Key terms from each section of my goop notes!
Political Culture
a distinct and patterned way of thinking about how political and economic life ought to be carried out; commonly shared attitudes, beliefs, and values abt gov
Individualism and Limited Gov
emphasis on individual initiative, rights, and responsibility over government rights; civil liberties/limits on government
belief that each person should have the same opportunities to advance in society
Democratic Practice
popular sovereignty and respect for the vote
Free Enterprise
belief in the right to compete in the marketplace with limited gov involvement
Rule of Law/Justice
laws equally apply to ALL citizens to ensure stability; nobody is above the law
The American Dream
hardwork and initiative brings success; rags to riches; suburban/middle-class dream
fiscal policy
affects economy by making changes in gov’s methods of raising $ and spending it (think taxation and budget)
monetary policy
the gov’s control of the $ supply bc of the Fed
social policy
gov’s responsibility for its citizens’ changes (think gov welfare and Social Security)
Federal Income Tax
the largest source of income comes from taxes on income; debates on how it should be implemented
flat/regressive tax
same tax percentage for all (everyone pays the same amount of $); popular with conservatives
progressive tax
different tax percentage based on your specific income; popular with liberals
Social Insurance Taxes
taxes that goes to the benefit of the majority; pay now, receive later; think social security and medicare; LARGE amount of fed revenue
a way to raise federal revenue by borrowing from taxpayers to fund expenses
Excise tax
taxes on specific goods, like gas, cigarettes, or air travel to create revenue
estate tax
taxes on property and inheritance to create revenue
customs, duties, and tariffs
taxes on goods imported to the US to increase revenue
Where is money spent?
entitlement programs (social security), national defense, and national debt
Federal Reserve Board
regulates lending practices of banks, controls $$ supplies, and sets interest rates for loans and treasury bonds to influence inflation/deflation
Liberals and economic views
believes in more regulations on the market, resulting in government involvement and Keynesian economics; belief that government is responsible for its people which manifests in government intervention and safety nets
Conservatives and economic views
tend to favor big biz; centered around supply-side economics, calls for laissez-faire economics, and opposes governmental programs
Keynesian economics
a way of thinking about the economy that says when people don't spend enough money, the government should help by spending more; gov intervention
Supply-side economics
idea that economic growth can be fostered by lowering taxes and decreasing regulation, which creates trickle-down economics
trickle-down economics
idea that by giving the rich more money and less rules, they’ll create more jobs and make everyone else rich
when a country makes rules and regulations to keep its business safe from foreign competition; isolationism
World Trade Organization
regulates international trade
Free Market Policies
reducing trade barriers; mostly unsupported from like everyone
Means-Test Programs
programs with requirements to qualify for benefits for specific needs
Majoritarian Policymaking
policymaking for the majority rather than the minorities