AP Government- Full year review

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The institutions and processes through which public policies are made for a society

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Public Goods

Goods, such as clean air and clean water, that everyone must share

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The process by which we select our governmental leaders and what policies these leaders pursue

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Political Participation

All the activities used by citizens to influence the selection of political leaders or the policies they pursue

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Single -Issue Groups

Groups that have a narrow interest, tend to dislike compromise, and often draw membership from people new to politics

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Policymaking System

The process by which political problems are communicated by the voters and acted upon by government policymakers

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Linkage Institutions

The channels or access points through which issues and people's policy preferences get on the government's policy agenda

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Policy Agenda

The issues that attract the serious attention of public officials and other people actually involved in politics at any given point in time

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Political Issue

An issue that arises when people disagree about a problem and a public policy choice

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Policymaking Institutions

The branches of government charged with taking action on political issues. Consists of Congress, President, Courts and Bureaucracy

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Public Policy

A choice that government makes in response to a political issue.

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A system of selecting policymakers and of organizing government so that policy represents and responds to the public's preferences

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Majority Rule

A fundamental principle of traditional democratic theory. In a democracy, choosing among alternatives requires that the majority's desire be respected

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Minority Rights

A principle of traditional democratic theory that guarantees rights to those who do not belong to majorities and allows that they might join majorities through persuasion and reasoned argument

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A basic principle of traditional democratic theory that describes the relationship between the few leaders and the many followers

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Pluralist Theory

A theory of government and politics emphasizing that politics is mainly a competition among groups, each one pressing for its own preferred policies

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Elite and Class Theory

A theory of government and politics contending that societies are divided along class lines and that an upper-class elite will rule, regardless of the formal niceties of governmental organization

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A theory of government and politics contending that groups are so strong that government is weakened.

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Policy Gridlock

A condition that occurs when no coalition is strong enough to form a majority and establish policy. The result is that nothing may get done.

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Gross Domestic Product

The sum total of the value of all the goods and services produced in a nation

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The belief that people can and should get ahead on their own

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A nation's basic law. It creates political institutions, assigns or divides powers in government, and often provides certain guarantees to citizens

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Declaration of Independence

The document approved by representatives pf the American colonies in 1776 that stated their grievances against the British monarch and declared their independence.

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Natural Rights

Rights inherent to human beings, not dependent on governments, which include life, liberty and property.

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Consent of the Governed

Governments derive their authority from the consent of the governed.

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Limited Government

The idea that certain things are out of bounds for government because of the natural rights of citizens.

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Articles of Confederation

The first constitution of the United States, adopted by Congress in 1777 and enacted in 1781.

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Shays' Rebellion

A series of attacks on courthouses by a small band of farmers led by revolutionary war Captain Daniel Shays to block foreclosure proceedings.

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U.S. Constitution

The document written in 1787 and ratified in 1788 that sets forth the institutional structure of U.S. government and the tasks these institutions perform.

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Interest groups arising from the unequal distribution of property or wealth

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(Today's political parties/ interest groups)

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New Jersey Plan

The proposal at the Constitutional Convention that called for equal representation of each state in Congress regardless of the state's population.

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Virginia Plan

The proposal at the Constitutional Convention that called for representation in Congress proportional to that state's share of the U.S. population.

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Connecticut Compromise (Great Compromise)

Created bicameral legislature (two houses)- one based on population (House of Reps) and one of equal representation (Senate)

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Separation of Powers

Each of the three branches needs to be independent of the other two so that one cannot control the others

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Checks and Balances

Limits government's power by requiring that power be balanced among the different governmental institutions. These institutions continually check one another's activities- setting power against power

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A form of government that derives its power, directly or indirectly, from the people. Those chosen to govern are accountable to those whom they govern.

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Supporters of the U.S. Constitution at the time the states were contemplating its adoption

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Opponents of the U.S. Constitution at the time the states were contemplating its adoption

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Federalist Papers

A collection of 85 articles written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay under the name Publius to defend the Constitution in detail.

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Bill of Rights

The first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution, drafted in response to some of the Anti-Federalists concerns, these amendments define such basic liberties as freedoms of religion, speech, and press

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Equal Rights Amendment

A constitutional amendment originally introduced in 1923 and passed by Congress in 1972 and sent tot he state legislatures for ratification, stating that "equality of rights under the law shall not be defined or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex." Failed to acquire the necessary support of 3/4 of state legislatures to become an amendment.

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Marbury v Madison

1803 case in which Chief Justice John Marshall and his associates first asserted the right of the Supreme Court to determine the meaning of the U.S. Constitution.

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Est Judicial Review

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Judicial Review

The power of the courts to determine whether acts of Congress, and by implication the executive, are in accord with the U.S. Constitution.

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Writ of Habeas Corpus

A court order requiring jailers to explain to a judge why they are holding a prisoner in custody

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What is federalism?

The relationships between the federal, state, and local governments and how their powers are divided

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Who usually wins in conflict: state or federal? (think of the timeline)


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Federal Powers

Coin money, post office, declare war, treaties, armed forces, immigration, interstate commerce, citizenship

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Concurrent Powers

Tax, create laws, courts, eminent domain, fund education

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Reserved Powers

Drinking, police, national guards, gambling, driving, tobacco, elections, schools, marriage, intrastate commerce, divorce laws

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Type of federal power that is hinted at in the Constitution


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Four forbidden federal powers

Ex post facto laws, bill of attainder, titles of nobility, export taxes

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Ex post facto laws

A law which punishes people for a crime that was not a crime when it was committed

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Bill of Attainder

A law that punishes a person accused of a crime without a trial or a fair hearing in court

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Documents recognized by the Full Faith and Credit Clause

Licenses, river usage, interstate compacts, extradition

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Privileges and Immunities Clause

Citizens of a state are rewarded states rights

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The release of a prisoner from one state back to their state of crime

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McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)

Maryland tries to tax the National Bank, but National Bank refuses; National Bank wins out; overseen by Marshall Court

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What two questions did the Marshall Court have in McCulloch v. Maryland, and how did they answer them?

Is a National Bank constitutional (yes, by the Elastic Clause) and can Maryland tax the National Bank (no. by the Commerce Clause)?

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Gibbons v. Ogden (1828)

Gibbons has a federal steamboat license, but Ogden has a state steamboat license; Ogden sues Gibbons in New York; Supreme Court rules to Gibbons for interstate commerce (Hudson River in New York and New Jersey)

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Type of federalism that has a clear separation of federal and state governments

Dual "Layer-Cake" Federalism

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Type of federalism that has intertwined federal and state governments (FDR and the New Deal)

Cooperative "Marble-Cake" Federalism

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Type of federalism that leads to a smaller federal government and state-led grants (Nixon and Reagan)

New Federalism

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Block Grants

Broad topic of spending assigned; most popular with states

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Categorical Grants

Specific spending area assigned by federal government; least popular with states

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Two specific types of categorical grants

Formula and project grants

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Formula Grants

Money assigned to a specific geographical area; local governments spend where necessary

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Project Grants

Money given through bid process to work on a development

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Guarantees to States

Protection from foreign invasion; states have a republican government; new states can be admitted through an Enabling Act and an Act of Admissions

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Republican Government

Representation and power stems from the people

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Federal mandates

Rules imposed on states by federal government

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Funded mandates

Money given to states to change an existing program or policy

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Unfunded mandates

Changes must occur to continue federal funding, but no funding is given to make the change

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US v. Lopez (1995)

Boy brings gun to school and gets caught; federal government tries to take up case with convoluted justifications; Supreme Court states that federal government is overstepping boundaries

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Unitary government

A central government that holds supreme power in a nation.

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Tenth Amendment

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people"

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enumerated powers

powers of the federal government that are listed explicitly in the Constitution

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elastic clause

The final paragraph of Article 1, Section 8, of the Constitution, which authorizes Congress to pass all laws "necessary and proper" to carry out the enumerated powers

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Transferring responsibility for policies from the federal government to the state and local governments.

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intergovernmental relations

The entire set of interactions among national, state and local governments- including regulations, transfer of funds, and the sharing of information- that constitute the workings of the federal system

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supremacy clause

The clause in Article VI of the Constitution that makes the Constitution, national laws and treaties supreme over state laws as long as the national government is acting within Constitutional limits

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fiscal federalism

The pattern of spending, taxing, and providing grants in the federal system; it is the cornerstone of the national government's relations with state and local governments

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Political Party

According to Anthony Downs, a "team of men (and women) seeking to control the governing apparatus by gaining office in a duly constituted election"

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linkage institution

The channels or access points through which issues and people's policy preferences get on the government's policy agenda. Examples in the United States, elections, political parties, interest groups, and the mass media.

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Rational Choice Theory

To explain the actions of voters as well as politicians. It assumes that individuals act in their own best interest, carefully weighing the costs and benefits of possible alternatives

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Party Identification

A citizen's self-proclaimed preference for one party or the other.

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ticket splitting

Voting with one party for one office and with another party for other offices. It has become the norm in American voting behavior.

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party machine

A type of political party organization that relies heavily on material inducements, such as patronage, to win votes and to govern.

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One of the key inducements used by political machines. A patronage job, promotion, or contract is one that is given for political reasons rather than for merit or competence alone.

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closed primary

Elections to select party nominees in which only people who have registered in advance with the party can vote for that party's candidates, thus encouraging greater party loyalty.

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open primary

Elections to select party nominees in which voters can decide on Election Day whether they want to participate in the Democratic or Republican contests.

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blanket primary

Elections to select party nominees in which voters are presented with a list of candidates from all the parties. Voters can select some Democrats and some Republicans if they like.

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national convention

The meeting of a party delegates every four years to choose a presidential ticket and write the party's platform.

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national committee

One of the institutions that keeps the party operating between conventions. The national committee is composed of representatives from the states and territories.

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national chairperson

One of the institutions that keeps the party operating between conventions. The national chairperson is responsible for the day-to-day activities of the party and is usually selected by the presidential nominee.

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party in government

Elected officials who identify as being part of a particular political party

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party as organization

A political party that has national offices, budgets, bylaws, state and local offices, etc

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party in electorate

Members of the electorate who identify as being part of a particular party

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A group of individuals with a common interest upon which every political party depends.

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