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manorial system
-provided economic self-sufficiency and defense
-serfs labored for lords; primarily agriculturally but also as blacksmiths, winemakers, mill runners, etc
-decreased with the black death, the little ice age, and increasing urbanization
three-field system
-rotation of food crops, crops that made the soil more fertile, and an empty field
-encouraged urbanization by increasing food output
-french advisory body to the king made up of the clergy, nobility, and commoners
-financial uninvolvement from the clergy and nobility led to issues like the french revolution
otto 1
-crowned holy roman emperor in 962
lay investiture controversy
dispute over whether a secular leader could invest bishops with symbols of office
norman england
-vikings who crossed the english channel
-disliked by the anglo-saxons, who originally lived there
magna carta
document required the king to respect certain rights: right to a fair trial by jury, protection from arbitrary imprisonment, and a limitation on the taxes the king could impose
english parliament
-house of lords + house of commoners
-first representative government of england
hundred years’ war
-france v. england
-fostered a sense of unity among the soldiers, who originally thought themselves distinct groups of people but eventually considered themselves as one people
-techonological advancements; from the english longbow → gunpowder weapons
great schism
split between the roman catholic church and the orthodox church
roman catholic church
-most powerful institution in europe
-spread christianity with monasteries, acting as patrons to artists, and by providing education to the widely illiterate population
-held power over the feudal system with religion; e.g., threatened to take away church services
-extremely wealthy
eldest son inherited the entire state
-a series of european military campaigns in the middle east between 1095 and the 1200s
-1st crusade took jerusalem, and the following were almost all failures
-4th crusade, under the instructions of venice officials, raped christian cities: zara, an italian city, and then constantinople, a trade competitory to vienna
marco polo
-italian native who wrote about the court of kublai khan in bejing for the rest of europe
-fostered deep interest in asia, leading to advancements in cartography
-between nobles and peasants
-shopkeepers, merchants, craftspeople, and small landholders
european urban growth
-came about as a result of agricultural advancements, which led to an agricultural surplus, and eventually to the growth of towns and markets
-decrease in the manorial system as a result of the increase in serf bargaining power and numbers
little ice age
-climate cooling around the 1300’s
-slowed urban growth and created social unrest
anti-jewish sentiment
role of jews and muslims on europe’s economy
-jews became bankers, contributing to europe’s economic growth
-jews lived in urban areas and traded with christians and muslims, opening up contact with the muslim caliphates, which opened up access to the rest of the world (house of islam, africa, and asia), catalyzing economic growth and techonological advancements
role of women
-few women received education; none held equal status to men
-many flocked to religion, where they could become artisans and guild members
-revival of interest in greek and roman literature, art, culture, and civic virtue
-driven by the printing press, which catalyzed the spread of ideas and increased literacy rates
-saw an increase in the use of vernacular, prompting the rise of powerful monarchies, centralized governments, and nationalism
focus on individuals rather than god
southern renaissance
-supported by the RCC
-thinkers shared their radical ideas, like corruption in the church
-supported by wealthy italian families
northern renaissance
-many emphasized piety, some humanism