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relatively low wages paid to unskilled workers (McDonalds/Burger King) and not having flexible work practices or procedures
labor turnover
the ability to switch from one job to another job as a result of qualifications or expertise
occupational mobility
new employees meeting key personnel in an organization
induction training
relocating business activities abroad
the transfer of business operations back to their country of orgin
supply of HR is affected by:
birth rate, migration rate, retirement age, workplace flexibility, unemployment, labor mobility
occurs when the average age of the population increases
aging population
increased dependent population, reduced labor mobility, consumption patters changed, employment patterns changes
aging population effects
interview questions: assess behavioral pattern & initiative: ‘tell me about..”
behavior based
interview questions: assesses judgmental ability, scenarios, help evaluate critical thinking ability
hiring people who already work for the company
internal recruitment
hiring employees outside the business
external recruitment
cost effective, less down-time, less risk, motivational
internal recruitment advantages
fewer applicants, time consuing, ‘dead wood’
internal recruitment disadvantages
‘new blood’, wider range of experinece, larger pool of applicants
external recruitment advantages
time consuming, expensive, greater degree of uncertainty
external recruitment disadvantages
formal assessment of an emplyees perforance in fulfilling his/her job based on tasks and responsbilities set out in job description
the process of providing opportunities for workers to acquire employment-related skills & knowledge
help adapt to change, devlop multiskiilled & productive workforce, improve quality of work, enhance efficency, and facilitate career adn personal development
objectives of training
the ability of workers to multitask and adapt to changes in the business
workforce flexibility
on-the-job, off-the-job, induction
types of training
the termination of employment due to incompetence
when the employer can no longer afford to employ the worker or the job ceases to exist
SMARTER abbreviation
Specific, Measurable, Agreed, Realistic, Time-bound, Ethical, Recorded
tall organization
many managers
flat organization
few members
small number of people, rapid decision making, better control, better sense of direction
centralization benefits
delays, increased pressure, inflexibility, demotivating
centralization disadvantage
Refers to the organizational structure based on a ranking system
Levels of Hierarchy
Input from workforce, Quicker Decision Making, Higher Morale. Improved Accountability, Encouragement of teamwork
decentralized advantages
Loss of Control, Greater Chances of Mistakes, Greater Reliance on Effective Communication , Duplication of Functions
decentralized disadvantages
flexible org. of employees from different depts. temporarily working together on a project
matrix structure
The execution of tasks that are governed by official administrative and formal rules of an organization.
“Bureaucracy is the ideal organization form” , efficency
Max Weber
argues bureaucracy had costs to organizations and society
karl marx
3 key roles of managment: mangers as…
general practioners, confronters of dilemmas, balancers of cultural mixes
A company with an ___ has employees that are resistant to change.
inert culture
__ is largely based on people's beliefs, values, and attitudes in the workplace
corporate culture
___ exist when there is conflict between two or more cultures within an organization
culture clashes
__ Is the existing culture of an organization and is the desired culture they work in.
culture gap
functions of managment
organizing, planning, commanding, coordinating, controlling
people are key to success of business
Influencing & Inspiring Others
Tend to focus on achieving broader goals or visions with no definite time frame in mind
Problem-solving: reasoning vs emotions
Involved in complex organizational tasks
“The art of getting things done through people”
> likely to focus on the execution of specific goals within a time frame
Group decision-making is norm
Found in Japan, Netherlands, etc.
consensus model
Tradition & expectation of leaders to make decisions w/ decisiveness & transparency
US, UK, Australia, etc.
charismatic model
Makes ALL decisions
Does NOT delegate – TELLS people what to do
Aka authoritarian
Minimal direct input
Leave employees to make own decisions
Sets objectives but leaves it up to employees to get job done
Prefers to discuss with & involve employees in decision-making
Take into account employee views before making final decisions
Aka contingency management
Not based on any single approach
Using right person & right style for the right situation
treat employees as if they were family
2 types of behaviors:
{-} style & {+} style
5 P’s to effective leadership
Pay Attention, Praise, Punish, Pay for the Results, Promote
own desire
outside benefits
___ are the psychological benefits each employee gains from making a meaningful contribution through their work.
intrinsic rewards
___ is the motivation that comes from the external world. __ tend to be financial or tangible.
extrinsic motivation
Workers primary motivation = $$
Frederick Winslow Taylor
Maslow HIerarchy of Needs low —> high
physiological, security, social, esteem, self-actualization
needs that must be met to SURVIVE. (air, water, food, warmth, sleep). How much $ a person earns determines the extent they can meet these needs.
Desires necessary to make ppl feel safe & stable. Once #1 has been met, they can concentrate on trying to achieve this next level.
aka Love & belonging needs. The human need to be accepted as part of a friendship group or family. Can by satisfied by communications, social gatherings, weddings, having children and any other opp. To meet & bond with people.
social needs
Desires for recognition & having self-respect. Can be internal – meaning they feel good about themselves. Can be external – like having status in the workplace.
esteem needs
highest level. The forces that drive a person to become the best they can be.
The aspects of work that do not motivate but must be met to prevent dissatisfaction.
maintenance factors
causes of satisfaction
hygiene factors
causes of dissatisfaction
achievment, oppourtunites for promotion, personal growth, recongition
company policy, rules & regs., relationship with peers, salary, security, status, working conditions
hygiene factors
Giving workers more variety which should make work more interesting. Does not always mean the work is more challenging.
job enlargement
Giving more complex & challenging tasks, which gives workers a sense of achievement as they are able to exploit their potential.
job enrichment
Delegating decision-making power to workers – helps boost morale
job empowerment
exist in organizations that are responsive and receptive ot change. such organizations tend to be innovative and are able to foster change
adaptive cultures
describes the traditions and norms within an organization. It is largely based
on people's beliefs, values and attitudes in the workplace.
corporate culture
measures the ability of an individual to blend into occupational, organizational and national cultures. CQ is an indicator of a worker's ability to cope with change.
cultural intelligence or cultural quotient
exists when there is conflict or incompatibility between two or more cultures within an organization, e.g.when two firms integrate via a hostile takeover.
culture clash
refers to the difference between the existing culture of an organization and its desired culture. Management strive to reduce this gap.
culture gap
are the opposite of adaptive cultures as people are negative about and resistantto change.
inert cultures
_ exist in organizations that empower workers to make important decisions and to act on their own initiative.
innovative cultures
exist in organizations when staff In similar positions, with similar expertise and training establish groups to share their knowledge.
person cultures
exist when there is one dominant individual or group that holds decision-making power. Hence, the organizational structure islikely to beflat with a relatively wide span of control.
power cultures
exist in highly structured firms with formal rules, policies and procedures. Job roles areclearly statedin job descriptions and power is devolved to middle managers.
role cultures
exist in organizations where the focus is on getting results. Individuals and teams are empowered and have some discretion over their responsibilities.
task cultures