take a paper towel and rip it in half to turn on water
lather with soap for 20-40 seconds
use a clean papertowel for each swipe when drying your hands.
take a paper towel and rip it in half to turn off water
Donning PPE
wash hands
goggles/ face shield
gloves over the gown
Doffing PPE
gloves (removing them inside out not to contaminate your clean hands underneath, using the two finger method)
goggles/ face shield
wash hands
Tranferring a resident from bed to w/c
put on nonslip shoes
lock bed and w/c wheels
place w/c on the side of the bed
Equipment needed for a complete bed bath
bath blanket
one bath basin
2-4 washcloths
2-4 towels
2 pairs of gloves
Important steps to remember when giving a complete bed bath
lock the bed wheels
on the face= no soap, just water
put lotion on the hands and elbows after washing if requested
after washing feet apply lotion if requestion, but do not put lotion in between the toes
pat dry excessive lotion
lay the soapy washcloth on the side of the basin and the nonsoapy one directly in the basin
change the water frequently to prevent the water from becoming too dirty, soapy, or cold.
Nail care equipment needed
orangewood stick
emery board
one basin
2 washcloths
2 towels
Nail care steps to remember
soak fingertips for five minutes
when filing the nails only move in one direction
Equipment needed for foot care
one basin
bath mat as a barrier
lotion (if requested)
2 washcloths
2 towels
clean socks]
one pair of gloves
Foot care steps to remember
soak the feet for 10-20 minutes (adding warm water throughout as necessary)
DO NOT put lotion in between the toes
Equipment needed for shaving a resident
one basin
2 towels
one washclotfh
shaving cream or soap
steps to remember when shaving a resident
soften the beard with a warm washcloth for a few minutes before shaving
shave in the direction of the growth
Dressing a resident
dress the weaker side first
undress the stronger side first
Applying TEDS (anti-embolism stockings)
resident should be in the supine position
only expose on leg at a time
turn stockings inside out
Make sure there are no twists or wrinkles in the stocking after it is on
Pulse and respirations
wash hands
raise bed rail on the opposite side to the one you are standing on
measuring the pulse for the full 60 seconds then measure the respirations for the full 60 seconds
Equipment for brushing teeth
towel to be used as a barrier
face cloth on the chest to protect clothing from water droplets
cup of water
basin for resident to spit in
mouthwash (if requested)
steps to remember when brushing a residents teeth
brush the top teeth first
brush the tongue
leave the resident upright for 30 minutes in order to prevent aspiration
Peri care equipment needed
bath towel as a barrier
two chucks
two face cloths
two basin
one towel for resident
two pairs of gloves
Make sure to clean front to back, clean to dirty
three pairs of gloves
one graduate
one bedpan
one roll of ttoilet paper
baby wipes
one dispoable chuck
Once resident is finished with their business wrap the bedpant in chuck to move to measure ouput. also do not forget to give resident call light while they are doing their business
Denture care equipment
one basin, the small one used for spitting in
denture container
Steps to remember when doing denture care
line the sink with paper towels leaving the drain exposed
Do not use hot water, instead use cool water
let denters drip dry, do not shake
dry the toothbrush with a towel when done using