study of how life interacts with each other and their environment
biotic factors
parts of environment that are living
ex. plant, bacteria, animals
abiotic factors
parts of environment that are not living
ex. air, water, light
a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment; all the living and nonliving things in an area; everything affects each other; unique emergent beahviours
one organism
Members of the same species that live in the same area/habitat; has to be defined
all the living things in the area
contains many ecosytems
ex. Earth
moving air
Sun’s impact on wind
heats up air directly at the equator - warm; indirectly heats air at the poles - coolh
wind and precipitation
hot, moist air rises - low pressure
air cools and precipitates
cold air sinks - high pressure
convection cell
a cycle of high and low pressures that circulates air/wind
Corliolis effect
earth spins, moving air east to west; clockwise in North, counterclockwise in South
hadley cells
convection cells closest to the equator, up to 30 degree lat
ferrel cells
30 and 60 deg lat
polar cells
at the poles; 60 deg lat and up
northeast/south east trade winds
hadley cells, east to west; from poles to equator
ferrel cells; west to east; 30 → 60 deg lat
polar cells; east to west; pole → 60 deg lat
ocean currents
warm water moves away from equator; clockwise in North, counterclockwise in South; redistributes heat around the world
lake effect
large water bodies alter climate patterns by heating/cooling coastal landb
terrestrial regions based on the types of vegetation that grow there because of the climate regions, often in latitudinal bands
climograph / climatogram
summarizes annual average precipitation and temperature of biomese
transition zones where biomes meet