Belongs to the _______ virus family
Exposure increases with age
==Transmission of CMV occurs when coming into contact with the virus through:==
Breast milk
_______ _______
Once infected with CMV:
Virus can _________, but healthy immune system prevents this in most cases
A _________ carrier can transmit virus to fetus which causes developmental issues in infant.
Acute symptoms at birth
Permanent disabilities
A test offered during pregnancy to check if a baby has a genetic or chromosomal condition.
It involves removing and testing a small sample of cells from amnioticfluid (the fluid that surrounds the baby in the womb)
Generalized petechiae
Purpuric rash (3-10mm)
Focal or general neurologic deficits
Intracranial calcifications
Mental Retardation
Cerebral palsy
No predictable audiometric configuration
_________ to _________
Laterality: Unilateral or bilateral
Some involve 4-8k Hz only - others all frequencies are involved
HL may be _________ and/or _________
Develop within the first years for some
Recent estimates:
__% of Hl at birth is cCMV related
Late onset HL = __% of HL in children by age 4 likely CMV related.
(Suggest that CMV is the leading non genetic cause of HL in Peds for the US)
Animal and human studies on temporal bone suggest:
CMV may be present in the epithelium and neural cells of the inner ear.
Cause U__amage by virus-mediated damage to neural cells and/or cause inflammatory responses resulting in damage__ to the auditory apparatus therefore causing HL
Doesn’t explain late onset or progressive loss!!!
JCIH treatment:
Babies ID’s early need impediment and more frequent _________ _________ to allow close monitoring
_________ in hearing should be considered in treating the HL
May program HAs more often.
Communication methods/needs to accommodate a changing HL
CDC recommendations:
_________ hearing checks
routine _________ screening
Developmental milestone checks
Infectious disease specialists
Primary care/Pediatrician
(Dahle et al., 2000)
Longitudinal study (24 years)
860 children with CMV were studied (651 asymptomatic, 209 symptomatic)
Test battery:
ABR (chloral hydrate)
Air and bone conduction if AC>25 dBnHL
VRA (from 9 months to 3 years old)
Longitudinal study outcomes:
Bilateral moderate to severe SNHL (equally severe in asymptomatic patients)
Delay onset of hearing loss (wide age range: 6 months to 16.4 years)
Gradually progressive (sometimes sudden decreases reaversed w/ steroids)
Threshold fluctuations without progression of their loss (may experience improvement)
Low frequencies (250 and 500 Hz) less stable than higher frequencies
Audiometric pattern:
_________ hearing loss was the predominant threshold configuration
Initially by a sloping _________-frequency loss may gradually progress to include the lower frequencies
Upward sloping (symptomatic)
Downward sloping (asymptomatic)
Medical management/evaluation:
A general medical examination
_________ procedures to document the diagnosis of CMV
An examination to determine damage to the _________ (EEG)
Assessment of the child’s _________ and _________.
(inhibitor of viral DNA synthesis) antiviral drug may have a beneficial effect in newborns affected by severe congenital CMV infection such as preventing hearing deterioration
Maintained normal hearing or stops the progression of hearing loss in 76% of infants when baseline compared to tests 6 months later
Significant side effects including bone marrow suppression, therefore if severe-profound hearing loss is present at birth, the doctors will likely not administer Ganciclovir due to physical risk and limited benefit in terms of hearing restoration.
Hearing eval:
If suspected a child should be routinely monitored:
Child should be assessed every __ to __ months
Speech and language therapy
Must be tailored to needs
Appropriate counseling for the parents!