A gene is cut out of chromosome using restriction enzymes.
A DNA plasmid is taken out of a bacterium and cut open using enzymes
The gene and the plasmid are mixed together.
The Gene and the plasmid are stuck together using lypase enzymes to make a new plasmid
The new plasmid with the gene is put into a bacterium. The bacterium has been genetically modified and will now make the ....
The nucleus is removed from an egg cell
The diploid nucleus is removed from an adult body cell.
The diploid nucleus from the body cell is placed inside the empty egg cell. The cell is then stimulated with an electric pulse to start mitotic division.
The cell divides and grows as an embryo
The embryo is placed in the uterus of a surrogate mother until it is ready to be born.
If the animal that is cloned has good features, all of its offspring will have the same good features.
Cloning mammals can help with the shortage of organs for transplants
Cloning can be used to help preserve endangered species
Any genetic defect in the parent will be passed on to the offspring
Clones mammals may suffer more health problems than usual, which may cause them to die early
It is more difficult to clone a mammal than a plant; it may take a few attempts
Cloning mammals leads to a reduced gene pool (fewer alleles in the population). This may mean if there is a new disease all the species could become extinct
Growth and movement
Build up larger molecules (like proteins)
Contract muscles
Maintain a steady body temperature