St. Valentine’s Day – February 14th, 1900
Girls are getting ready for the trip to the Hanging Rock
Mrs A. only person who receives no valentine’s day cards
Travelled to rock in coach driven by Mr. Hussey
Have a picnic at rock
Watches all stop at 12 o’ clock
Miranda, Marion, Irma and Edith go for a walk around the rock
Mike and Albert see the girls crossing the river, and Mike falls in love with Miranda
Edith complains about the walk
Girls except Edith take off their stockings and shoes
They all fall asleep at the monolith
They wake up and then girls (except E) start walking further up the rock, behind the monolith
Edith runs back to the picnic grounds screaming
Sara locked in schoolroom to learn ‘The Hesperus’ poem – can’t memorise it
Calling out to older brother ‘Bertie’
Coach supposed to arrive no later than 8, not there – Mrs A. worried
Finally arrives – Mademoiselle faints of exhaustion
We find out: Miss McCraw, Marion, Miranda and Irma are missing at the rock
Mrs A. tries to keep the girls quiet about the situation
Edith doesn’t remember anything about what happened at the rock - mysterious
Constable Bumpher leading the investigation, assistant Jim Grant
No sign of them even with help of Aboriginal Australian tracker
Sara devastated
Mike and Albert interviewed
Find out Edith passed Miss McCraw in her underwear
Mrs A. forced to write letters to the parents of the missing girls
Mike and Albert friendship – breaking class boundaries
Mike can’t forget about the girls – keeps seeing swans, thinking of Miranda
Bloodhound recalled – found no signs of the girls
Mike decides to go up to the rock alone to find them
Mike and Albert go on a trip back to the rock
Mike stays behind to keep searching for the girls, Albert goes home
Fights against the power of the rock to search, calling out for Miranda
Albert has trouble sleeping – worried about Mike
Next morning goes out to get him – finds Mike unconscious
Mike taken back to Lake View with Dr. McKenzie
Albert finds Mike’s notebook, follows it to Irma Leopold
Irma not returning to the College – Mrs. A stressed
Sara not had tuition paid – Mrs A. threatens her with an orphanage
Mrs Valange – art teacher – feels bad for Sara, argues with Mrs A. and writes Sara a letter
Sara misses Miranda
Irma remembers nothing about experience on rock
Irma comes to Lake View
Mademoiselle engaged to Louis
Mike still seeing swans – in love with Miranda
Irma falls in love with Mike (her saviour)
Mike abandons Irma – goes on a trip to Northern Queensland and doesn’t say goodbye
Sara dreams of Miranda
Irma realises she was in love with Mike since she first saw him, crossing the creek
Irma goes back to Appleyard College to say goodbye before she returns to Europe
Irma sees her classmates in the gymnasium, Sara is strapped to a posture correcting board, they start interrogating her about the events of the rock and start screaming and going crazy
Mademoiselle slaps Edith
Chaos stops with the arrival of Tom
Mrs A. becomes increasingly stressed
Reg and Miss Lumley leave the college, they stay in a hotel overnight in Melbourne but it burns down at 3a.m. – they die
Sara has become ill
Mike comes back to Lake View for the day and visits Albert
We find out Mike has been dreaming about the rock
Albert is dreaming of his younger sister who he hasn’t seen since the orphanage
Albert gets a letter from Mr. Leopold with a large check and a note to say thank you for saving Irma
Albert decides to come with Mike on his tour of Australia
Mrs A. tells Minnie that Sara’s guardian (Mr. Cosgrove) is coming to pick her up and asks to look out for him herself
Mademoiselle comes to ask about Sara, Mrs A. says Mr. Cosgrove took her home that morning and that she helped pack Sara’s things
Mademoiselle helps clear out her room and notices an unpacked suitcase, and a small portrait of Miranda on the mantelpiece
The portrait was Sara’s most treasured possession – strange she didn’t take it with her
Suspicious, Mademoiselle writes a letter to Constable Bumpher
Mrs A. dreams of leaning over Sara as she begs not to be sent back to the orphanage
Mrs A. gets a letter from Mr. Cosgrove saying he plans to come pick her up on Easter Saturday – suspicious as we know Mrs A. has said she already left the College
We see the letter Mademoiselle wrote to Constable Bumpher – suspicions increasing
Mr Whitehead is pruning the hydrangeas when he notices a terrible smell and goes to investigate, finding the body of Sara Waybourne with a crushed head
Mrs Appleyard got dropped off at the police station and then Mr Hussey drove her to a farm near the rock and then she walked to the rock and jumps off, impaling her head on a sharp, jutting rock
Clipping from a Melbourne newspaper, 14th February 1913
The College was destroyed by a bushfire in the summer of 1901
The ‘College mystery’ will forever remain unsolved