR (woman entering workforce no time for kids or space) falling CDR and IMR (medicine advances) moderate NIR (Mexico, India, Columbia, South America)

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describe stage 4 of the demographic model

low growth- low CBR (woman delaying marriage because of work) low CDR (high incomes better health) no NIR (near or below 0 population growth or declining population) (Argentina, Canada, China, Brazil, Europe, US, South Korea)

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describe stage 5 of the demographic model

negative growth- low CBR birth rates fall below death rates rising CDR (increased urbanization) negative NIR

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define endemic diseases

tend to stay in a local area

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define epidemics

spread through a region and begin infecting other regions

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define pandemics

spread across one region to the next (pan means across)

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describe stage 1 in the ETM

pestilence and famine- diseases, animal attacks, and crop failure cause people to die, high CDR and low life expectancy

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describe stage 2 of the ETM

receding pandemics- better sanitation, nutrition, and medicine lower infection, CDR decreases life expectancy increases

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describe stage 3 of the ETM

degenerative diseases- less death from disease because of better medication, aging diseases start to increase (cancer, strokes, heart attacks) longer life expectancy and lower CDR largest population growth

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describe stage 4 of the ETM

delayed degenerative and lifestyle diseases- medical advances reduce age diseases, highest life expectancy

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describe stage 5 of the ETM

reemergence of infectious diseases- diseases return from overuse of antibiotics, disease mutate, life expectancy lowers slightly

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what did Malthus warn

population would outpace food supply because population grows geometrically food grows arithmetically. population exceeds food

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