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abase (v.)
to humiliate, to degrade
abate (v.)
to reduce or to lessen
abdicate (v.)
to give up a position, usually one of great power or authority
abduct (v.)
to kidnap, take by force
aberration (n.)
something that differs from what’s normal
abet (v.)
to aid, assist, encourage
abhor (v.)
to hate, detest
abide (v.)
a. to put up with; b. to remain
abject (adj.)
wretched, pitiful
abjure (v.)
to reject, renounce
abnegation (n.)
denial of comfort to oneself
abort (v.)
to give up on a half
abridge (v.)
a. to cut down, shorten; b. (adj.) shortened
abrogate (v.)
to abolish, usually by authority
abscond (v.)
to sneak away and hide
absolution (n.)
freedom from blame, guilt, sin
abstain (v.)
to freely choose not to commit an action
abstruse (adj.)
hard to comprehend
accede (v.)
to agree
accentuate (v.)
to stress, highlight
accessible (adj.)
obtainable, reachable
acclaim (n.)
high praise
accolade (n.)
high praise, special distinction
accommodating (adj.)
helpful, obliging, polite
accord (n.)
an agreement
accost (v.)
to confront verbally
accretion (n.)
slow growth in size or amount
acerbic (adj.)
biting, bitter in tone or taste
acquiesce (v.)
to agree without protesting
acrimony (n.)
anger and bitterness; harsh or biting sharpness especially of words, manner, or feelings
acumen (n.)
keen insight
acute (adj.)
a. sharp, severe; b. having keen insight
adamant (adj.)
impervious, immovable, unyielding
adept (adj.)
extremely skilled
adhere (v.)
a. to stick to something; b. to follow devoutly
admonish (v.)
to caution, criticize, reprove
adorn (v.)
to decorate
adroit (adj.)
skillful, dexterous
adulation (n.)
extreme praise
adumbrate (v.)
to sketch out in a vague way
adverse (adj.)
antagonistic, unfavorable, dangerous
advocate (v.)
to argue in favor of; (n.) a person who argues in favor
aerial (adj.)
somehow related to the air
aesthetic (adj.)
artistic, related to one’s sense of beauty
affable (adj.)
friendly, amiable
affinity (n.)
a spontaneous feeling of closeness
affluent (adj.)
rich, wealthy
affront (n.)
an insult
aggrandize (v.)
to increase or make greater
aggregate (n.)
a whole or total; (v.) to gather into a mass
aggrieved (adj.)
wronged; unhappy and angry because of unfair treatment
agile (adj.)
quick, nimble
agnostic (adj.)
doubting the existence of God
agriculture (n.)
aisle (n.)
a passageway between rows of seats
alacrity (n.)
eagerness, speed
alias (n.)
a false name or identity
allay (v.)
to soothe, ease, put to rest
allege (v.)
to assert, usually without proof
alleviate (v.)
to relieve, make more bearable
allocate (v.)
to distribute, set aside
aloof (adj.)
reserved, distant
altercation (n.)
a dispute, fight
amalgamate (v.)
to bring together, unite
ambiguous (adj.)
uncertain, variably interpretable
ambivalent (adj.)
having opposing feelings
ameliorate (v.)
to improve
amenable (adj.)
willing, compliant
amenity (n.)
an item that increases comfort
amiable (adj.)
amicable (adj.)
amorous (adj.)
showing love, particularly affectionate
amorphous (adj.)
without a fixed or definitive shape or type
anachronistic (adj.)
out of its proper time
analgesic (n.)
something that reduces pain
analogous (adj.)
similar to, so that an analogy can be drawn
anarchist (n.)
one who opposes and wants to eliminate all forms of government and law
anathema (n.)
something cursed, a detestable person
anecdote (n.)
a short, humorous account
anesthesia (n.)
a substance that causes loss of sensation
anguish (n.)
extreme sadness, torment
animated (adj.)
annex (v.)
a. to incorporate a space; (n.) a space attached to a larger space
annul (v.)
to make void or invalid
anomaly (n.)
something that does not fit into the normal order
anonymous (adj.)
being unknown, unrecognized
antagonism (n.)
antecedent (n.)
something that came before
antediluvian (adj.)
ancient; before Noah’s flood
anthology (n.)
a selected collection of writings, songs, etc.
antipathy (n.)
a strong dislike, repugnance
antiquated (adj.)
old, out of date
antiseptic (adj.)
clean, sterile
antithesis (n.)
the absolute opposite
anxiety (n.)
intense uneasiness
apathetic (adj.)
lacking concern, emotion
apathy (n.)
lack of caring, lethargy
apocryphal (adj.)
fictitious, false, wrong
appalling (adj.)
inspiring shock, horror, disgust
appease (v.)
to calm, satisfy