Cell Structure and Function

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light microscopes

used to study stained or living cells

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electron microscopes

used to study detailed structures of a cell that cannot be easily seen or observed by light microscopy

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prokaryotic cell

  • smaller than eukaryotic & simpler

    • ex: bacteria & archea

  • inside of the cell is filled with cytoplasm

    • genetic material in a prokaryote = one continuous, circular DNA molecule that is found free in the cell in the nucleoid

  • cell wall composed of peptidoglycans that surrounds plasma membrane (lipid layer)

  • small ribosomes

  • some bacteria may also have flagella (used for mobility)

  • no membrane-bound organelles

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eukaryotic cell

  • ex: fungi, protists, plants, and animals

  • have many organelles

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plasma membrane

  • outer envelope of the cell

    • made up of mostly phospholipids and proteins.

  • regulates the movement of substances into and out of the cell (semipermeable)

  • many proteins are associated with the cell membrane

    • some loosely associated with the lipid bilayer (peripheral proteins) - located on the inner/outer surface of the membrane

    • others firmly bound to plasma membrane (integral proteins) - amphiatic

      • some extend all the way through the membrane (transmembrane proteins)

  • fluid-mosaic model: arrangement of phospholipids & proteins

    • adhesion proteins

    • receptor proteins

    • transport proteins

    • channel proteins

    • cell surface markers

    • carbohydrate side chains found only on the outer surface

<ul><li><p>outer envelope of the cell</p><ul><li><p>made up of mostly <strong>phospholipids and proteins.</strong></p></li></ul></li><li><p>regulates the movement of substances into and out of the cell (semipermeable)</p></li><li><p>many proteins are associated with the cell membrane</p><ul><li><p>some loosely associated with the lipid bilayer (<strong>peripheral proteins)</strong> - located on the inner/outer surface of the membrane</p></li><li><p>others firmly bound to plasma membrane (integral proteins) - amphiatic</p><ul><li><p>some extend all the way through the membrane (transmembrane proteins)</p></li></ul></li></ul></li><li><p><strong>fluid-mosaic model: </strong>arrangement of phospholipids &amp; proteins</p><ul><li><p>adhesion proteins</p></li><li><p>receptor proteins</p></li><li><p>transport proteins</p></li><li><p>channel proteins</p></li><li><p>cell surface markers</p></li><li><p>carbohydrate side chains found only on the outer surface</p></li></ul></li></ul>
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adhesion proteins

form junctions between adjacent cells

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receptor proteins

serve as docking sites for arrivals at the cell (ex: hormones)

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transport proteins

form pumps that use ATP for active transport of solutes across membrane

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channel proteins

form channels that selectively allow passage of certain ions/molecules

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cell surface markers

exposed on extracellular surface and play a role in cell recognition and adhesion (ex: glycoproteins)

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carbohydrate side chains

found only on the outer surface of the plasma membrane

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  • largest organelle in the cell

  • directs what goes on in the cell

  • responsible for the cell’s ability to reproduce (DNA - organized into chromosomes)

  • nucleolus: where rRNA is made & ribosomes are assembled

<ul><li><p>largest organelle in the cell</p></li><li><p>directs what goes on in the cell</p></li><li><p>responsible for the cell’s ability to reproduce (DNA - organized into chromosomes)</p></li><li><p><strong>nucleolus</strong>: where rRNA is made &amp; ribosomes are assembled</p></li></ul>
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  • sites of protein synthesis

  • manufacture all the proteins required by the cell or secreted by the cell

  • round structures composed of two subunits, the large subunit and the small subunit

  • composed of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and proteins

    • can be either free floating in the cell or attached to ER

<ul><li><p>sites of protein synthesis</p></li><li><p>manufacture all the proteins required by the cell or secreted by the cell</p></li><li><p>round structures composed of two subunits, the large subunit and the small subunit</p></li><li><p>composed of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and proteins</p><ul><li><p>can be either free floating in the cell or attached to ER</p></li></ul></li></ul>
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Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)

  • continuous channel that extends into many regions of the cytoplasm

  • provides mechanical support and transportation

  • rough ER compartmentalizes the cell

  • smooth ER = lacks ribosomes

    • makes lipids, hormones, and steroids and breaks down toxic chemicals

<ul><li><p>continuous channel that extends into many regions of the cytoplasm</p></li><li><p>provides mechanical support and transportation</p></li><li><p>rough ER compartmentalizes the cell</p></li><li><p>smooth ER = lacks ribosomes</p><ul><li><p>makes lipids, hormones, and steroids and breaks down toxic chemicals</p></li></ul></li></ul>
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Golgi Complex

  • after the ribosomes on rough ER have synthesized proteins, Golgi complex modifies, processes, and sorts the products

  • packaging and distribution centers for materials destined to be sent out of the cell

    • package the final products in little sacs called vesicles, which carry products to the plasma membrane

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  • power stations responsible for converting energy from organic molecules into useful energy for the cell

    • most common energy molecule in the cell is ATP

  • inner portion:

    • forms folds known as cristae

    • separates from innermost area (the matrix) from the inter-membrane space

  • outer portion:

    • separates the inter-membrane space from the cytoplasm

<ul><li><p>power stations responsible for converting energy from organic molecules into useful energy for the cell</p><ul><li><p>most common energy molecule in the cell is ATP</p></li></ul></li><li><p>inner portion:</p><ul><li><p>forms folds known as cristae</p></li><li><p>separates from innermost area (the matrix) from the inter-membrane space</p></li></ul></li><li><p>outer portion:</p><ul><li><p>separates the inter-membrane space from the cytoplasm</p></li></ul></li></ul>
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  • sacs that carry digestive enzymes

    • used to break down old, worn-out organelles, debris, or large ingested particles

  • essential during apoptosis (programmed cell death)

<ul><li><p>sacs that carry digestive enzymes</p><ul><li><p>used to break down old, worn-out organelles, debris, or large ingested particles</p></li></ul></li><li><p>essential during apoptosis (programmed cell death)</p></li></ul>
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  • fluid-filled sacs that store water, food, wastes, salts, or pigments

  • multiple functions in plant cells (larger as well)

<ul><li><p>fluid-filled sacs that store water, food, wastes, salts, or pigments</p></li><li><p>multiple functions in plant cells (larger as well)</p></li></ul>
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  • detoxify various substances, producing hydrogen peroxide as a byproduct

  • enzymes that break down hydrogen peroxide into oxygen and water

<ul><li><p>detoxify various substances, producing hydrogen peroxide as a byproduct</p></li><li><p>enzymes that break down hydrogen peroxide into oxygen and water</p></li></ul>
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  • determines the shape of this network of protein fibers

  • most important = microtubules & microfilaments

    • microtubules: participate in cellular division & movement

    • microfilaments: movement (actin monomers that can grow & shrink)

<ul><li><p>determines the shape of this network of protein fibers</p></li><li><p>most important = microtubules &amp; microfilaments</p><ul><li><p><strong>microtubules:</strong> participate in cellular division &amp; movement</p></li><li><p><strong>microfilaments: </strong>movement (actin monomers that can grow &amp; shrink)</p></li></ul></li></ul>
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Cilia & Flagella

  • locomotive properties in single-celled organisms

  • beating motion of cilia and flagella structure allows it to move

<ul><li><p>locomotive properties in single-celled organisms</p></li><li><p>beating motion of cilia and flagella structure allows it to move</p></li></ul>
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Cell Wall (plant cells)

  • made up of cellulose

  • rigid layer for support of cells outside of plasma membrane

<ul><li><p>made up of cellulose</p></li><li><p>rigid layer for support of cells outside of plasma membrane</p></li></ul>
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  • contain chlorophyll

    • gives plants green color

<ul><li><p>contain <strong>chlorophyll</strong></p><ul><li><p>gives plants green color</p></li></ul></li></ul>
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Central Vacuole (plant cells)

  • large vacuole

  • structural support

<ul><li><p>large vacuole</p></li><li><p>structural support</p></li></ul>
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Centrioles (animal cells)

  • located in the cytoplasm of animal cells near the nuclear envelope

  • organize microtubules that serve as the cell's skeletal system

  • help determine the locations of the nucleus and other organelles within the cell

<ul><li><p>located in the cytoplasm of animal cells near the <span>nuclear envelope</span></p></li><li><p><span>organize microtubules that serve as the cell's skeletal system</span></p></li><li><p><span>help determine the locations of the nucleus and other organelles within the cell</span></p></li></ul>
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Ability of molecules to move across the cell membrane depends on

  1. the semipermeability of the plasma membrane

  2. the size and charge of particles that want to get through

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water-specific channels

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Passive Transport (Simple & Facilitated Diffusion)

  • diffusion:

    • high concentration to low concentration - moves along concentration gradient

  • simple diffusion:

    • hydrophobic molecules

    • just drifts through because it’s small & non-polar

  • facilitated diffusion:

    • hydrophilic molecules usually

    • require the help of a channel-type protein

  • diffusion always = passive transport (no outside energy)

<ul><li><p>diffusion: </p><ul><li><p>high concentration to low concentration - moves along <strong>concentration gradient</strong></p></li></ul></li><li><p>simple diffusion:</p><ul><li><p>hydrophobic molecules</p></li><li><p>just drifts through because it’s small &amp; non-polar</p></li></ul></li><li><p>facilitated diffusion:</p><ul><li><p>hydrophilic molecules usually</p></li><li><p>require the help of a channel-type protein</p></li></ul></li><li><p>diffusion always = passive transport (no outside energy)</p></li></ul>
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  • still passive transport BUT the membrane is not permeable for solutes

  • PLANTS: cell wall protects against osmotic changes if it loses water — can expand & squeeze tightly against the cell wall if it takes in water

    • cell membrane can shrink away from the wall [plasmolysis]

<ul><li><p>still passive transport BUT the membrane is not permeable for solutes</p></li><li><p>PLANTS: cell wall protects against osmotic changes if it loses water — can expand &amp; squeeze tightly against the cell wall if it takes in water</p><ul><li><p>cell membrane can shrink away from the wall [plasmolysis]</p></li></ul></li></ul>
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Isotonic solution (osmosis)

solute concentration is the same inside and outside

<p>solute concentration is the same inside and outside</p>
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Hypertonic solution (osmosis)

more total dissolved solutes than the cell

<p>more total dissolved solutes than the cell</p>
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Hypotonic solution (osmosis)

less total dissolved solutes than the cell

<p>less total dissolved solutes than the cell</p>
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Water potential (Ψ)

  • measure of potential energy in water

  • describes the eagerness of water to flow from an area of high water potential to an area of low water potential

  • affected by: pressure potential (Ψp) and solute potential (Ψs)

    • adding a solute lowers the water potential of a solution — water to be less likely to leave this solution & more likely to flow into it

    • more solute molecules present, the more negative the solute potential is

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Active Transport

  • movement against the natural flow

  • some proteins in the plasma membrane are powered by ATP

  • ex: sodium-potassium pump

<ul><li><p>movement against the natural flow</p></li><li><p>some proteins in the plasma membrane are powered by ATP</p></li><li><p>ex: sodium-potassium pump</p></li></ul>
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Sodium-potassium pump

  • ushers out three sodium ions (Na+) and brings in two potassium ions (K+) across the cell membrane

  • pump depends on ATP to get ions across that would otherwise remain in regions of higher concentration

<ul><li><p>ushers out three sodium ions (Na+) and brings in two potassium ions (K+) across the cell membrane</p></li><li><p>pump depends on ATP to get ions across that would otherwise remain in regions of higher concentration</p></li></ul>
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Primary Active Transport

occurs when ATP is directly utilized to transport something

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Secondary Active Transport

occurs when something is actively transported using the energy captured from the movement of another substance flowing down its concentration gradient

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  • when the particles that want to enter a cell are just too large, the cell uses a portion of the cell membrane to engulf the substance

    • forms a pocket, pinches in, and eventually forms either a vacuole or a vesicle

  • Pinocytosis: the cell ingests liquids

  • Phagocytosis: the cell takes in solids

  • Receptor-mediated endocytosis: involves cell surface receptors that work in tandem with endocytic pits that are lined with a protein called clathrin

    • when a particle, or ligand, binds to one of these receptors, the ligand is brought into the cell by the invagination, or “folding in” of the cell membrane

    • vesicle then forms around the incoming ligand and carries it into the cell’s interior

<ul><li><p>when the particles that want to enter a cell are just too large, the cell uses a portion of the cell membrane to engulf the substance</p><ul><li><p>forms a pocket, pinches in, and eventually forms either a vacuole or a vesicle</p></li></ul></li><li><p><strong>Pinocytosis</strong>: the cell ingests liquids</p></li><li><p><strong>Phagocytosis</strong>: the cell takes in solids</p></li><li><p><strong>Receptor-mediated endocytosis:</strong> involves cell surface receptors that work in tandem with endocytic pits that are lined with a protein called clathrin</p><ul><li><p>when a particle, or ligand, binds to one of these receptors, the ligand is brought into the cell by the invagination, or “folding in” of the cell membrane</p></li><li><p>vesicle then forms around the incoming ligand and carries it into the cell’s interior</p></li></ul></li></ul>
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Bulk flow

one-way movement of fluids brought about by pressure.

  • Ex: movement of blood through a blood vessel

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diffusion of solutes across a selectively permeable membrane

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cell ejects waste products or specific secretion products

  • fusion of a vesicle with the plasma membrane, which then expels the contents into the extracellular space

  • reverse endocytosis

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