American loans helped stimulate Germanyâs industrial growth
Industrial output grew after 1924 - however didnât reach 1913 levels until 1929
However the economy shrank in 1928 and 1929, resulted in investment in factories falling by 1929
Industrial strikes were at its lowest in 1926
Living standards
Rose as wages increased from 1924
1925, 180,000 dwellings were made to tackle the severe housing shortage in Germany (due to massive population growth), and 205,000 houses in 1926
Money was spent on welfare payments and health improvements - new relief schemes launched in 1924
Wages and striking
Strikes in German industry declined in 1924-28 due to the new system of compulsory arbitration
Both sides in an industrial dispute have an independent figure decide on a solution
However employers felt this was biased - as it was in favour of the trade unions and they resented state interference in affairs
A 1928 dispute in wages in the iron + steel industry in the Ruhr resulted in a small wage increase for these workers
Eventually spread to increases in all workers wages each year
1927 - wages rose by 9%, rose by another 12% in 1928L
Limits to economic recovery
Before his death in 1929, Stresemann stated in a speech that the âeconomic position is only flourishing on the surface
Unemployment continued to be a problem in these years
Reached over 3 million unemployed by March 1926 - due to spending cuts, companies reducing workforce to make efficiency savings
Mining companies reduced their workforce by 136,000 between 1922 and 1925
White-collar workers didnât enjoy industrial wage rises
By late 1920s industrial sector wages were level with those of middle class - sometimes exceeded them
Farmers gained very little from the economic recovery
Farmers borrowed from banks, and had to use their farms as security for the loans, when they were unable to repay the loans due to prices (and profit) falling, banks âforeclosedâ on the contract - and took over the farms and evicted farmers
Known as foreclosure
1928 - farmers initiated a series of small-scale riots - known as the âfarmers revengeâ - in protest against foreclosures and low market prices
By 1929 agricultural production was at less thn 3 quarters of pre war levels