----is the view that generalizations are valid only if they rely on evidence that can be observed directly or verified through our senses.
The main goal of sociology is to:
Understand the forces that mold individuals and shape their behavior
According to -----, the talk of the sociological imagination is to see the relationship between individual experiences and larger social forces
C.Wright Mills
The Sociological imagination asks us to
Broaden our perspective beyond individual experience
Which of the following social sciences is interested in employment, recession, inflation, and price indices?
Both sociologist and historian are interested in past. Using a recent military war as a case for investigation, a sociologist would be interested in:
The impact of war on political attitude and events in the united states
why did sociology as a discipline emerge?
Rapid social change was occurring, There was a need for a systemic analysis of society, People were affected by the impact of discovering how others lived (ABC)
According to Auguste Comte, social statistics was the study of
How the institutions in society are interrelated
According to Auguste Comete, the focus of social dynamics
How societies develop and change over time
This sociologist published theory and practice of society in america which was based on traveling through 19th century america and conducting an analysis of day-to-day life, customs, and lifestyles
Harriet Marineau
Of the following theorists, who believed that the entire history of human societies could be seen as a history of struggles between those who own and control the means of production and those who do the work?
Karl Marx
Which of the following sociological perspectives views society as a system of highly interrelated structures or arts that operate together?
Karl Marx predicted that eventually
workers would organize and take control of the economy
Sociologically, the positive connection between hours of study and students test scores demonstrates ________ preparing before taking examinations.
A Manifest function of
where hillsides have been cleared to provide lumber for housing boom, rain often causes mudslides. Sociologist would regard mudslides as
A latent outcome of that method of cutting trees on hillsides where rain is a possibility
Karl MXarx View of societies is considered the basis for which the following perspectives is sociology
W.E.B Du Bois argued for the acceptance of African American into
All areas of society
A symbolic interactionist would be most likely to ask which of the following questions?
What messages are communicated to students by the structure in which education takes place?
Which of the following perspectives is concerned primarily with the meaning that people place on their own and one another's behavior
symbolic interactionism
The main purpose of a paradigm in to to
Provide a model or conceptual framework for asking questions and guiding research
Social Darwinism attribute ones lack of success to
the inferiority of the individual
C.Wright Mills used the term-- to refer to the relationship between individual experiences and focus in the larger society that shape our actions
social imagination
did robert k martin call “social processes that contribute to the on going operation or maintenance of society”
Social Functions
who is noted pioneer in the development of the science of sociology
all of the above
Which sociological perspective is focused on how individuals make sense of or interpret the social world
\n The Functionalist perspective and--- can be thought of as opposite sides of the same coin.
Conflict theory
In order to understand other people we must stop looking at the world from an indivdual experience
herbert spencer was well known for saying that society resenbles a living organism in its structure and operations
sociology became recognized in the united states in the beginning of the the twenieth century
sociology developed in europe during a time of peace and social tranquility
The industrial revolution had an impact on the development of sociology
sociologist use the scientific method in their research