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a group of like-minded people that gather to select respective leaders, set legislative agendas, developed legislation. Not officially part of the making process.
Power of the purse
the power to raise revenue (to tax), money can't be drawn from treasury without congressional approval, Congress has power to coin money
Advice and consent
allow senators to recommend or reject major presidential appointees such as cabinet secretaries or federal judges
Under the constitution, VP is the nonvoting…
President of the Senate
President Pro Tempore
held by most senior member of majority party
Takes over if VP is absent
addressed by 25th amendment
Senate Majority Leader
Chief legislature
1st the chair recognizes in debate
determines which bills reach debate floor
conductors in debate mark up bills with provisions and additions; leadership is determined by majority political party
Standing committees
permanent committee focused on a particular policy area and Confirmation hearings for Presidential hearings
Joint committees
members of both houses that addressed a long-term issue or program
Select committee
temporarily handles a particular issue/investigation and determines of further congressional action is necessary
Conference committee
meets when a bill passed by both chambers on the same topic has variation in it's wording and attempt to reconcile those differences
House rules committee
435 members (elected every two years)
Revenue bills must originate in the house
decide rules for debate
Can form a Committee of the Whole
Committee of the whole
a committee informed in the house to expedite debates on bills
Unanimous consent
senate procedure to bring bills to the floor for debate and vote
Bill’s sponsor
the member that introduces the bill assumes author authorship
those directly related to the legislation under Constitution
Non-germane amendments that are added to benefit a members own agenda to enhance the political chances of the bill
Omnibus Bill
multiple areas of law and /or addresses multiple programs
Pork barrel spending
Funding for a local project in a larger appropriation bill
Log Rolling
(combining several pieces of legislation into one bill to secure enough photos for passage) subject to clarification
a situation in which no congressional action on legislation can be taken due to lack of consensus
a representative who sees themselves as an agent of those who elected them and will be on issues based on the interest of their constituents
a representative who will vote on issues based on their OWN knowledge, beliefs, and judgment
uses a combination of trustee and delegate role conceptions
drawing of congressional districts with the intent to create undue advantage for a political party
Swing District
Those districts that can vote either way
Divided government
when one party controls the presidency and the other party controls at least one of the chambers of Congress
partisan voting
when members of congress vote based on their political party of affiliation
Lame Duck President
Outgoing politician or group politicians who continue to serve until the assumption of their elected successors
Fiscal policy
actions taken by Congress/ President to influence economic conditions and includes Keynesian and supply side positions
Expressed powers of congress
Collect taxes
COIN Money
Regulate commerce with foreign nations
Declare War
raise/support army and navy
16th amendment
Power to lay and collect taxes on income
17th amendment
the people of the state choose senator
18th amendment
19th amendment
women right to vote
14th amendment
Due process
Equal Protection
People Born In the US are US citizens
15th amendment
voting rights for men
25th amendment
order succession to the president (if President dies VP becomes President)
26th amendment
change voting age to 18
Supreme Court of the United States
Highest court
9 Justice, meet in DC
Limited original jurisdiction over some cases
Appeals jurisdiction through certiorari process
The judiciary
Constitutional: fundamental source of legal/gov authority and limits
Statutory: laws created by Congress or state legislator
Regulatory: administrative and regulatory laws created by executive agencies
Common/case laws: laws based on judicial precedent
Plaintiff: Brings charges/sues
Defendant/respondent: Answers charges
Prosecution: Gov lawyers accusing of criminal charges
Public Defenders: gov paid lawyers for charged individuals
Judicial restraint
Justices hold to precedent & defer to elected legislatures
Stare Decisis (courts/judges should honor precedent)
Apply the law, not determine the law
Judicial Activism
Development of new legal principals to preserve fundamental principal
conflicts with precedent and public policy
Warren Court
Civil rights/liberties
“most liberal court ever”
Brown v board
Rehnquist and Roberts Courts
Continues the conservative ideology
Planned parenthood v casey, Citizens united v FEC
If a bill reaches the floor for debate and a member of the minority party opposes the bill, which of the following provides greater leverage to a senator than to a member of the House to block passage of the bill?
The Senate allows for unlimited floor debate that can hold up a vote, while the House has strict limits on debate.
Baker v Carr
Unequal representation of citizens in legislative districts is unconstitutional and may be reviewed by the courts.
the facts in Shaw v Reno
redistricting to create districts with a racial minority that comprises a majority of the district’s total population was challenge under the 14th amendment
the ruling in Shaw v Reno
Racial gerrymandering can violate the 14th amendment unless it achieve a compelling state interest
Which of the following causes of the constitution cause the Supreme Court have used when deciding the Marbury V Madison case
“The judicial power shall extend to all cases, in law and equity, arising under this constitution, the laws of the state, and treaties made”
When deciding Marbury v. Madison (1803), which of the following excerpts from The Federalist No. 51 could best be used to help Chief Justice John Marshall write the argument in favor of judicial review?
"But the great security against a gradual concentration of the several powers in the same department, consists in giving to those who administer each department the necessary constitutional means and personal motives to resist encroachments of the others."
In response, many pro-life groups have organized to have the decision overturned. Which of the following represents an action that these groups are most likely to take to achieve their goal?
Become more actively involved in presidential campaigns so that presidential candidates will pledge to appoint justices who favor overturning Roe v. Wade.
On June 27, 1989, President George H.W. Bush called for the Flag Desecration Amendment, which would prohibit desecration of the American flag. Bush's comments were in response to the United States Supreme Court's 5—4 decision in Texas v. Johnson, which held that a state law banning desecration of the flag was in violation of the First Amendment. Which of the following explains why the president asked for a constitutional amendment to be passed?
A constitutional amendment would force the Supreme Court to accept the constitutionality of the anti-flag burning laws in subsequent cases.
President Eisenhower signed a proclamation mandating the use of Arkansas National Guard members and federal armed forces to enforce the decision in Brown v. Board. Which limitation on judicial power is demonstrated in this scenario?
State and local government can refuse to enforce Supreme Court decisions.
The Congress
Powers defined in Article 1
Senate and HOR
Crafts legislation
creates statutes
The house is designed to reflect
the will of the people
has the power to impeach officers, create revenue, selects pres if no candidate wins electoral college
6 year term & no term limit
Advice and Consent allows them to recommend or reject executive branch appointees
ratifies international treaties
Expressed Powers
powers not stated in the Constitution
enumerated powers: power to tax, regulate interstate commerce, declare war
Commerce Clause
27th amendment
members of Congress set their own salaries
Foreign affairs and the Military
Congress oversees the military
Congress determines $ spent on bases/has authority over base closing
Implied Powers
Necessary and Proper Clause (McCulloch v Maryland)
“one man, one vote
Baker v Carr (TN violates equal protection)
Shaw v Reno (weird shaped districts)
Standing Committees in HOR
Rules, Ways and Means, Judiciary
Ways and Means committee
responsible for reviewing all bills that would raise or lower revenue
HOR judiciary committee
responsible for beginning the process for impeachment of federal officials
Senate Standing Committees
Armed services, Foreign Relations, Judiciary
Armed Services committee
oversees issues relating to the military and Department of Defense
Foreign Relations
establish international policy
evaluate treaties
approves foreign policy appointments
Senate Judiciary committee
responsible for the initial steps in the confirmation of all federal judges
HOR Unique Powers
revenue bills
brings impeachment charges (tries)
Constitutional Structure (Judiciary Act of 1789)
Set up S.C. Justices
constitutional courts
District courts
Courts of Appeals
Federal Judges
Appointment (pres appoints w/ A&C from Senate)
Senatorial Courtesy
Blue slips
Writ of Certiorari
SCOTUS tells lower court to provide all resources for a case when petitioned for review
Amicus Curiae Brief (friend of the court)
used by interest groups with a interest in case, providing and additional legal perspective
Solicitor General
argues on behalf of U.S.
Plain text meaning (definition of terms)
Based on text, history, tradition, precedent
original intent/meaning
Judicial Restraint
justices hold to precedent
Stare Decisis (courts/judges honor precedent)
Judicial Activism
development of new legal principle to preserve fundamental principle
conflicts w/ precedent
Judicial Review
The court had the power to rule on the constitutionality of laws
discharge petition
can bring a bill out of a reluctent committee