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Polya’s How to Solve It List
List for problem-solving process
Simple type
non-composite data type
composite type
date type made up of multiple simple types
recursive problem
problem that can be solved by calling the same function
as data is being read into it, a counter is updated so that we always know how many data items were stored
if an array is called list we are working with:
list[0] to list[length-1] or
unsorted array
array without a specific order
sorted array
array with elements arranged in a specific order
selection sort
sorting algorithm that selects the smallest element and swaps it with the first unsorted element
insertion sort
sorting algorithm that inserts each element into its correct position in sorted subarray
quicksort algorithm
sorting algorithm that uses a splitting value to divide the array into smaller subarrays
binary search
search algorithm that finds the position of a target value in a sorted array
heterogeneous collection of items accessed by name
homogeneous collection of items accessed by index
section of code with a name that can be called from another part of the program
ability of a subprogram to call itself
information hiding
practice of hiding module details to control access
model of a complex system that includes only essential details
data abstraction
separation of logical view of data from implementation
procedural abstraction
separation of logical view of actions from implementation
control abstraction
separation of logical view of control structure from implementation
names gives to data and actions
open-source software
software with source code that is freely available to the public
rosetta stone
key to translating ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs
National Intellectual Property Rights Coordination Center
organization warning about intellectual property rights violations
using someone else’s wireless network without permission
study of fundamental questions about existence, knowledge, values, reason, and more
a set of unambiguous instructions for solving a problem of subproblem in a finite amount of time using a finite amount of data
abstract step
an algorithmic step containing unspecified details
concrete step
an algorithm step in which all details are specified
top-down design
focuses on the tasks to be done
object-oriented design
focuses on the data involved in the solution
control structure
an instruction that determines the order in which other instructions in a program are executed
The functionality of psuedocode
pseudocode serves as a bridge between human understanding and computer programming; allows developers and stakeholders to communicate and understand the logic of an algorithm without getting bogged down in specific programming language syntax
Is the statement “Enter temperature“ concrete or abstraction
it is abstract; it describes the action to be taken but doesn’t specify how the temperature is actually entered
Is “Read temperature“ concrete or abstract
concrete; it specifies a clear and specific action to be taken
Is “Determine Dress“ concrete or abstract
abstract; while it outlines the goal of the algorithm it does not provide specific details on how this determination is made
sequential search
examines each item in turn and compares it to the one we are searching for; if it matches, we have found the item; if not, we look at the next item in the array
abstract data type
a date type with specified properties and operations
the most powerful tool for managing complexity
application level
view of data within a specific problem
logical level
abstract view of data and operations to manipulate them
implementation level
specific representation of data structure and operations in a programming language
composite data type
a named collection of data values
data structures
implementation of composite data fields in an abstract data type
objects that hold and manipulated other objects
array-based implementation
container with objects kept in an array
linked-based implementation
container with objects not physically together, but linked
abstract data type with LIFO access and push/pop operations
3 everyday stack structures
stack of books, stack of trays, stack of plates
abstract data type with FIFO access and enqueue/dequeue operations
3 everyday structures that are queues
market checkout line, bus top line, print line
container of items with operations like add, remove, get next, and check for more items
structures such as lists, stacks, and queues are linear in nature; only one relationship is being modeled
3 complex relationships
Graphs, trees, databases
binary tree
linked container with a root and each node having two child nodes
binary search tree(BST)
binary tree with values satisfying a specific property
data structure with nodes and edges that relate them
undirected graph
graph with edges having no direction
directed graph(Digraph)
graph with directed edges
depth-first searching algorithm
algorithm that explores paths form a starting vertex to the deepest branch
breadth-first search
algorithm that examines vertices adjacent to the staring vertex before moving to deeper levels
subprogram statements
section of code with a name that can be used as a statement in another part of the program
value parameter
parameter that expects a copy of its argument to be passed
reference parameter
parameter that expects the address of its argument to be passed
a name given to a collection to a sequence; divide and conquer
subprogram statements
a statement that represents a section of code in another part of the program
identifiers listed in parentheses beside the subprogram declaration
identifiers listed in parentheses on the subprogram call; actual parameters
a thing or entity that makes sense within the context of the problem
problems are solved by
isolating the objects, determining their properties and actions, and letting the objects collaborate to solve a problem
a description of a group of similar objects
contain fields that represent properties and behaviors
a named algorithm that defines behavior
top-down design
decomposes problems into tasks
steps for object-oriented design
isolate, abstract, determine
4 stages to the decomposition process
brainstorming to locate possible classes, filtering duplicates, scenarios to make sure you understand, responsibility algorithms for actions that classes must exhibit
assign responsibilities to each class, knowledge, and behavior
the bundling of data and actions in a way into a single object class
responsibility algorithms
knowledge returns, actions manipulate it
CRC cards
notational device to record information about a class, what it must do, and with whom it must collaborate
translation process
a program written in a high level language must be translated into machine code
high level language
a language the proves a higher(very formal, English like) set of instructions
a program that translates a high level language(source code) into machine language
byte code
doesn’t care with it is running on
a translating program that translates and executes the statements in a sequence
the ability of a program to be run on different machines
compiler portability
a program in a standardized language can be compiled and run on any machine that has the appropriate compiler
bytecode portability
can be run on any machine that has a JVM
Java portability
portability was of primary importance, is compiled into Bytecode, a software interpreter called the JVM takes the byte code program and executes it
imperative paradigm
program describes the processing, Procedural and Object Oriented Model
Declarative paradigm
program describes the results
a procedural language with some object-oriented features
an object-oriented language with some procedural features
functional, which is based on the mathematical concept, and logic; used on principles of symbolic logic
form of lists, lots of parentheses and nested operations
followed by a series of questions, nonprocedural
functionality of a language
is power of a language, 2 parts, syntax
executing statements until an instruction is encountered that changes
deciding which action to take