BIO 130 term 1

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Cell theory(week 1: section 1)

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Cell theory(week 1: section 1)

  • cell is the basic organizational unit of life

  • all organisms are comprised of 1 or more cells

  • cells arise from pre-existing cells

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Prokaryotic cells(week 1: section 1)

  • no nuclei

  • single-celled

  • no membrane-bound organelles

  • DNA bound by nucleoid(not membrane)

  • smaller than eukaryotes

  • less DNA than eukaryotes

  • Bacteria and Archaea

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Eukaryotic cells(week 1: section 1)

  • nuclei

  • single-celled/multicellular

  • several membrane bound organelles

  • plants, fungi, animals, humans

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Differences between animal and plant eukaryotic cells(week 1: section 1)

  • plants are larger and more complex

  • plants: cell wall, chloroplasts, large vacuole

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Origins of mitochondria(week 1: section 1)

  • aerobic bacterium engulfed by anaerobic eukaryotic cell

  • aerobic bacterium loss plasma membrane and split into mitochondria w/ double membrane

  • becomes early aerobic eukaryotic cell

<ul><li><p>aerobic bacterium engulfed by anaerobic eukaryotic cell</p></li><li><p>aerobic bacterium loss plasma membrane and split into mitochondria w/ double membrane</p></li><li><p>becomes early aerobic eukaryotic cell</p></li></ul>
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origins of chloroplasts(week 1: section 1)

  • early aerobic eukaryotic cell engulfs photosynthetic bacterium

  • photosynthetic bacterium loses membrane and splits into chloroplasts

  • becomes photosynthetic eukaryotic cell

<ul><li><p>early aerobic eukaryotic cell engulfs photosynthetic bacterium</p></li><li><p>photosynthetic bacterium loses membrane and splits into chloroplasts</p></li><li><p>becomes photosynthetic eukaryotic cell</p></li></ul>
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Endosymbiont hypothesis(week 1: section 1)

  • organelles in eukaryotic cells were once prokaryotic microbes that entered eukaryotic cells living together

  • shown w/ origins of mitochondria + chloroplasts

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Evidence for endosymbiont hypothesis(week 1: section 1)

  1. remnants of mitochondria + chloroplasts’s genomes + genetic systems resemble that of modern day prokaryotes

  2. their own protein + DNA synthesis components resemble prokaryotes too

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General attributes of model organisms(week 1: section 2)

  • rapid development w/ short life cycles

  • small adult(reproductive) size

  • readily available(collections or widespread)

  • tractability (ease of manipulation or modification)

  • understandable genetics

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Examples of model organisms(week 1: section 2)

  • E. coli

  • Brewer’s yeast

  • Arabidopsis thaliana (wall cress)

  • Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly)

  • Caenorhabditis elegans (nematode worm)

  • Zebrafish

  • mice

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E. coli as a model organism(week 1: section 2)

  • prokaryote

  • bacteria

  • helps show fundamental mechanisms of life (ex: how cells replicate)

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Brewer's yeast as a model organism(week 1: section 2)

  • eukaryote

  • single celled fungus similar to plant cells (has cell wall, immobile, no chloroplasts)

  • simple eukaryote to help study more complex ones

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Arabidopsis thaliana(wall cress) as a model organism(week 1: section 2)

  • eukaryote

  • weed plant

  • helps give insight into development + physiology of crop plants, as well as other plant species

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Drosophila melanogaster(fruit fly) as a model organism(week 1: section 2)

  • eukaryote

  • fly (insect)

  • helps to understand how all animals develop

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Caenorhabditis elegans(nematode worm) as a model organism(week 1: section 2)

  • eukaryote

  • relative of eel worms

  • hermaphrodite

  • complete genome (959 body cells)

  • share genes w/ humans, so helps to see how humans develop

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zebra fish as a model organism(week 1: section 2)

  • eukaryote

  • transparent first 2 weeks of life

  • helps to see how cells behave during development of a living animal

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mice as a model organism(week 1: section 2)

  • eukaryote

  • used to study mammalian genetics, development, immunology + cell bio.

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Model organisms + humans(week 1: section 2)

  • study of model organisms helps us to understand humans bc:

  • humans can also be studied using:

    1. clinical studies

    2. cell cultures

    3. organoids

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information flow in the cell(week 1: section 3)

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Refined central dogma(week 1: section 3)

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Elaborated central dogma(week 1: section 3)

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Information flow in prokaryote + eukaryote cells(week 1: section 3)

  • DNA, RNA + proteins synthesized as linear chains of info w/ a definite polarity

  • info in RNA sequence is translated into amino acid sequence via genetic code(universal among all species)

<ul><li><p>DNA, RNA + proteins <u>synthesized</u> as <mark data-color="red">linear chains of info w/ a definite polarity</mark></p></li><li><p>info in RNA sequence is translated into amino acid sequence via <mark data-color="red">genetic code</mark>(universal among all species)</p></li></ul>
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Nucleic acids(week 1: section 4)

  • genetic material in a cell(organism’s blueprints)

  • DNA = deoxyribonucleic acid

  • RNA = ribonucleic acid

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Parts of a nucleotide(week 1: section 4)

  1. pentose sugar(foundation for base)

  2. nitrogenous base(A, T, C, G, U)

  3. phosphate group(backbone, 1-3 P’s)

<ol><li><p>pentose sugar(foundation for base)</p></li><li><p>nitrogenous base(A, T, C, G, U)</p></li><li><p>phosphate group(backbone, 1-3 P’s)</p></li></ol>
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Bases(week 1: section 4)

  • nitrogen containing ring compounds

  • single ring = pyrimidine (U, T, C)

  • double ring = purine (A, G)

<ul><li><p>nitrogen containing ring compounds</p></li><li><p>single ring = pyrimidine (U, T, C)</p></li><li><p>double ring = purine (A, G)</p></li></ul>
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Differences between RNA and DNA(week 1: section 4)


  • ribose sugar

  • G, C, A, U


  • deoxyribose sugar(missing oxygen)

  • G, C, A, T

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Nucleic acid nomenclature(week 1: section 4)

  • base + sugar = nucleo__s__ide

  • base + sugar + phosphate = nucleo__t__ide

  • 1 phosphate = mono, 2 = di, 3 = tri

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Bases and their nucleoside naming(week 1: section 4)

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Nucleic acid chains(week 1: section 4)

  • DNA synthesized from deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates(dNTPs)

  • RNA synthesized from ribonucleoside triphosphates(NTPs)

  • nucleotides are linked by phosphodiester bonds

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Molecular interactions(week 1: section 5)

  • interactions btwn individual molecules usually mediated by noncovalent attractions

  • individually very weak, but can add up to make strong binding btwn molecules

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Types of molecular interactions(week 1: section 5)

  1. electrostatic attractions

  2. hydrogen bonds

  3. van der waals attractions

  4. hydrophobic force

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electrostatic attractions(week 1: section 5)

  • noncovalent force of attraction between 2 oppositely charged molecules

  • similar idea to attractions btwn ions or polar molecules

  • in bio. can be seen with regions of positive/negative charges on large molecules

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Hydrogen bond(week 1: section 5)

  • weaker than covalent bonds

  • between hydrogen and really electronegative atom(O, N, F)

  • allows for special properties of water

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van der Waals attraction(week 1: section 5)

  • weakest force of attraction

  • nonspecific interaction, can happen in all types of molecules

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Hydrophobic force(week 1: section 5)

  • similar types of forces interacting w/ e/o(hydrophobic w/ hydrophobic)

  • helps to promote molecular interactions

  • important for building cell membrane

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Base pairing(week 1: section 5)

  • holds DNA double helix shape together

  • A - T has 2 hydrogen bonds

  • G - C has 3 hydrogen bonds

<ul><li><p>holds DNA double helix shape together</p></li><li><p>A - T has 2 hydrogen bonds</p></li><li><p>G - C has 3 hydrogen bonds</p></li></ul>
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Forces that keep DNA strands together(week 1: section 5)

  1. hydrogen bonds

  2. hydrophobic interactions

  3. van der Waals attractions

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Advantages of DNA structure(week 1: section 5)

  • energetically favourable conformation

  • proteins can recognize + make contact w/ specific DNA sequences in major + minor grooves

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DNA strands(week 1: section 5)

  • 2 strands are complementary

  • can be unzipped

  • antiparallel (one strand is 5’→3’, other is 3’→5’)

  • end of 5’ made of phosphate group(PO4)

  • end of 3’ made of hydroxyl group(OH)

  • can be separated by proteins in cell + heat

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Advantages of separating DNA strands(week 1: section 5)

important for:

  • DNA replication

  • RNA synthesis

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Flow chart of protein structure(week 2: section 2)

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Amino acids(week 2: section 3)

  • subunits of proteins

  • Types of amino acids:

  1. acidic (important for enzymes)

  2. basic (important for enzymes)

  3. uncharged polar (h-bonds in water)

  4. nonpolar (insides of proteins, may be present in lipid bilayers)

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Structure of amino acids(week 2: section 3)

  • alpha carbon

  • carboxyl group

  • amino group

  • R group(what decides amino acid)

<ul><li><p>alpha carbon</p></li><li><p>carboxyl group</p></li><li><p>amino group</p></li><li><p>R group(what decides amino acid)</p></li></ul>
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Cysteine’s uniqueness(week 2: section 3)

  • has disulfide bonds

  • non polar amino acid

<ul><li><p>has disulfide bonds</p></li><li><p>non polar amino acid</p></li></ul>
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Peptide bonds(week 2: section 4)

  • forms btwn carboxyl group + amino group of diff. amino acids

  • R groups r not involved

  • causes polypeptide chain to have amino end(N terminus) + carbonyl end(C terminus)

  • water as product(condensation reaction)

<ul><li><p>forms btwn carboxyl group + amino group  of diff. amino acids</p></li><li><p>R groups r not involved</p></li><li><p>causes polypeptide chain to have amino end(N terminus) + carbonyl end(C terminus)</p></li><li><p>water as product(condensation reaction)</p></li></ul>
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Alpha helix(week 2: section 5)

  • has N-terminal + C-terminal

  • R groups r not involved

  • hydrogen bonds btwn every 4 amino acids(residue)

<ul><li><p>has N-terminal + C-terminal</p></li><li><p>R groups r not involved</p></li><li><p>hydrogen bonds btwn every 4 amino acids(residue)</p></li></ul>
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Beta sheet(week 2:

  • R groups are not involved (but alternately project up + down)

  • usually contains 4-5 beta strands, but can have 10+

  • H-bonding btwn carbonyl oxygen (C=O) + amine hydrogen (N-H) of 2 diff. amino acids in neighbouring strands

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Types of Beta sheets(week 2: section 6)

  • anti-parallel

  • parallel

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H-Bonding in secondary structures(week 2: section 6)

  • atoms in bonding: carbonyl oxygen + amine hydrogen in peptide backbone

  • Alpha helices: h-bonding every 4 AA’s apart within polypeptide chain

  • Beta sheet: btwn AA’s in diff. segments/strands of polypeptide chain

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Coiled coils(week 2: section 6)

  • multiple alpha helices tied together

  • amphipathic (has both hydrophilic + hydrophobic parts)

  • found in alpha-keratin of skin, hair + myosin motor proteins

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Tertiary structure(week 2: section 6)

  • overall 3D structure of a protein

  • proteins fold into conformation that is most energetically favourable

  • protein shape dictated by amino acid sequence aided by chaperone proteins

  • held together by:

    1. hydrophobic interactions

    2. non-covalent bonds

    3. covalent disulfide bonds

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Chaperone proteins(week 2: section 6)

  • helps the process of protein folding more efficient + reliable

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Diff. models of tertiary structures(week 2: section 6)

  1. backbone model: shows overall organization of polypeptide chain

  2. ribbon model: shows folding patterns

  3. wire model: shows R groups’ positions

  4. space filling model: shows protein surface

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Protein domains(week 2: section 6)

  • regions of polypeptide chain that are able to independently fold into tertiary structure

  • domains specialized for diff functions

  • important for evolution of proteins

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Protein families(week 2: section 6)

  • common evolutionary origin

  • have similar aa sequences + tertiary structures

  • members evolved to have diff functions

  • most proteins belong to families w/ similar structural domains

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Quaternary structure: hemoglobin(week 2: section 6)

  • hemoglobin protein formed from separate subunits: 2 α, 2 β

  • each subunit = separate polypeptide chain

  • sickle cell anemia caused by mutation in

    β subunit

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Multiprotein complexes + molecular machines(week 2: section 6)

Can be:

  • many identical subunits(proteins)

  • mixtures of diff proteins + DNA/RNA (more diverse in function w/ diff protein subunits)

  • dynamic assemblies of proteins to form molecular machines

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Studying proteins(week 2: section 7)

  1. purify protein(s) of interest using electrophoresis/chromatography

  2. determine amino acid sequence (using mass spectrometry)

  3. discover precise 3D structure

  • Proteomics(large scale study of proteins)

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Genomes(week 3: section 1)

  • can come in all sizes(size not always correlated w/ # of genes/organism complexity)

  • includes all DNA including non-coding regions

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Elements of human genome(week 3: section 1)

Repeated sequences(~50%):

  • simple repeats

  • segment duplications

  • mobile genetic elements:

    1. LINEs

    2. SINEs

    3. retrotransposon

    4. DNA-only transposon

Unique sequences(~50%):

  • nonrepetitive DNA(neither introns/exons)

  • introns (transcribed, not translated)

  • exons (codes for proteins) (~1.5% of genome)

<p><u><strong>Repeated sequences(~50%):</strong></u></p><ul><li><p>simple repeats</p></li><li><p>segment duplications</p></li><li><p>mobile genetic elements:</p><ol><li><p>LINEs</p></li><li><p>SINEs</p></li><li><p>retrotransposon</p></li><li><p>DNA-only transposon</p></li></ol></li></ul><p><u><strong>Unique sequences(~50%):</strong></u></p><ul><li><p>nonrepetitive DNA(neither introns/exons)</p></li><li><p>introns (transcribed, not translated)</p></li><li><p>exons (codes for proteins) (~1.5% of genome)</p></li></ul>
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Packing of DNA in the cell(week 3: section 2)

  • DNA condensed through folding + twisting, complexed w/ proteins (genome very big w/o packing)

  • forms the prokaryotic nucleoid

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Eukaryotic genome packing in cells(week 3: section 3)


  • human genome very very big**(no personality, smh)**


  • packing DNA into chromosomes

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Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization(FISH)(week 3: section 3)

  • uses idea of complementary strands + able to unzip strands

  • looks for particular sequence in chromosome(DNA probe hybridizes with chromosome DNA)

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Chromosomes(week 3: section 3)

  • 23 pairs in humans(last pair for sex of human)

  • made of chromatin

  • replicated in interphase + M phase

  • held together at centromere

  • ends are called telomeres

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Chromatin(week 3: section 3)

  • single, long, linear DNA molecule + associated proteins

  • tightly packaged but remains assessible for transcription, replication, + repair

  • is DYNAMIC(on how tightly packed it is)

  • made of 8 different nucleosomes

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Cell cycle: chromosome replication(week 3: section 3)

2 phases:

  • interphase

  • M phase(mitosis)


  • gene expression + chromosome duplication

M phase:

  • mitosis

  • chromosome separated

<p><u><strong>2 phases:</strong></u></p><ul><li><p>interphase</p></li><li><p>M phase(mitosis)</p></li></ul><p><u><strong>Interphase:</strong></u></p><ul><li><p>gene expression + chromosome duplication</p></li></ul><p><u><strong>M phase:</strong></u></p><ul><li><p>mitosis</p></li><li><p>chromosome separated</p></li></ul>
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Structure of a nucleosome(week 3: section 4)

  • made of DNA wrapped around histones

  • ~6 packed histones make 1 nucleosome

<ul><li><p>made of DNA wrapped around histones</p></li><li><p>~6 packed histones make 1 nucleosome</p></li></ul>
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Histones(week 3: section 4)

  • small proteins rich in lysine + arginine

  • positive charge able to neutralize negative charge of DNA

  • 4 core histone proteins:

    1. H2A

    2. H2B

    3. H3

    4. H4

  • pair of each in octamer core

  • 1 linker histone(H1)

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Packing of nucleosomes(week 3: section 4)

  • non-histone clamp proteins involved in forming chromatin loops

<ul><li><p>non-histone clamp proteins involved in forming chromatin loops</p></li></ul>
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Chromatin packing + re-modeling(week 3: section 5)

performed by:

  • chromatin remodeling complexes

  • histone modifying enzymes

Can cause:

  • heterochromatin

  • euchromatin

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Heterochromatin(week 3: section 5)

  • Highly condensed chromatin

  • areas where gene expression is suppressed


  • meiotic + mitotic chromosomes

  • centromeres + telomeres

  • one X chromosome in females(Barr body)

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Euchromatin(week 3: section 5)

  • relatively non-condensed chromatin

  • areas where genes tend to be expressed

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Conservatism of DNA replication(week 3: section 6)

  • DNA synthesis is semiconservative(only one seen in nature so far)

<ul><li><p>DNA synthesis is <u>semiconservative</u>(only one seen in nature so far)</p></li></ul>
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Directionality of DNA replication(week 3: section 6)

  • Always occurs from 3’ end to 5’ end(DNA polymerase stitching)

  • Growth occurs from 5’ end to 3’ end

3 possible models:

  1. unidirectional growth of single strands from 2 starting points

  2. unidirectional growth of 2 strands from 1 starting point

  3. bidirectional growth from 1 starting point

<ul><li><p><strong>Always occurs from 3’ end to 5’ end(DNA polymerase stitching)</strong></p></li><li><p><strong>Growth occurs from 5’ end to 3’ end</strong></p></li></ul><p><u><strong>3 possible models:</strong></u></p><ol><li><p>unidirectional growth of single strands from 2 starting points</p></li><li><p>unidirectional growth of 2 strands from 1 starting point</p></li><li><p>bidirectional growth from 1 starting point</p></li></ol>
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Replication origin(week 3: section 6)

  • Where DNA replication begins


  • easy to open, rich in A-T bonds(less h-bonds)

  • recognized by and binding of initiator proteins occurs

# of origins of replications:

  • 1 in bacteria

  • multiple in Eukaryotes

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DNA replication in bacteria(week 3: section 6)

  • bidirectional growth from 1 starting point

  • this style of replication only applies to circular genomes

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Replication forks(week 3: section 6)

  • is asymmetrical


  • 2 strands

    1. lagging strand: replicated discontinuously(causes Okazaki fragments)

    2. leading strand: replicated continuously

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Initiator proteins for replication(week 4: section 1:

  1. binds to origin

  2. helps helicase bind

  3. requires ATP

<ol><li><p>binds to origin</p></li><li><p>helps helicase bind</p></li><li><p>requires ATP</p></li></ol>
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Unwinding DNA(week 4: section 1)

Performed by:

  • 2 types of helicases

  • predominant one moves along lagging strand template(5’→3’)


  • a lot of ATP

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Single strand binding proteins(week 4: section 1)

  • binds single stranded DNA(ssDNA) to separate strands

  • prevents strands from H-bonding, reannealing, hair pins, and loops until replication occurs

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Primase(week 4: section 1)

  • synthesize RNA primers needed for DNA polymerase to bind

  • proceeds(reads) in 3’→5’ along template strand

<ul><li><p>synthesize RNA primers needed for DNA polymerase to bind</p></li><li><p>proceeds(reads) in 3’→5’ along template strand</p></li></ul>
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DNA polymerase(week 4: section 1)

  • reads 3’→5’ along parent strand

  • creates DNA in 5’→3’ direction

  • removes 2 phosphates from nucleoside triphosphate to add onto growing strand

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Sliding clamp(week 4: section 1)

  • holds polymerase onto DNA

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DNA ligase(week 4: section 1)

  • seals nick(gap) caused by removal of RNA primers

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Primosome (week 4: section 1)

  • helicase + primase

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Unwinding problem(week 4: section 2)


  • as helicase unwinds DNA, supercoiling + torsional strain increases

  • problem in circular chromosomes + large linear eukaryotic chromosomes


  • solved by DNA topoisomerase (breaks phosphodiester bond and reseals it)

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Loss of DNA problem(week 4: section 2)


  • major problem for lagging strand

  • loss of sequence information on 5’ end on daughter strand


  • repetitive sequence added to the 3’ end of parent strand determined by RNA template in telomerase

<p><u><strong>Problem:</strong></u></p><ul><li><p>major problem for <u>lagging strand</u></p></li><li><p>loss of sequence information on 5’ end on daughter strand</p></li></ul><p><u><strong>Solution:</strong></u></p><ul><li><p>repetitive sequence added to the 3’ end of parent strand determined by RNA template in telomerase</p></li></ul>
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Telomere replication(week 4: section 2)

  • RNA template

  • resembles reverse transcriptase

  • generates G-rich ends

  • adds nucleotides to 3’ ends to parental strand template

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Telomeres and cancer(week 4: section 2)

  • telomerase are abundant in stem and germ-line cells, but not in somatic cells

  • loss of telomeres during DNA replication, limits # of time cell can divide

  • Most cancer cells produce high level of telomerase

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Issues in DNA replication(week 4: section 2)

  • if mistake during replication not repaired, mutation occurs and stays in new generations

<ul><li><p>if mistake during replication not repaired, mutation occurs and stays in new generations</p></li></ul>
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High fidelity of DNA replication(week 4: section 2)

RNA polymerases:

  • has error rate ~1 in 1000

DNA polymerases:

  • has error rate ~1 in 1000000000

  • human genome(3 bill. bp) only changes ~3 nucleotides every time a cell divides

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DNA proofreading + repair: 3’ to 5’ exonuclease(week 4: section 2)


  • removes misincorporated nucleotide

  • performed by DNA polymerase(polymerizing section(P) + editing section(E)

  • DNA pol. detects helix distortion and moves back 1 space to remove nucleotide

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DNA proofreading + repair: strand-directed mismatch repair(week 4: section 2)

  • error repair process(when proofreading fails)

  • initiated by direction of distortion in geometry of double helix generated by mismatched base pairs

<ul><li><p>error repair process(when proofreading fails)</p></li><li><p>initiated by direction of distortion in geometry of double helix generated by mismatched base pairs</p></li></ul>
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DNA damage(week 4: section 2)

  • even after synthesis, DNA can get damaged + need repair

  • defects in repair mechs., linked w/ variety of human diseases

Types of damage:

  1. oxidation

  2. radiation

  3. heat

  4. chemicals

  • and other cell stressors

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Spontaneous damage to DNA(week 4: section 2)


  • loss of purines(A,G) in nucleotide

  • causes deletion mutation


  • loss of amine(NH2) group on cytosine(C)

  • converts C to U

  • improper base pairing mutation

<p><u><strong>Depurination:</strong></u></p><ul><li><p>loss of purines(A,G) in nucleotide</p></li><li><p>causes deletion mutation</p></li></ul><p><u><strong>Deamination:</strong></u></p><ul><li><p>loss of amine(NH2) group on cytosine(C)</p></li><li><p>converts C to U</p></li><li><p>improper base pairing mutation</p></li></ul>
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DNA repair mechanisms(week 4: section 2)

  1. base excision repair: fixes smaller problems(1 base removed)

  2. nucleotide excision repair: removes multiple nucleotides(ex: dimers)

<ol><li><p><u><strong>base excision repair:</strong></u> fixes smaller problems(1 base removed)</p></li><li><p><u><strong>nucleotide excision repair:</strong></u> removes multiple nucleotides(ex: dimers)</p></li></ol>
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DNA repair of double-stranded breaks(week 4: section 2)

Two situations:

  1. nonhomologous end joining: results in some loss of nucleotides at repair site

  2. homologous end joining: results in no loss of nucleotides at repair site

<p><u><strong>Two situations:</strong></u></p><ol><li><p><u>nonhomologous end joining:</u> results in <mark data-color="red">some</mark> <mark data-color="red">loss of nucleotides at repair site</mark></p></li><li><p><u>homologous end joining:</u> results in <mark data-color="red">no loss of nucleotides at repair site</mark></p></li></ol>
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Molecular definition of a gene(week 5: section 1)

  • Segments of DNA that are transcribed into RNA

  • Types of genes when transcribed:

    1. RNA that encodes for a protein(mRNA)

    2. RNA that functions as RNA and may not be translated into protein(tRNA + rRNA)

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Generation of RNA transcript(week 5: section 2)

  • RNA nucleotides added in 5’→3’ (anti-parallel)

  • uses ssDNA as template(other ssDNA is coding strand)

  • RNA nucleotides linked by phosphodiester bonds

  • DNA-RNA helix held by base pairing

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Schematic of RNA polymerase(week 5: section 2)

  • no need for primers

  • just needs the temple

  • less accurate than DNA pol.(more mistakes)

<ul><li><p>no need for primers</p></li><li><p>just needs the temple</p></li><li><p>less accurate than DNA pol.(more mistakes)</p></li></ul>
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flashcards Flashcard40 terms
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Updated ... ago
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