It is a process by which information is exchanged between individual through a common system, signs, or behavior.
it is often described as a natural ability of an individual to socialize with others.
These is defined as sources of credible and current information created through an editorial process determined by journalistic values.
Imagines, creates, and sends the message. In a public speaking situation, the source is the person giving the speech.
It is the stimulus or meaning produced by the source for the receiver or audience.
It is the way in which a message or messages travel between source and receiver.
receives the message from the source, analyzing and interpreting the message in ways both intended and unintended by the source.
The process of turning communication into thoughts
It is composed of messages the receiver sends back to the source.
the atmosphere, physical and psychological, where an individual sends and receives messages.
The ______ of the communication interaction involves the setting, scene, and expectations of the individuals involved.
Interference / Noise
This is anything that blocks or changes the source’s intended meaning of the message.
Media Literacy
This is the ability to access, analyze, response to a range of media. It also evaluates and create media in a variety of forms.
Information Literacy
This is the ability to recognize when information is needed, and to locate, evaluate, and effectively communicate information in its various formats.
Technology Literacy
This is the ability of an individual, either working independently or with others, to responsibly, appropriately, and effectively use technological tools.
Media and information Literacy
recognizes the primary role of information and media in our everyday lives.
Fundamental Elements of Media Literacy
1. A critical thinking skill enabling audience members to develop independent judgments about media content.
2. An understanding of the process of mass communication.
3. An awareness of the impact of media on the individual and society.
4. Strategies for analyzing and discussing media messages.
5. Understanding of media content as a text that provides insight into our culture and our lives.
6. The ability to enjoy, understand, and appreciate messages.
7. Development of effective and responsible production skills.
8. An understanding of the ethical and moral obligations of media practitioners.
Information Age
The 21st Century is known as the ___
Pre-Industrial Age
Before 1700s
Pre-Industrial Age
People discovered fire, developed paper from plants, and forged weapons and tools with stone, bronze, copper and iron.
It is used in ancient times as writing surface to designate documents written on its sheets, rolled up to scrolls.
Clay Tablets
This means of communication was used for over 3,000 years in 15 different languages
Cave Paintings
These numerous paintings and engravings found on cave walls or ceilings around 38 000 BCE are also known as “parietal art”
Industrial Age
Industrial Age
People used the power of steam, developed machine tools, established iron production, and the manufacturing of various products (including books through the printing press).
This is used for long-distance communication by transmitting electrical signals over a wire laid between stations.
Printing press for mass production (19th century)
It is a device that applies pressure to an inked surface resting upon a print medium (like paper or cloth).
It is an instrument for reproducing sounds by means of the vibration of a stylus, or needle, following a groove on a rotating disc.
Electronic Age
Electronic Age
The invention of the transistor ushered in the electronic age. People harnessed the power of transistors that led to the transistor radio, electronic circuits, and the early computers. In this age, long distance communication became more efficient.
New Information Age
New Information Age
The Internet paved the way for faster communication and the creation of the social network.
This exposes corrupt practices of the government and the private sector. Creating a space wherein governance is challenged or scrutinized by the governed. It also guarantees free and fair elections.
Resource Centre
This acts as a gateway of information for the society’s consumption. Also, it becomes a keeper of memories of the community, preserver of heritage and source of academic knowledge.
Through its diverse sources or formats, it bridges the gap of digital divide.
Using other people’s words and ideas without clearly acknowledging the source of the information
Common Knowledge
Facts that can be found in numerous places and are likely to be widely known.
You must document facts that are not generally known, or ideas that interpret facts.
Using someone’s words directly.
Using someone’s ideas but rephrasing them in your own words.
Print Media
This is media consisting of paper and ink, reproduced in a printing process that is traditionally mechanical.
Broadcast Media
This is media that reaches target audience using airwaves as the transmission medium
New Media
This are content organized and distributed on digital platforms.
Media Convergence
A phenomenon involving the interconnection of information and communications technologies namely computer networks, and media content.
Technological Convergence
The emergence of World Wide Web, smartphone, tablet, computers, smart televisions, and other digital devices, has been possible for billions of people around the world to access media content.
Social Media
The new leading force of media convergent sector which through internet allows individuals to participate media not only as a consumer but also as a producers.
Media Personalities
Media convergence also paves the way for media and information personalities.
Electronic Age Examples
Transistor Radio, Television, Large Electronic Computer, OHP, LCD projectors
New Information Age Examples
Laptop, Facebook (Social Network), Google Meet (Video Chat)
Industrial Age Examples
Newspaper, Typewriter, Telephone, Punch cards
Pre-Industrial Age Examples
Acta Diurna in Rome, Dibao in China, Codex in the Mayan region