Republic government
Had two consuls who held equal power and were annually elected. The main governing body was the Senate which had 300 members.
huge farming estates that used captured slaves for labor- resulted in small farmers losing their farms and moving to Rome for jobs.
Major problems in Republic
a large gap between rich and poor
Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus
brothers who tried to redistribute land and gain public funds for the poor. Senate had them assassinated by a violent riot, but their messages carry on.
Gaius Marius
Gaius Marius and his private army, take over Rome in 87 BCE. Driven out of Rome by Lucius Cornelius Sulla.
Julius Caesar
Nephew of Gaius Marius, a military commander who conquered Gaul, and became dictator of Rome later.
Caesar’s reforms
created jobs for the unemployed, granted citizenship to many conquered people, and created a new calendar
First triumvirate
political alliance with Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus.
Slave revolt
Led by Spartacus, put down by Crassus and Pompey tries to steal credit. Crassus and Pompey are named co-consuls of Rome.
End of Triumvirate
Crassus’ army was defeated and he died in battle. Caesar conquered Gauls and achieves total Roman victory. Pompey was against the return of Caesar (crosses the Rubicon), and when Caesar return it started a civil war. Pompey flees to Egypt and is decapitated by Ptolemy XIII
was exiled from Egypt by her brother and met Julius Caesar. She became Caesar’s mistress and made political tensions worse, Caesar helps Cleopatra defeat Ptolemy XIII.
Cleopatra and Marc Antony
Allies with Antony and becomes romantically involved, they tried to take over Rome. Octavian goes to war with Antony, and Antony commits suicide after losing the battle. Cleopatra hears and commits suicide.
First emperor of Rome. Defeated Marc Antony and Cleopatra. At the time, Monarchy was disguised as a republic, there was Increased centralization of political-military power. He encouraged religion to strengthen morality.
Augustus’ reforms
Government jobs based on merit, new laws, roads, coins, and postal service, jobs for the unemployed, used a census (population count) to create a fair tax system, and civil service for Plebeians.
Pax Romana
Means Roman peace. Golden Age of Rome (200 years).
Bad emperor: Caligula
Emperor who was unpopular and ruthless. He was accused of disturbing behavior. He was murdered by members of his own Praetorian Guard.
Bad emperor: Nero
Nero was an emperor considered a tyrant and killed anyone who got in his way. He blamed Christians for the burning of Rome. He had a friend stab him.
Empire government
Ruled by an emperor that ruled for life, and passed it on to legacy. Senate had little power compared to the emperor, increased to 600 members.
Good Emperor: Hadrian
Emperor who built a wall in Britannia and another along the Rhine River. Lots of architecture was built during his time.
Fall of Western Rome Empire
476 AD
Soldiers who fought for pay.
Emperor Diocletian
divided into 2 parts (East and West) and ruled by co-emperors.
Emperor Constantine
Emperor who moved the capital to the east (Constantinople), and legalized Christianity.
Invades and attacks Western Empire
The Huns, the Goths, and the Vandals
Byzantine Empire
Name of the Eastern Roman Empire after the Western fell.
Jews who fought against Romans
Emperor Theodosius
Emperor who made Christianity the official religion of the empire.