Energy systems (BTEC Sport)

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What type of reaction is the ATP/PC?

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What type of reaction is the ATP/PC?


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What chemical is involved in the ATP/PC system?


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Where is the site of reaction for the ATP/PC system?

In muscle cells (sarcoplasm).

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What are the controlling enzymes of the ATP/PC system?

Creatine Kinase.

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What is the activity of Creatine Kinase effected by?

1.) Activated by an increase in ADP.

2.) Inhibited by an increase in ATP.

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What is the Net total of ATP produced by the ATP/PC system?

1 ATP molecule.

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What are the by products of the ATP/PC reaction?

1.) Phosphate group.

2.) Creatine molecule.

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What is the duration of energy produced by the ATP/PC system?

2- 10 seconds.

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What is the intensity of exercise required for the use of the ATP/PC system?

Very high intensity.

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What are sporting examples of the use of the ATP/PC system?

1.) Throwing events (shot put).

2.) Sprinting.

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What is the recovery process of the ATP/PC system?

1.) Reaction can be reversed.

2.) Requires 180 seconds and 4 litres of oxygen.

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What type of reaction is the Lactic acid system?


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What is the food/chemical fuel required for the Lactic acid system?


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Where is the site of reaction for the Lactic acid system?

In muscle cells (sarcoplasm).

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What are the controlling enzymes for the Lactic acid system?

1.) Glycogen Phosphorylase (GP).

2.) Phosphofructokinase (PFK).

3.) Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH).

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What is the Net total of ATP produced in the Lactic acid system?

2 ATP molecules.

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What are the stages of ATP production in the Lactic Acid system?

1.) Glycogen is broken down by GP into glucose.

2.) Glucose is broken down by PFK into Pyruvic Acid.

3.) Pyruvic acid is broken down by LDH into Lactic acid.

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What are the By products of the Lactic acid system?

Lactic Acid.

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What are the effects of the production of Lactic Acid?

1.) Lowers pH of blood.

2.) Inhibits enzymes.

3.) Causes muscle fatigue and pain.

4.) Inhibits reactions.

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What is the duration of the energy produced by the Lactic Acid system?

10 seconds to 2/3 minutes.

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What intensity of activity is required for the Lactic Acid system to come to use?

High Intensity.

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What are sporting examples of the use of the Lactic acid system?

1.) 400/800 metre sprint.

2.) Football, closing someone down.

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What is the recovery process for the Lactic Acid system?

1.) Lactic acid removed by converting to Co2 or H2O.

2.) Lactic Acid removed via sweat.

3.) Takes 1 hour and 5-8 litres of oxygen.

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What type of reaction is the aerobic glycolysis system?


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What is the chemical/food fuel of the aerobic glycolysis system?

Glycogen and fats.

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Where is the site of reaction for the aerobic glycolysis system?

In the muscle cells (sarcoplasm).

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What are the controlling enzymes for the Aerobic glycolysis system?

1.) Glycogen Phosphorylase (GP).

2.) Phosphofructokinase (PFK).

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What is the net total of ATP produced from the aerobic glycolysis system?

2 ATP molecules.

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What are the stages of ATP production in the Aerobic glycolysis system?

1.) Glycogen is broken down by GP into glucose.

2.) Glucose is broken down by PFK into pyruvic acid.

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What are the By products of the aerobic glycolysis system?

Pyruvic acid which can be used in the Krebbs cycle.

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What is the duration of the energy produced by the aerobic glycolysis system?

10 seconds to 2/3 minutes.

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What is the intensity required for energy to be produced by the aerobic glycolysis system?

Medium to low intensity.

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What are sporting examples for the aerobic glycolysis system?

1.) Curling.

2.) The start of a marathon.

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What is the recovery process for the aerobic glycolysis system?

Removal of co2 through respiratory system.

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What type of reaction is the Krebs cycle?


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What is the chemical/ food fuel for the Krebs cycle?

Glycogen and fats.

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Where is the site of reaction of the Krebs cycle?

Matrix in the mitochondria.

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What are the controlling enzymes of the Krebs cycle?

Acetyl coA takes pyruvic acid into Krebs cycle.

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What is the net total of ATP produced by the Krebs cycle?

2 ATP molecules.

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What are the By products of the Krebs cycle?

1.) Co2 used in respiration.

2.) Hydrogen used in E.T.C system.

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What is the duration of energy produced by the Krebs cycle?

2/3 minutes to 12 minutes.

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What intensity of exercise is required for the use of the Krebs cycle?

medium to low intensity.

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What are sporting examples for the Krebs cycle?

1.) First 12 minutes of a marathon.

2.) Jogging in hockey.

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What type of reaction is the ETC system?


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What is the chemical/ food fuel of the ETC system?


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Where is the site of reaction for the ETC system?

Cristae of mitochondria.

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What is the net total of ATP produced by the ETC system?

34 ATP.

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What are the By products of the aerobic system?

Co2 and water.

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What is the duration for the energy produced by the aerobic system?

12 minutes to hours.

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What is the intensity of activity required for the ETC system reaction?

Low to medium.

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What are the sporting examples for the ETC system?

1.) Football game.

2.) Hockey game.

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What is the recovery process for the ETC system?

Co2 breathed out and glycogen and fat stores replenished.

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What are the adaptations of the ATP-PC system?

The body can store more PC which means the ATP-PC system can be used for longer.

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What are the adaptations of the lactate system?

Increased tolerance to lactic acid meaning the lactate system can be used for longer.

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What are the adaptations for the aerobic system?

1.) Increased ability to use fats as food fuel source.

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Describe Diabetes.

The amount of Glucose in body is too high as it cannot enter cells. This means energy production is reduced to ATP-PC system. Therefore, those with diabetes pump insulin into body as this is a hormone which transports glucose to the cells.

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Describe a Hypoglycemic attack.

Occurs when there is an abnormally low level of glucose and therefore people with diabetes must monitor glucose levels before and after exercise. Aerobic exercise lowers glucose levels whereas anaerobic increases glucose levels.

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Describe Lactate system in children.

Lactate system doesn't develop until 20 years of age.

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