cannot be stored in the human body
Because they cannot be stored in the body, they must be consumed daily
0.8 g
What is the current recommended daily intake of protein per kg of body weight for adults?
the protein intake in the U.S is __________ what is necessary
greater than 0.8 g
children need how many g of protein per kg of body weight given that their bodies are growing and synthesizing protein
High protein foods
meats, fish, tofu, beans, nuts, seeds, eggs, milk, and dairy
How many amino acids naturally occur in proteins?
Humans can synthesize how many out of the 20 amino acids needed for proteins?
essential amino acids
What are the 10 amino acids humans cannot synthesize called?
Diets that include animal products
supply all needed amino acids
do not have all amino acids but differ in the composition of amino acids
all needed amino acids
a combination of plant-based proteins provides..
the process of altering the shape of a protein w/ out breaking the amide bonds that form the primary structure
secondary, tertiary, and quaternary
denaturation disrupts which protein structures?
Which protein structure does denaturation not disrupt?
high temp, acidic, or basic environments
can cause protein denaturation
protein hydrolysis
involves breaking the peptide bonds
breakdown of proteins starts in the..
acidity of stomach juices
causes digested proteins to denature during digestion
the enzyme pepsin
present in the stomach gastric juices, cleaves some of the peptide bonds of large proteins to make smaller peptide chains
sodium bicarbonate
As chyme enters duodenum, pancreatic duct cells release juices rich in..
sodium bicarbonate
neutralizes low pH of the chyme during digestion
trypsin and chymotrypsin
What enzyme do pancreatic acinar cells release into the pancreatic juices that start to break down proteins?
facilitated diffusion
In the small intestine, amino acids are transferred into enterocytes into the blood by what process?
the body's amino acid pool
Once the amino acids are in the blood, they are transported to liver where they become part of what?
amino acid pool
supplies cells in the body w/ amino acids
protein synthesis
all cells in the body use amino acids for..
they are catabolized for energy
What happens to excess amino acids that cannot be stored in the body?
Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA)
a life threatening complication of diabetes most common among people w/ type 1 diabetes although people w/ type 2 diabetes can also develop this
when there's a complete absence of insulin
When does DKA develop?
Glucose cannot enter cells without..
it starts to break down fatty acids to form Acetyl CoA
Because glucose cannot enter cells w/ out insulin, liver does what to compensate?
ketone bodies
From Acetyl CoA liver starts to make?
into the blood
Where do ketones move once synthesized?
are water soluble and as such are soluble in blood
accumulation of ketones in the blood
Tissue cells
can uptake ketones from blood
re-converted back into acetyl CoA and metabolized for energy
Once inside tissue cells, ketones can be..
more acidic
Since ketones are acidic molecules, an increase of ketones can cause the blood to be..
excess ketone
are excreted out of body in urine
an abnormally high concentration of ketone bodies can lead to..
a life-threatening condition causing blood to become acidic
a nonhydrolyzable lipid
obtained from the diet and synthesized by liver
cholesterol belongs to a group of nonhydrolyzable lipids called..
300 mg
The American Heart Association recommends that daily intake of cholesterol should be less than..
400-500 mg each day
Average American diet with cholesterol includes?
dietary cholesterol
is not broken down in the digestive tract and travels to small intestine undigested
in enterocytes
WHere does cholesterol combine w/ fatty acids to form cholesteryl esters that along w/ triacylglycerols and apolipoproteins form chylomicrons ?
from enterocytes, these enter the lymph system and are ultimately released into the blood
deliver triaglycerols to the cells
uptake triacylglycerols for further breakdown
Chylomicron remnant
if contains cholesterol it is transported into the liver