final covers: 3, 4, 16 - chapter 14 will not be on the final exam cuz already covered. 2 vids. small part on chapter on gender. format is same as second midterm.
the industrial revolution started in
the late 18th century
coincided with the establishment of the US as a nation state (and canada)
US established in 1776
why did these countries expand so quick? the global economic core was in europe, industrializing european countries needed new markets and territories to sell materials (inc economic expansion)
all colonies became european suppliers
european domination occured until the
early 20th century
spread of wage work and expansion of the middle classes
demographic changes in americas into 3 groups; indigenous, whites, blacks
the americas had regionalized adaptations to
globalization, slave trade played a role
asia less affected, same with india
2nd half of 19th century there is emergence of global economy. in a global economy,
markets are integrated and goods/services are exchanged at the global level
the world trade organization (WTO) emerges
regulates trade at the global level
headquarters in switzerland
globalization involved advances in shipping and electronic communications (ie amazon - which was unthinkable in 1980s. these advances had huge impact on national economies and cultures → make our lives easier but also create problems (small businesses suffer)
ie globalization: mcdonalds in Bulgaria has name in english and national language
effort to be known by people in bulgaria who cannot read english
food plays a crucial role in global culture
certain cuisine associated with certain regions (ie italian culture symbols = pizza, pasta, espresso → but now these are global culinary symbols as you can find them anywhere)
sushi restaurants all over canada, indian restaurants in london, italian restaurants in nyc)
universities are globalized (international students)
which means it largely adopts certain western norms and cultural behaviours
popular culture = expression of global culture (madonna, taylor swift)
in poland globalization was described as terrorism like
capitalism was described as a virus
capitalism = hunger, people are becoming poorer and poorer
will we have a global culture?
probs not, but all cultures will be affected
images and messages coming from global centers of economic power can be appropriated by individuals for their own requirements; ie mcdonalds in socialist china; people stayed there for 2 hours at a time as fast food concept was unthinkable cuz restaurants were where you socialize - but here it is unlikely to invite someone for sit down lunch at mcdonalds
summary: globalization generates
contradictory spaces (economic, cultural); these spaces are characterized by contestation (war), internal differentiation (class formation), continuous border crossings