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Scientific study of language
profound biological mystery
Linguistics constitutes a
Applied Linguistics
Translation, writing, education
Theoretical Linguistics
word formation processes, structural sounds
Forensic Linguistics
language for interrogation
Language is reflexive
we learn languages through languages (translating)
Descriptive Grammar
Linguists are interested the speakers do follow stored in their mental grammar called….
Prescriptive Grammar
socially embedded notion of how grammar should be
Noam Chomsky
Father of modern linguistics:
CH 1 - Language is a behavior that is ____ across all nations
unform: no human culture lacked language
shared by all healthy members of the species
CH 2 Instinctive behavior emerge before they are really
Birds learn to sing before
sexual maturity
Humans learn language in the
CH 3: Instinctive behavior is automatic
language acqui is not something that humans can give up
CH 4: The emergence of an instinct follows a predictable
sequence of milestones: cooing-babbling-speaking
CH 5: Teaching language is mostly ineffective
No evidence prove that it is effective,
learning language without proper instructions
mostly prescriptive rules
CH 6: There is a critical period learning languages
Feral Children
never got to acquire language because they were too old
Grammar gene – people who lacks this are commonly speech impaired
Language is separate from general intelligence
tied to a separate specialized mental sub-system
LANGUAGE is a socially shared code or conventional system for expressing concepts through
arbitrary symbols and rule-governed combinations of symbols
: whatever name is given to you is because of the community’s decision
dynamic system
changes across different culture and time which makes it evolve.
Pragmatic function:
Some functions of human language include helping individuals to stay alive, influencing others’ behavior and finding out more about the world
Human can both produces messages and comprehend the messages of others
Ability of language to communicate about things, actions, and ideas that are NOT present in space or time while speakers are communicating.
In any language it is possible to produce an infinite number of sentences = no such things as the longest sentence ever
Property of language that allows us to combine discrete units to create larger communicative units. Everything is noise but we combine it to make words
Mental Lexicon
the repository of all lexical knowledge possessed by an individual language user.
Linguistic Competence
hidden knowledge of language, instictual
Linguistic Performance
the way people produce and comprehend language
vocabulary of a person