Observation and Discovery Urinary Diagnostic Procedures
cystoscopy : cysto / scopy
process for examining the bladder : bladder / looking procedure
meatoscope : meato / scope
instrument for examining the opening of the urethra : opening / instrument to look
meatoscopy : meato / scopy
process for examining the opening of the urethra : opening / looking procedure
nephroscopy : nephro / scopy
procedure for examining a kidney : kidney / looking procedure
resectoscope : re / secto / scope
instrument for examining and cutting )usually the prostate) : back / cut / instrument to look
ureteroscopy : uretero / scopy
process of examining a ureter : ureter / looking procedure
urethroscope : urethro / scope
instrument for examining the urethra : urethra / instrument to look
urethroscopy : urethro / scopy
process for examining the urtehra : urethra looking procedure
urinalysis (UA)
analysis of the urine to determine presence of abnormal elements
Notes: the -in sound at the end of urine combines with an an- sound at the beginning of analysis to make a single sound