continue from last week
AVL Tree
BST in which every node is balanced, right heavy or left heavy.
Balance = height(left subtree) - height(right subtree)
Balance of every node should be between
-1, 0 or 1
AVL is o(___)
log n
height of an empty tree is equal to
operations on AVL Trees
Search, Insert and Delete
Do a TreeInsert as in BST, then verify if its still an AVL. If it’s unbalanced, we need to rebalance.
Types of rotation
Left and right rotation
Left rotation: Height of left subtree inc, height of right dec, BST order maintained
Good insert case
Balanced Preserved (insert middle then small then tall)
Bad Insert Case
Left left right or right right imbalance
how to fix left left inbalance
using right right insertion
Bad Insert case #2
Left right or Right Left
To fix RL or LR we fix it using
Double Rotation
AVL Insert Alg
Find spot for value
Hang new node
• Search back up looking for imbalance
• If there is an imbalance:
case #1: Perform single rotation
case #2: Perform double rotation
• Done!
(There can only be one imbalance!)