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the gradual reappearance of a moving object as it emerges from behind another object
Ames room
a specially constructed room where two people of the same size standing in the two back corners will look very different in height
Atmospheric perspective
a pictorial depth cue that arises from the fact that objects in the distance appear blurred and tinged with blue
Binocular cells
cells with two receptive fields, one for each eye; their main function is to match the images coming to each eye
Binocular disparity
a binocular depth cue because our two eyes are in different locations in our head and therefore have slightly different views of the world
Correspondence problem (depth perception)
the problem of determining which image in one eye matches the correct image in the other eye
Corresponding points
refers to a situation in which a point on the left retina and a point on the right retina would coincide if the two retinae were superimposed
Crossed disparity
the direction of disparity for objects closer to the viewer than the horopter (the image in the left eye is to the right of the image of the object in the right eye)
Cue approach to depth perception
the system whereby depth perception results from three sources of information, monocular cues to depth present in the image, binocular cues from the comparison of images in each eye, and cues from focusing the eyes, such as vergence and accommodation
the gradual occlusion of a moving object as it passes behind another object
double images, or seeing two copies of the same image; usually results from the images of an object having too much disparity to lead to fusion
Familiar size
the cue whereby knowing the retinal size of a familiar object at a familiar distance allows us to use that retinal size to infer distance
the region in space where the two images from an object fall on corresponding locations on the two retinae
Interocular velocity differences
the depth cue that arises when the retinal image moves faster in one eye than the other, which allows us to tell not only depth but direction
Linear perspective
the pictorial depth cue that arises from the fact that parallel lines appear to converge as they recede into the distance
Monocular depth cues
depth cues that require only one eye
Moon illusion
the illusion where the moon looks larger when it is near the horizon than it does when overhead
Motion parallax
a monocular depth cue arising from the relative velocities of objects moving across the retinae of a moving person
Motion-based cues
cues about depth that can be seen with a single eye in which the inference of distance comes from motion
Müller–Lyer illusion
the illusion where a line that has two lines going away at an angle looks longer than a line of the same length but the end lines angle back across the main line
Noncorresponding points
refers to a situation in which a point on the left retina and a point on the right retina would not coincide if the two retinae were superimposed
a visual cue that occurs when one object partially hides or obstructs the view of a second object; we infer that the hidden object is farther away from us than the object that obstructs it
Optic flow
a motion depth cue that involves the relative motion of objects as an observer moves forward or backward in a scene
Panum’s area of fusion
the region of small disparity around the horopter where the two images can be fused into a single perception
Pictorial cues
information about depth that can be inferred from a static picture
Ponzo illusion
illusion in which two identical objects are placed with one on top of the other. the top object looks further and larger while the bottom image looks closer yet smaller
Random-dot stereograms
stereograms in which the images consist of a randomly arranged set of black and white dots, with the left-eye and right-eye images arranged identically except that some of the dots are moved to the left or the right in one of the images, creating either a crossed or an uncrossed disparity
Relative height
a visual cue in which objects closer to the horizon are seen as more distant
Relative size
the fact that the more distant an object is, the smaller the image will be on the retina
a depth cue arising because an object is in front of its shadow; the angle of the shadow can provide information about how far the object is in front of the background
Size constancy
the perception of an object as having a fixed size, despite the change in the size of the visual angle that accompanies changes in distance
Size–distance invariance
the relation between perceived size and perceived distance, whereby the perceived size of an object depends on its perceived distance, and the perceived distance of an object may depend on its perceived size
the sense of depth we perceive from the visual system’s processing of the comparison of the two different images from each retina
Texture gradient
a monocular depth cue that occurs because textures become finer as they recede in the distance
Uncrossed disparity
the direction of disparity for objects that are farther from the viewer than the horopter (the image of the object in the left eye is to the left of the position of the image of the object in the right eye)
the inward bending of the eyes when looking at closer objects
Visual angle
the angle of an object relative to the observer’s eye
Zero disparity
the situation in which retinal images fall along corresponding points, which means that the object is along the horopter
Absolute distance judgment
egocentric localization; distance between self and the object
Relative distance judgment
object-relative localization; distance between one object to the next
crystalline lens changes shape to focus on objects
Eye elevation hypothesis
moving eyes upwards makes objects appear similar
Emmert’s Law
perceived size of an object having a constant visual angle is proportional to the perceived distance of the object
Human factors and ergonomics
area of psychology related to the design and engineering of equipment and systems that people use, intentionally taking into account information about how people perceive, think, and behave